Yarn "Semenovskaya": assortment, reviews of knitting craftswomen

Now in stores, and especially on the Internet, thousands of clothing models are offered. But masters of knitting do not prefer to buy ready-made, but to create something of their own, special, in which you can put effort and soul. Yarn "Semenovskaya" was created just in order to help embody any of your imagination and do things that are impossible to purchase in any store in the world. There are many manufacturers of knitting threads and even more varieties of this seemingly unpretentious product. In particular, Semenovskaya yarn is produced at a factory in Moscow, but it is known all over the world. Why are our domestic threads so good? And are all their species equally worthy of attention? Let's get it right.

yarn Semenovskaya

Which yarn to choose?

Those who knit for a long time, buying threads, first pay attention to their quality, try them by touch, because the thread is thin, thick, soft, rough, tender, creaky and so on. Beginners, on the other hand, are most oriented toward color, wondering how the intended thing will look. Of course, this is a very important criterion for the selection of this product, which is taken into account by the manufacturers of the brand "Semenovskaya Yarn". They have thread colors from classic (white, red, black, blue) to the most subtle tones and midtones (olive, fuchsia, pistachio, dozens of others). In addition, there are threads of two or more colors at once. This is a melange yarn. But focusing only on color is wrong. Each skein has a label, and on it is written the weight, length of the threads twisted in it, their composition and even the number of knitting needles, which are preferable to knit. For example, in a 100-gram skein, a thin thread can be more than 1000 meters, and a thick one can be only about 100 meters. Accordingly, in the first case, you need thin knitting needles (no. Less, for example, two or three) or the thread will need to be folded twice or three, and in the second case, thick knitting needles (no. More, like a dozen).

Seed yarn reviews

The weight of the produced skeins can be from 50 grams to kilogram bobbins, which are taken for machine knitting. The composition of the threads is equally important when choosing . Yarn "Semenovskaya" is produced 100% natural (wool, cotton, linen), 100% artificial (acrylic, rayon, polyester) and in various proportions of natural and artificial fibers. Some prefer completely natural threads, because they are more beneficial for health, but now they also make absolutely harmless artificial fibers. In addition, if the thread contains acrylic or rayon, the product is softer and more pleasant for the skin. In addition to classic threads, there is on sale "Semenovskaya" yarn with a sparkle called "Sparkle", as well as several species designed specifically for babies.

Yarn for winter

Agree, most often they knit clothes specifically for the cold seasons. Yarn "Semenovskaya" is suitable for creating from her blouses, sweaters, hats, skirts, jackets, cardigans, even a coat. Beginners learn to knit scarves from it. The loops are always the same, the pattern is well “readable”, and the product comes out light and airy in appearance. “Semenovskaya” yarn, reviews of which are only positive, is produced under different names, and these are mainly female names - “Olga”, “Natalya”, “Lidia”, “Lada”, “Irina”, “Lisa”.

Semenovskaya yarn of color

Several species are called by the developers cute and gentle - "Birch", "Grandma's sock", "Aelita". If the threads are 100% woolen, the label says “WB”, which means “pure wool”. There are also threads in which artificial fibers make up 5% or so, and the rest can be pure camel or sheep wool. But knitters prefer to work with yarn, in which artificial and natural fibers are roughly cut in half. Then on the label should be written "", which means "wool mixture". Things from such threads turn out to be warm, as well as from natural, plus delicate, soft and durable.

Yarn for summer

For summer clothes, "Semenovskaya" yarn is also available in various versions. Customer reviews note that things from it, and it can be summer blouses, t-shirts, panama hats, sundresses, as well as household items - tablecloths, napkins, curtains, bedspreads - turn out to be airy light and beautiful. The summer line is also represented by threads from completely natural fibers (linen, bamboo, cotton), from artificial (viscose, polyester) and mixed, in which natural and artificial fibers can be combined in different percentages. The threads "Aelita", "Dubrava", "Ivushka", "Sail", "Pigtail", "Koble", "Peasant" are very popular.

Semenovskaya yarn factory shop


Love lovers of knitting "Semenovskaya" yarn. The store at the factory located in Moscow on Izmailovskaya street, house number 5, as well as branches located on Nakhimovsky Prospect, house number 26 and Polyarnaya street, house number 33, do not have time to replenish their shelves. Yarn is popular due to its qualities:

- in skeins a thread of the same thickness, without tears and knots;

- a large selection of colors;

- low price;

- things from the "Semenovskaya" yarn do not fade or stretch if washed in the appropriate mode;

- products are worn for many years without significant changes in the original form.

There are practically no comments on the quality of the yarn. Only some rolling off of finished products on the sleeves is noted.

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