Как снять пароль с Excel-файла: несколько простых методов

Situations when users create documents in the form of spreadsheets and protect them with a password are quite common. This is necessary so that the formulas are not modified or are simply not visible. Many people begin to think about how to remove the password from the Excel file or remove the protection. The following are some of the simplest methods that allow you to perform such operations in just a couple of minutes.

Excel, ?

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how to remove password from excel file

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. Excel, , , ? .

Excel- ?

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remove password from excel file

, . . Excel-? . .

, , Excel-. , .

, XML. «» « …», ( Password), ( Ctrl+S).

, XLSX, (WinRAR, 7-Zip) .

remove protection from excel file knowing password

Worksheets, XML (Sheet1, Sheet2 ..). . sheetProtection, , «<sheetprtotection» ="" «="">». , . .

, , Excel-, Password Remover.

how to remove password from excel file

( Excel, ). , VBA- , , Straxx. , . , . , , , .

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