Today you can find out what is useful and dangerous halva during pregnancy. What is the most popular question among expectant mothers? Of course, what to eat and in what quantity, so as not to harm the health and development of the baby. In an interesting position, many women have an irresistible desire to eat not only salty, but also sweet.
How could sweets hurt earlier? Mostly extra pounds, and now some of them can harm an unborn baby. The most popular treat among pregnant women is halva. As many argue, this is a natural product and can not cause harm. It's a delusion. The famous oriental sweet halva during pregnancy can harm the development of the baby. Today you can find out the answer to a number of questions:
- why this delicacy is useful;
- what is harmful;
- what are the indications and contraindications for taking halva;
- how much you can eat it.
We suggest starting our article with general information. What is halva and what is it made of? In its standard form, it is a protein mass (seeds or nuts) with caramel or honey. However, now they are putting more and more additives (for example, vanilla, cinnamon and so on).
The following varieties of this oriental sweet are most popular:
- tahini (sesame);
- sunflower;
- nutty;
- combined;
- glazed.
Halva during pregnancy can be both harmful and beneficial. How to distinguish these species externally? Sesame has a rather strong aroma and a yellow tint. Sunflower is made from sunflower seeds. The color may be gray with a slight shade of green. Walnut sweets are most often made from walnuts, peanuts or almonds. The color of such halva can be either cream or rich yellow. Combined view combines all or part of the above. Often found with raisins. The color will depend on the products that make up the goodies. The last we highlighted glazed halva. The filling can be absolutely any, the main distinguishing feature is chocolate icing. As a rule, it is released in the form of sweets.
Now we suggest moving on to our main question: is it possible to eat halva during pregnancy?
Surely understandable without words, halva is a high-calorie product. With extreme caution, it is worth consuming halva during pregnancy in the later stages. One hundred grams of this oriental delicacy contain 5 hundred kilocalories! You should not regale it too often, because this product is easily absorbed, and you can quickly gain extra pounds imperceptibly for yourself. And this is not particularly appreciated by the doctor who leads your pregnancy.
It is also worth paying attention to the fact that halva is a very heavy food, as the fat content is high. Do not get involved in it to avoid digestive problems. Again, if you use it normally, it helps get rid of stomach problems. Below, in the section “Can it be eaten?”, We list the indications and contraindications. Before you give preference to this delicacy, read the list below.
It is important to recall that halva contains a number of vitamins and minerals necessary for mother and child:
- vitamins B, A, E, D;
- phosphorus;
- potassium;
- iron;
- calcium and so on.
Now a little more about how they affect the body of the mother and the unborn baby.
Halva during pregnancy (the benefit and harm of which we are considering) is a good measure for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it strengthens and revitalizes hair, nails and skin, as it contains phospholipids, which are a barrier to the aging of body cells.
If we consider separately sunflower halva, then it contains vitamins that are responsible for protecting the child from external adverse factors. Vitamin B9, which is best known as folic acid, is simply necessary for expectant mothers. It is prescribed in the form of tablets when planning pregnancy and in its early stages. Vitamin B9 prevents fetal malformations by renewing the genetic material of cells. In addition, the contained vitamin E has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system. He is again prescribed in the early stages of pregnancy or when planning it. This vitamin significantly increases the chances of conceiving a baby.
Halva during pregnancy should be eaten in small quantities, if there are no contraindications. Proper use of this product contributes to good digestion and uplifting.
Can it be eaten?
It is worth paying attention to the fact that this product is high-calorie. It is important to note that if halva is made according to GOST, then the following components can be found in the composition:
- sunflower seeds;
- nuts
- honey.
When buying, pay attention to the composition, if you are not allergic to the components, then you can safely buy. Let us draw your attention to the fact that the calorie content of halva and chocolate is the same, but, considering the composition of the products, we can make a logical conclusion: halva is healthier than chocolate. Give your preference to an oriental delicacy, if there are no contraindications. Now - a little about them. Indications:
- weakened immunity;
- sore skin;
- brittle nails and weak dull hair;
- the presence of female diseases.
Contraindications include the following:
- liver disease
- pancreas;
- cholecystitis;
- gallbladder disease;
- allergy;
- diabetes.
If you find at least one contraindication, then it is better not to consume halva.
Norms of consumption during pregnancy
There is such a popular sign: if a pregnant woman wants sweets, then there will be a girl. However, you need to restrain yourself a little. On average, a person eats from 50 to 100 grams of halva at a time. Can halva be used in pregnancy in such quantities? Yes, an expectant mother in the early stages of pregnancy can afford the same amount. Gradually, the amount of this delicacy should be minimized, in the last trimester it is completely better to abandon it. This is due to high calorie content. High consumption of halva promotes weight gain. Also, the use of the product in the later stages can provoke allergic reactions in the baby. Please note that halva is not recommended for use with sweet and dairy products.
Method of use
Halva during pregnancy in the early stages and in a small amount is useful to mother and baby, if you follow some rules. It can only be combined with unsweetened teas, fruits or juices. Many love to enjoy this sweetness with milk. It is absolutely impossible to do this, since both milk and halva are very fatty foods.
Pregnant women should give preference to the nut variety, as it is less calorie. Do not buy glazed halva, as it can quickly spoil your figure.