Glycine in our country is considered a fairly harmless drug. “Vitamins for the brain,” is what neuropathologists call it, actively prescribing this drug to both elderly people and very tiny children.
But wanting to understand whether to give the child glycine, the mother will find, after reading the instructions for this medicine, that this serious drug is a replaceable amino acid (that is, one that can be synthesized in the body or obtained from the outside). Glycine acts on the processes of inhibition and excitation in the brain. So is it worth taking his reception lightly?
Let's look at the reviews of specialists about this drug in more detail.
Glycine for children: reviews on the effect of the drug
In pediatrics, the widespread use of glycine is explained by the fact that all the problems with the central nervous system that occur in adults, as a rule, have origins in early childhood and infancy. And at a young age, these violations are compensated much faster and easier due to the flexibility of the children's nervous system.
Glycine reduces excitability, facilitating falling asleep, improves attention, and learning ability. It is prescribed for hyperactive children, as well as for patients who have suffered brain injuries, suffering from epilepsy, nervous tics or depression.
Glycine for children under one year of age is prescribed in case of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) suffered by the baby during childbirth or pregnancy.
By the way, the drug under discussion, unlike many others, acting on metabolism and requiring many months of administration, shows positive results even with a single use.
Is it always safe to take glycine for children: reviews
Metabolic processes in the cells - this is a very individual feature of each person. And since glycine acts primarily on them, you need to be very careful.
Indeed, judging by the action (improving attention and learning), it can be safely attributed to drugs that have not only a sedative (sedative), but also a stimulating effect. And just this effect can be very undesirable for some children. Overexcitation begins to be observed in them, neurotic symptoms appear: worsening of mood, anxiety, feeling of fear, etc.
Attentive parents must be sure to inform the attending physician about such changes in the behavior of their baby associated with taking the medicine, since no physician can predict the reaction and the features of its effect on each organism.
How to use glycine for children: reviews
Light glycine, of course, is much preferable to strong drugs that have a psychotropic effect, and therefore doctors, if necessary, are prescribed it in the first place. But note: doctors do this, not "experienced" relatives or acquaintances! Like any drug, glycine is used under the supervision of a specialist, and the dose of this drug for each patient is determined only by a neurologist or pediatrician.
Before use, the tablets are crushed into powder and collected on a finger moistened with clean water, and then they are carried out in crumbs under the tongue or on the inside of the cheek. And older children should dissolve the tablets, as indicated in the instructions. As a rule, glycine is taken one to three times a day.
To summarize, we can repeat: do not prescribe glycine on your own children! Reviews acquaintances - this is not a reason to risk the health of your child!