Castor oil. Application

Castor oil is used in modern medicine and cosmetology. In addition, it is known that it was sometimes used to stimulate labor. Today, scientists suggest that the reason for this is the laxative property of castor oil. For example, a pregnant woman took a certain amount of this drug, which had a strong laxative effect. This in turn led to a contraction of the intestines and stimulated the uterus. However, at present, doctors have a negative attitude to such actions. They argue that the expectant mother may begin very severe vomiting and diarrhea, which will lead to dehydration of her body. As a result of such use, there simply will not remain forces on labor activity. Therefore, expectant mothers during pregnancy should not drink castor oil.

In general, castor oil is made from a medicinal plant. Its name is "castor bean." It is worth noting that this plant is very toxic. People learned how to eliminate poison and get ricinoleic acid rich oil. As already mentioned above, castor oil was used to stimulate childbirth, in medical care and cosmetology.

Castor oil is made in two ways. These are cold and hot methods. The oil obtained in the first way is of high quality. It is a safe product. It absorbs very well and does not form a film after it dries.

Castor oil. Application

This remedy is taken for poisoning. However, castor oil should not be used for poisoning with phosphorus, benzene or phenol. An excellent effect for hemorrhoids gives this drug. Its use during a cold or a beginning cough promotes a speedy recovery. For example, with a cold, you need to grind the chest of a sick person with a mixture of one spoon of turpentine and two tablespoons of castor oil. It should be noted that the oil must be heated.

Castor oil is included in the composition of the ointment known to everyone as Vishnevsky. It is used to treat ulcers, burns, wounds. In addition, it is in the treatment of severe burns that the oil has a fairly high efficiency. It is often used in the treatment of cuts and small abrasions, applying the product to any area with a bird feather. If the navel of a newborn baby does not heal for a long time, castor oil is applied to it twice a day. The use of this product is not limited to these examples.

Castor oil. Contraindications

There are practically no contraindications for the use of this oil. However, it should not be used in childhood up to a year and during pregnancy.

Ricinoleic acid, which contains a large amount of castor oil, has a softening effect. That is why it is most often recommended for use in caring for dry and very sensitive skin of the face and entire body. Almost every woman knows that castor oil has a strong anti-aging property. It is included in many well-known creams and anti-wrinkle products on the face and around the eyes. Quite often, the skin of the lips crack in the cold or in the hot season. You can get rid of this problem with the help of castor oil. To do this, mix three parts of common petroleum jelly and one part of this substance. The mixture needs to be warmed up a little, and then applied to the lips.

Castor oil helps in lightening freckles and age spots. It is recommended two to five times a day to apply it to these areas. For best effect, you can mix castor oil with sea buckthorn.

Everyone can learn more about the properties of this wonderful product. There is a special literature in which it is described in detail how castor oil is obtained ; the use of this substance in medicine and cosmetology is also covered in them. In addition, you can find a lot of useful information if you enter "Castor oil, application" in the browser search bar.

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