The best mixture for a premature baby: review, features, types and reviews

Every mom wants her baby to be born on time and healthy. But there are situations when a baby is born prematurely. In this case, the mother needs to make every effort so that her baby will gain strength as quickly as possible and in all respects be equal to the little ones born on time. An important question in this situation is at first glance very simple: how to choose a mixture for a premature baby?

Feed carefully

The systems and functions of the body of a premature newborn are still immature. This is especially true of the digestive system. Therefore, artificially feeding a baby born earlier than the deadline is permissible exclusively in the absence and intolerance of mother's milk. For such crumbs, the mixtures with which they can be fed differ significantly in such parameters: their caloric content is increased, the amount of easily digestible protein is also high, as is the amount of easily digestible fat (SCT). Also, it is for such kids that carbohydrate adaptation is used: maltodextrin and glucose are added, and the lactose content is lowered. In such mixtures, the amount of vitamins D, C and E. is increased.

We take into account the weight of the peanut

When choosing a mixture, an important point should be taken into account: if a premature baby has a mass of less than 1.8 kg, then until this weight is reached, it should be fed with Nutrilon Pre 0 and Similac Special Care products.

mixture for a premature baby

Any other mixture for a premature baby is recommended to be used when the baby's weight exceeds the mark of 1.8 kg and until the weight of three kilograms is gained. And when this mark is reached, the peanut can be transferred to a mixture for full-term babies.

What you should pay attention to caring mothers

Some mothers are sure that if you transfer the baby to the mixture, all problems will be solved by themselves, without any effort on their part. But breast milk is a kind of medicine, taking which the baby is being treated, his immunity is strengthened. That is why it is necessary to keep this particular type of feeding as long as possible. It is forbidden to breast-feed a child only if the mother has a rare hereditary disease - leucinosis, galactosemia, phenylketonuria. These ailments can transform the metabolism in such a way that the components of milk cease to be processed normally, and, on the contrary, begin to produce toxins that will negatively affect the development and brain of the baby. In this case, it is necessary to choose a special diet, in which there is a restriction of certain carbohydrates and amino acids.

mixture for premature and small babies

Therapeutic infant formulas are all the same medicines and they should be used only as prescribed by the doctor and exclusively under his supervision. Many of them too restrict the baby’s nutrition, and in all respects it can’t be called full-fledged. Therefore, the term of their application must be selected from a reasonable point of view. It is also important that the cost of medicinal mixtures is too high, and it is very difficult to find them.

Premature baby and baby who weighs little

Particular attention is paid to weight gain and the overall development of premature babies and toddlers with low weight. Therefore, the mixture for premature and small babies should be qualitatively different from the nutrition of ordinary peanuts. The difference should be present in the protein component of the mixture, because it is he who is most needed by the baby.

formula for premature babies

That is why in a situation where a mother cannot feed her baby with breast milk, he is prescribed special mixtures necessary for him - nulevok. It can also be a mixture for premature and small babies. Reviews mothers contain words of gratitude to the manufacturers, because often thanks to such mixtures, babies gain the necessary weight and receive all the nutrients. Especially warm words are intended for the “Similak” mixture, in which there are a lot of the same nutrients as in breast milk. There are prebiotics necessary for the proper development of intestinal microflora.

Mixture Content

In such mixtures, the necessary proteins for the baby are contained in larger quantities. This has been achieved with whey proteins. That is how premature babies should eat . Nutrition with the mixture in this situation should be carried out with special attention. Premature and lightweight babies are slightly more susceptible to the influence of the external environment, they are slightly weaker than the rest of the little ones.

premature infant formula reviews

In order for the kids to better absorb the mixture, fat molecules are also specially selected. Carbohydrates are added to the mixture in the form of dextrins and lactose, so that the food is better absorbed by the baby. Taurine, which is of great importance for the formation of the nervous system, and balanced minerals are also added to this. Manufacturers, naming such mixtures, add the prefix PRE or the number “0”: “Humana 0”, “Pre NAS”, “Friso-pre”, “Pre-Nutrilon”.

Special approach

Premature babies, as well as those crumbs that were born on time, but with very low weight (up to 2.5 kg), need special nutrition and care. Naturally, the best nutrition for them will be breast milk. Nature has very wisely disposed of: it is in the mothers of such children that it is slightly different in composition: it contains more trace elements and vitamins necessary for the child; fatty acids that are not synthesized are also present.

premature infants

It happens that breastfeeding is impossible for some reason. Then you should immediately choose a mixture for a premature baby or little baby - a special one that is developed exclusively for the needs of babies who have not gained the necessary weight, and premature infants.

PRE Nutrilon and Nan PRE

For an example of good nutrition for babies, consider these two mixtures.

So, the mixture for the premature baby "PRE Nutilon." Satisfies the needs of babies in energy and nutrients. The mixture can ensure the accumulation of nutrients at the same rate as during intrauterine development - in the third trimester of pregnancy. On the still immature metabolic systems of crumbs, it exerts the most minimal load. PRE Nutilon milk formula for premature babies is intended for baby babies until they reach a weight of 3-3.5 kilograms.

mixture for premature and small babies reviews

Other useful mixtures for premature babies, reviews of which are mostly positive (you can read them both in print and from personal conversations from mothers), have been successfully tested by many parents. The greatest number of kind words can be heard about Nan PRE. Moms say that to the taste (the kids really like it) the mixture is not too sweet and not fresh, and in composition (and in this case, especially for such crumbs, this is the most important) it is very high quality. The manufacturer always takes into account the age-related characteristics and needs of the baby. Children always eat a mixture with an appetite, almost never refusing the offered food. It is very well absorbed by small consumers. And for mothers there is a certain convenience: a spoon can be put on special sides of the can, therefore it is not necessary (as in the application of other mixtures) to climb hands into the can to scoop it for cooking.

The above mixtures are used for premature babies and babies with low weight. They contain a modern fatty component with two acids - docosahexaenoic and arachidonic - which are simply necessary for the peanut for intellectual and psychomotor development, for the central nervous system and the formation of the function of vision. The mixtures contain a unique protein complex in which a very high content of whey protein (70%); it is very easy to digest and is able to meet the increased needs of premature babies.

How to choose the right mixture for the baby?

The choice of a mixture for artificial feeding the baby should be approached very carefully, only after the baby is examined by the pediatrician and consulted. Of course, the best mix for premature babies is the one their parents choose. All of them should know the principles according to which they need to choose food for the baby:

  1. An exclusively adapted mixture is suitable for newborns toddlers, because it is most similar to breast milk in composition, is better digested and absorbed by the baby.
  2. When choosing a mixture, attention should be paid to age recommendations, that is, it should fully correspond to the age and weight of the baby.
  3. If the toddler has health problems or digestion, parents should choose specialized or therapeutic mixtures.
    the best mix for premature babies

  4. Ignoring the numerous commercials, we must study the composition of the mixture we buy ourselves. It is better to choose one that does not have rapeseed or palm oil.
  5. Particular attention must be paid to the shelf life of the mixture being purchased.
  6. After starting to use the mixture, the mother should track the reaction of the child's body to a new food. If there are digestive problems or allergies, you should immediately go to the pediatrician for an appointment. Perhaps, in this case, the mixture did not fit the baby and needs to be replaced.

In general, no matter what food parents choose for their baby, the main thing is that it does not harm the child. But a healthy baby is the main thing!

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