Many gamers love Blue Byte games. Which is not surprising - almost every strategy of this company becomes a real hit. And "Anno 1404", the passage of which may take the player for many weeks, is no exception. The toy turned out to be really successful, reinforcing the success of the already popular series. Therefore, telling a little about the passage of the game "Anno 1404" will not be superfluous.
The plot of the game takes the gamer back to 1404. It is not easy to live in Europe at this time, and it is even more difficult to be a good leader. But the game Anno 1404 begins just with the fact that the gamer receives an appointment to the post of ruler of a small settlement. We must try to develop it, providing residents with everything necessary, at the same time fulfilling various orders from allies and superiors.
For example, you need to help Lord Richard Norberg - the treasurer of the empire. The fact is that the emperor is sick, and his cousin (he is Norberg) plans to build a chic cathedral, where ordinary people can come to pray for the health of the ruler.
And then Cardinal Lucius decided to arrange another crusade, sending the crusaders to pacify the Saracens in the wild sands of the East - Guy Forkas will become the leader, and he also needs support. And this is only the very beginning! Then everything will be even more serious. There will be new characters who will need to be helped to cope with various tasks. Therefore, get ready for a really exciting adventure - there is no other way to name the passage "Anno 1404"! Let's talk about the most important primary quests in the game.
"Symbol of faith"
The game begins with the appointment of a player as the governor of a settlement on a small island.
The quest "The Keeper of the Imperial Seal" is as simple as possible - you just need to click on the ship near the marina, marked with a yellow star, then listen to the speech and get a reward due for the assignment.
Home Hearth is another fairly simple task. You just need to build 3 simple huts to increase the population of the settlement.
Religion is already a more difficult task. The inhabitants of the island are sorely lacking religious zeal - there is nowhere to pray, confess, and repent of sins. Therefore, you need to build a chapel on the island as soon as possible. For this, a minimum of 90 people must live in the settlement. The chapel should be located so that in the zone of its influence there were at least 8 houses.
"The most important building material" is a task that will help you better understand the mechanics of the game. To get enough wood, the player must build two lumberjack huts. Moreover, they need to be built closer to the trees so that you do not have to go far for material.
Assistance to the Starving is also aimed at exploring the game. To provide residents with the necessary products, build a fisherman’s hut in a suitable place - this will dramatically reduce the problem of hunger in the settlement.
"Wood for the Imperial Cathedral" - everything is simple here. It is necessary to accumulate 10 tons of wood and agree to give them for construction. The reward is 1000 coins, which is very good, and our own ship!
“Navigation” - Lord Northberg wanted to give us a box of valuable cargo, but he was lost during the storm. Have to swim in the sea and find him.
"Fish to the table" - you need to feed the builders of the cathedral. Accumulate 10 tons of fish, load onto the ship and send to the island of our patron Lord Northberg.
“Worthy conclusion” - here you have to work as a messenger. It's quite simple - pick up the stone elements for the cathedral in one place and unload in another.
This concludes the first chapter of the game.
"Under the sign of the cross"
The game begins with the arrival of the crusader army on a neighboring island. We'll have to help their leader Guy Forkas in every possible way - without this, passing the Anno 1404 is impossible.
"Supply of Christ's troops" - Forkas requires 15 tons of fish and 3 tons of apple cider for the needs of the army. There will be no problems with fish, but the cider farm, like apple orchards for raw materials, will have to be built from scratch.
"Covered Market" - everything is simple here. It is necessary to build a covered market at a decent distance from the existing one in order to cover a large territory.
"Ambassador of war" - you need to deliver a letter from Guy Forkas to an island located in the northern part of the map - here he is waiting for the girl-knight Marie d'Artois. On the way, you can read the letter out of curiosity.
“In a new robe” - now Forkas demands to prepare 5 tons of clothes from a good linen. We will have to build a weaving workshop and plant hemp fields - they will provide the workshop with quality raw materials. But the building will be available only when 15 citizens appear in the city - before that, the inhabitants were peasants. They will have to improve one of the houses or give people more supplies (fish, cider) so that they do it themselves.
"Bandage and spear" - you need to deliver on the ship a chest with weapons from point A to point B - they are highlighted if you mouse over the task icon.
