Computer power supply repair: rules of work

Repairing a computer power supply is not an easy technical task, especially for beginners. Before you begin to solve the problem, you should carefully weigh your strengths and determine what will be more profitable - to troubleshoot or purchase a new device.

computer power supply repair

The computer power supply should be repaired only with full confidence that this particular element is out of order. In the event of a complex breakdown, it will be cheaper to replace the device with a new one that has similar characteristics than to repair a faulty one.

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computer power supply repair at home

This can be done by connecting to a resistance element with a volume of several kΩ or an incandescent lamp using a voltage of 220 V.

All work can be performed only after disconnecting the device from the mains. An exception may be testing for voltage measurement.

When repairing a computer power supply, you need to know the malfunctions that can be easily detected and repaired just as well. The first thing to do when getting started is to check the voltage on the purple wire, which leads to the device’s largest connector. Then it is required to check the operability of the high-voltage transformer.

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The most time-consuming elements of installation complexity are microchips and transformers. When they fail, in most cases, repair and replacement is not economically feasible; it is better to purchase a new power supply.

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