Intel processors are distinguished by their architecture and the high quality of the material used for production. The characteristics of the G2020 processor are proof of this.
This processor is an excellent modern example, in which there is an integrated graphics core. This add-on allows you to receive a video signal without resorting to the use of discrete graphics adapters.
In general, the processor’s task is to organize the work of the entire system, acting as a “brain”. According to the specifications, the G2020 processor is not inferior to its competitors from ATI.
General processor specifications
So, the full name of the processor model is Intel Pentium G2020. The connector that is required to connect this model to the motherboard corresponds to the 1155 form factor. According to the specifications, the G2020 processor can be used both in a standard desktop computer and in server equipment.
This processor supports protocols up to SSE version 4.2, and also has full protection against virus attacks. Energy consumption is 55 watts, and the maximum temperature level reaches 68 ° C. The Pentium G2020 processors use a special technology to reduce the amount of energy consumed and, consequently, the heat dissipated.
The G2020 processor works according to the characteristics at a frequency of almost 3 GHz - and this is only the nominal frequency. Unfortunately, it will remain so, since the Pentium G2020 is not designed to overclock frequencies. It has two cores that support the cache to the third level. Since the processor model is the second generation, it is called Ivy Bridge.
Integrated graphics core
The graphics processor is designed to display images on the screen. It can be integrated into the motherboard or into the processor. There is also the possibility of connecting a discrete video adapter, but the graphics core is already soldered in this processor.
The G2020 is an 1155 socket processor that has an integrated graphics adapter. It is known that this type of video card does not have its own supply of video memory, so they draw this resource from the stock of RAM.
The maximum amount of RAM that a processor can allocate for a graphics adapter is 1,700 megabytes. With such a supply of video memory, the processor video card can operate at a frequency of 650 MHz.
Integrated graphics cards are not able to provide maximum performance in demanding applications, as many parameters are limited by the capabilities of the processor. However, the video adapter in this model can provide work with three monitors, the resolution of which does not exceed 2560 × 1600. And this is if you connect the monitor via the DisplayPort connector. In the case of connecting via HDMI, as well as via VGA, the resolution will be reduced to 1920 × 1080.
The ability of a computer to respond to user requests depends on RAM. That is why the larger the amount of RAM, the faster the system will work, applications will start and data will be exchanged between the processor and the hard drive.
The memory type in the G2020 processor is DDR3. It can work with a frequency of RAM from 1066 to 1333 MHz. The features of the G2020 make it possible to ensure the operation of RAM in two threads. The total number of gigabytes in RAM should not exceed 32.
Options and dimensions
The Pentium G2020 processor is presented in a standard box for processors, but the cooling system is not included. Also on the box you can notice the feature of the configuration, which corresponds to the marking of OEM.
The dimensions of the processor along with protective packaging are 37 × 50 × 37 mm. The protective packaging is a transparent plastic case, thanks to which the processor is protected from damage by external factors.
CPU Usage Tips
The processor is one of the three most important components for a desktop computer, so you should approach its choice responsibly. Having carefully studied this model, you can understand which connector it has, and, based on this, choose the right motherboard. It is necessary that their parameters with respect to RAM and operating frequencies coincide, otherwise the computer simply will not work.
It is necessary to change the thermal paste in a timely manner, that is, at least once a year. Thermal grease provides a full heat sink from the processor and serves as a filling substance between the processor and the heatsink.
In the BIOS settings, you can see all the interesting parameters of the central processor and its potential for overclocking. If there is no such function, then you should not experiment, as this can lead to an overload of the chip.
The cooling system deserves special attention, since it is not included in the configuration of this processor. The choice of cooler should be based on processor parameters regarding power consumption and the amount of heat dissipated. It is advisable to take a cooler with four contacts, since an additional contact is able to provide cooling control.