"Salvation of the drowning" - our friend Marie sailed on a ship that flew into the reefs near our island. Urgent help! We load 10 tons of wood onto the ship and deliver it to her ship so that the sailors can close the gap on board.
"Cable Car" - Forkas will not calm down. Now he asks for 3 tons of ropes. We are also building a cable workshop - since the raw materials in the form of hemp are already available in sufficient quantities.
"Search for the cleric" - we are going to the island where the priest brother Hilary lives. We build an office here and pick up the clergyman, deliver him to Forkas.
"Departure to the Promised Land"
Now you need to provide the crusaders with the necessary supplies for travel. After all, the passage of "Anno 1404" in the era of the Crusades is necessary. Therefore, you can not be lazy!
"Port for the Crusaders" - everything is simple here. It is only necessary to build a shipyard - accumulate supplies (if necessary - reduce costs by peasants) and erect a building.
“Construction has begun” - load 2 tons of tools and 3 timber on board the ship. Send him to Port Sacral Island and build an office here.
“Port Authority's Office” - Forkas requires the construction of the port's head office. For this you need a stone. We are building a quarry on the island from where brother Hilary was taken. When resources are accumulated, we build the required building.
"Transport ship" - you need to increase the fleet in order to manage to timely transfer goods between the islands.
“Food for thousands of people” - you just need to improve the office at Port Sacral. To do this, 4 tons of stone, 3 tools and 2 wood.
"Final preparations" - for storage of goods it is necessary to erect four warehouses on the Port of Sacral. For each building, stock 4 tons of stone and 16 wood and tools.
"Shining Iron" - Forkas demands to deliver him iron. We are building a mine at Hagenberg. Here we build a coal miner's hut and a blast furnace. We accumulate resources and give to the customer.
“Safety is above all” - we are building a repair crane at Port Sacral to repair the ship Marie, which again damaged the ship in a hurry. Needless to say, the Anno 1404 card has many places where a girl can ditch a ship.
"Missing children"
Slavers abducted a large group of children. Urgently need to stop them!
"From fire to fire" is a difficult task. First, we build a covered market near the monastery and pave the way. Brother Hilarius talks about the ships of the slave traders. We chase them on the ship and find the wreckage and part of the surviving children in the middle of the sea. We save them all.
"Improvement" - due to the last storm, the ships decently battered. Need to get a repair crane. To do this, the island should have 355 citizens.
“Request for help” - we are delivering a gift from Lord Northberg to the settlement of Al-Zahira, establishing diplomatic relations with foreigners. After that, it will be possible to build new buildings from the Nomads tab.
"Misfortune at sea" - we produce 3 tons of ropes and take the ship to Al-Zahir, stuck in the middle of the sea.
"The Road to Karim" - we begin the colonization of the island in the west of the lands of Al-Zahir according to a familiar pattern.
“Hand washes” - a local resident Karim asks to build 10 houses, a goat farm, a bazaar and a date plantation. We carry out the task.
“Life with taste” - we are building a building for the production of spices on the new island.
“Following the corsair’s trail” - we get a tip on the pirate ships. We sail there and find a ship with captive children on board.
“Help of Al-Zahir” - we accumulate 5 tons of weapons and deliver it to Al-Zahir, we get a boarding team.
“On board” - we capture the ship we noticed earlier, release the children.
"A Sound of Thunder"
It is necessary to help Al-Zahir, who was in a difficult position. Yes, the secrets of “Anno 1404” are quite numerous, and there are enough unexpected twists.
"Help for Al-Zahir" - you need to produce 8 tons of leather camisoles and deliver them to the eastern ally.
"Eyewitness Testimony" - we deliver the report of Al-Zahir about the atrocities of the crusaders of Forkas Marie d'Artois. Alas, she will not believe the message.
“Refugee Support” - in order to feed the refugees, Al-Zahir asks to bring 10 tons of milk and as many dates. The whole island will be given as a reward!
"Suspicious wreckage" - we search the ship for a section of the sea, finding the log of the captain.
"Journal" - to decrypt you will need the help of an expert - a friend of Al-Zahir. And he asks for paper and indigo. For paper production at Anno 1404, patricians are needed - at least 940 people. And for indigo - 295 nomads.
“Debris on the Pearl Reef” - search the sea and find two more shipwreck sites. We take valuable finds.
