Disposable overalls: description

The first overalls in the world - a strong shirt - began to be given to workers in the 17th century, during the appearance of the first manufactories in Germany and England. Owners of enterprises were forced to do this, since the factory was hired mainly by very poor people dressed in decrepit rags. This decision significantly improved the working conditions of the workers and, by the way, greatly pleased them. And how are working people dressed in Russia today? Recently, disposable overalls have become very popular in most industrial enterprises and in agriculture.

disposable coveralls

Safety and value

The goals pursued by the management of enterprises, acquiring special disposable clothing for their employees, are different, but always justified:

  1. Such protective clothing protects the skin and clothing of people from dust, acids, alkalis, paint in the workplace, and also helps to maintain cleanliness and protects against infections.
  2. The social responsibility of the employer to his subordinates is expressed in the concern for their safety and comfort, which protective clothing is able to provide. In return, the bosses will receive increased employee commitment. Surveys confirm that 80% of employees, for fear of getting dirty, do their job less efficiently.
  3. Disposable overalls help in the formation of the image of the company. The neat look of a quality suit, corporate colors and symbols will increase confidence in the company, which will positively affect the formation of the brand.

Description of models and their applications

Protective overalls, which in recent times are increasingly called simply “Casper”, in fact, is an ordinary case. Models are solid and prefabricated. As a fastener zippers are used, less often - buttons on loops. Cuffs of sleeves and legs, sometimes a belt, are equipped with elastic bands. The product is supplemented with a hood or protection in the form of a high collar. There are disposable overalls with pockets, which is sometimes very convenient. The density of the material is 15-160 g / m 2 , and this determines what field of activity it is intended for.

Casper disposable overalls

Areas of use:

  • medical industry;
  • Scientific research;
  • food production;
  • construction;
  • Agriculture;
  • automotive and repair.

Benefits of Disposable Protection Suits

Casper disposable overalls possess qualities that will condition comfort and ensure safety at the workplace:

  • Convenience: the availability of standard sizes allows you to choose a thing individually.
  • Durability and reliability: suits are resistant to mechanical damage and chemicals, prevent dust from entering.
  • Waterproof: drops of water flow down the surface without penetrating inside.
  • Unlike ordinary fabrics, they have no pile.
  • Air exchange: eliminate the greenhouse effect.

Disposable Spunbond Jumpsuits

Spunbond is a technology by which non-woven material is created . Continuous filaments are separated from the polymer melt through durable forms (fillers) and laid on canvas. Depending on what method the threads are fixed to each other, the area where this material (heat-bonded or needle-punched) will be applied depends on. In the creation of one-time clothing for industry, the needle-punched version was most popular due to its strength.

disposable spunbond overalls

Advantages of the spunbond:

  • not felt on the body;
  • long does not lose its properties;
  • does not accumulate static electricity ;
  • does not get wet;
  • immune to temperature extremes;
  • It allows air to pass through, but is protected from penetration of paint, alkali, and acid.

Materials: table of indicators of protection

Protective clothing must successfully cope with dust, spray paints, shavings, chemicals. Therefore, it is important to choose the right fabric from which it is made. Disposable overalls "Casper", they are often called K-3, are made from various non-woven compositions.

Spunbond NonwovenProtection against industrial and domestic pollution, dust, aerosols

SMMS nonwoven laminate

The same as spunbond, plus, increased protection against fine aerosols, antimicrobial effect
Laminated material spanbondIncreased protection, including from acid, alkali, oils and other aggressive substances
Composite Super Diffusion MaterialThe same as the laminated spunbond, plus an increased degree of breathability: it is comfortable to work in it for a long time

Disposable overalls for paint work

The painter or operator of the spray booth needs additional protection. Spraying and drying of paint, work with solvents - features of the process that are associated with a risk to human health. One-time clothing will not allow chemicals to get on the worker’s skin or ruin his suit. At the same time, it protects the painted surface from villi or other small specks.

disposable coveralls for paint work

The value of clothing for clean production facilities (NWP)

Dust and microparticles of dirt seep from the outside, are produced by equipment, but most of the pollution that interferes with many high-tech processes is carried by a person. This figure reaches 80%. Therefore, clothing when working in NWP serves as a kind of filter between a person and devices, substances.

disposable jumpsuits for cleanrooms

The specifics of work in many areas of human activity requires the use of disposable overalls for cleanrooms without fail. They are one of the constituent components of the “purity technology” in microelectronics, optics, laser technology, instrument making, automotive, pharmaceuticals, medicine and other fields.

In conclusion: why "Casper"?

Protective work clothes are available in different colors, but most often it is used white. People dressed in light disposable overalls with hoods on their heads remind of ghosts from afar. And the most famous of them is Casper - the hero of the eponymous popular cartoon.

disposable coveralls

The nickname was so successful that it took root and became the second name of the protective suit made of spunbond.

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