Massage roller - an effective tool for relaxing clamped muscles and overloaded joints. When eliminating pain, professional masseurs resort to the technique of direct pressure on problem areas. The same effect can be obtained using a massage roller for the back, arms, legs, hips.
Soft roller
Soft massage rolls have a low density. The surface of products in this category is elastic and flexes well under finger pressure. The soft massage roller is primarily suitable for users who suffer from overstrain of the calf and tibial muscles.
When practicing with an elastic roll, you should perform slow, measured movements. During the massage, actions that cause severe pain in problem areas should be avoided, since such an approach to the use of the device can lead to even more muscle tightness.
In general, a soft massage roller can be the optimal solution for the elderly. Similar devices are also suitable for athletes with low body weight.
Medium Hard Roller
Such a massage roll has moderate rigidity. Its surface is quite difficult to push with the touch of a finger.
Means of medium hardness are recommended for people who first resort to self-massage. They are universal and therefore suitable for working out any muscle groups.
Hard massage roller
Rigid fixtures have the highest density. When fingers are pressed, their surface does not deflect.
Massage rolls in this category look like a suitable option for users who already have experience in operating such products. Rigid rollers are also suitable for people who have great body weight. Pay attention to such funds is recommended for experienced athletes with an impressive amount of muscle mass.
Corrugated massage rollers
Products of this category are suitable for working out almost all muscle groups, starting from the back and ending with the feet. Such rolls are most effective when massaging large muscles. Thanks to special grooves on the surface of the roller, deep tissue stimulation occurs, lymph flow is activated, and normal blood circulation is restored. All this contributes to the removal of pain, the rapid removal of toxic substances from the body.
Corrugated foot roll is especially effective. At the same time, it is recommended to use it extremely carefully for the study of the spinal area. The protruding grooves can exert excessive pressure on the vertebrae, which can lead to their displacement and cause new pain.
Massage ball
The device is used to accentuate the pressing of the so-called trigger points, which are the focus of pain. Small-sized balls are used for deep impact on fabrics. The latter are suitable for massage of the legs, shoulders, buttocks.
Massage ball of a large size allows for less intense study of muscle mass. The device is most effective when it is necessary to eliminate pain in the quadriceps and biceps of the thigh.
If we talk about unloading the spine, the most practical tool here is the so-called Duoball, presented in the form of elastic balls connected to each other. During the self-massage session, each ball delicately works out the muscles located along the spine.
The twin massage ball perfectly straightens the back, stimulates deep tissues, which contributes to their quick relaxation. Naturally, for this you can use a regular foam roller. However, in this case, the massage will be more superficial.
There are several options for twin balls for self-massage. Large balls are designed to study the thoracic and lumbar spine. Small appliances - for the cervical area.
Selection tips
In order to choose a suitable roll for self-massage, it is recommended to proceed from your own physical needs. First of all, it is necessary to decide whether a universal device or a tool is needed for an accented study of specific muscle groups.
Professional athletes should focus on the level of rigidity of the massage rollers, since their density should correspond to the characteristics of the training cycle. The best option for serious athletes is to buy one of the most suitable foam rolls, massage balls and duoballs.
In general, in order to determine the best tool for self-massage, it is enough to outline for yourself several solutions that are suitable for the price, and test them directly in the store. This approach will allow you to choose the most practical, useful and effective tool, the purchase of which does not hit the wallet.