“The End of the Crusade” - we deliver information to Marie, using the white flag to prevent the ships of Forkas from attacking. A smart girl will quickly understand what's what, and get out of the war.
Cardinal Lucius is not enthusiastic about the act of Marie - he considers her a traitor. Will have to help her.
"The Last Bastion" - we are rapidly developing the economy. We are building a covered market, new fisherman’s huts, two hemp plantations, lumberjack huts and quarries - a lot of resources will be needed for a protracted war.
"Baptism of fire" - we throw troops into battle and try to defeat the enemy troops. The fortress does not need to be protected - it is immortal.
Iron Reserve - Marie asks to build two workshops for the production of military vehicles - they will come in handy in battle against a dangerous enemy.
"Divine vision" - we beat off the second wave of the enemy. Perhaps this will destroy some valuable buildings. They will need to be rebuilt in a safer place.
“Eyes of the Enemy” - Cardinal Lucius realized that you won’t be taken in a fair fight. Therefore, he decides to use spies - they can be recognized by the blue glow. Catch the three to find out further plans of the enemy.
"Masked Man"
The war with Lucius is not over - many cities in Anno 1404 are still in danger!
"Eastern sweets" - we are building a date plantation in the village of Diyya.
“Help from Above” - we are expanding the production of milk in Diy and accumulate 15 tons. He will have to give the witch Hekate for a bottle with the message of the Lord.
“Brave plan” - we hand over the bottle to Izmir, who can decrypt the message. We find out the location of Lord Northberg. To produce the card, you need 6 tons of indigo and 5 paper.
Volunteers — Demos are needed to save the lord from the Assassin prison. We develop the village of Diyya to get them.
"Liberation" - save the lord from prison with the help of demolition. We improve the fortress, turning it into an office.
"Finally free!" - Al-Rashid, indignant at the damage to the fortress by an ally, requires materials for its repair. It will take 20 tons of mosaic and the same amount of clay.
"Last Hope" - we are looking for witches who know a prescription for a medicine that can heal the emperor. We catch up with the ship with the thief who stole the scroll with the recipe.
"Hope for the emperor?" - we get the necessary ingredients (black pearl and a phial with four juice) and deliver them to Hecate. Perhaps the finished medicine will help to heal the emperor.
Pillars of Justice
The last chapter, to which the gamer already knows perfectly how to play "Anno 1404", having understood all the intricacies.
"Building race" - you need to build a cathedral. But this is not a quick matter - you will have to complete several intermediate tasks.
"Racing over time" - it will take a lot of resources for the construction, which will be headed by Lord Northberg - 400 tons of tools and 240 timber.
"Race against time-2" - for the construction of walls you need 500 tons of tools and 750 stones.
"Race against time-3" - installation of stained-glass windows. Stock up to 800 tons of tools and 400 glass. If necessary, develop production - otherwise it will not be possible to meet deadlines.
"The End of the Cardinal" - we gather all our forces and prepare to repulse the attack of the cardinal's ships. Soon, the emperor’s fleet with the ruler at the head will come to the rescue. This is the last chapter in Anno 1404. This is where the game ends successfully.
Tricks in the game
Some players often use cheats in Anno 1404. Thanks to them, you can greatly simplify the passage. True, the level of pleasure from the game can seriously decrease - it is important not to win at all costs, but to cope honestly. But still, sometimes the codes in "Anno 1404" may be useful.
For example, 10 gems can be obtained if you name the ship one of the following names: Discovery, Gotham, Hispaniola, U-96, Nautilus.
You can also get stones by naming your city BonanzaCreek.
The same award is provided for players who play on the 11th of the 11th month at 11:11 - a very interesting idea!
By changing the date on the computer before the game, you can also get 10 gems. These dates are April 14, March 15, February 16, and January 17.
As you can see, the cheats in "Anno 1404" are few in number, but quite original and interesting.
Supplement "Venice"
Quite popular among fans of the game enjoys the addition of "Venice".
As the name implies, the plot is twisted around the city of Venice. This is a powerful neighbor from whom you can receive various tasks, as well as trade with him. Thanks to the addition of "Venice", the passage of "Anno 1404" will drag on for many hours - because there are 15 completely new missions. And also there is a multiplayer mode for joint game in real time.