Dreaming of a French Bulldog? Do you know that they are among the five most painful breeds? Its main ailment is allergic reactions.
Allergies in French bulldogs occur for various reasons: poor food, pollen of flowering plants, shampoo.
Types of allergies in bulldogs
It is written above that the disease is provoked by numerous irritants surrounding the dog. The main types of allergies in French bulldogs look like this:
Some views are understandable, others raise numerous questions. We offer to talk about each form separately and in more detail. Let's start with the notorious food allergic reaction.
Food allergy
How to choose food for French allergy bulldogs? Before you think about this issue, it is worth finding out which products provoke its occurrence.
Pets - great lovers of delicious food. Many representatives of the breed do not perceive certain types of protein found in the following products:
Chicken meat. Chicken is a known allergen, despite its low fat content and easy digestibility.
The eggs. They must be present in the dog's diet, it is recommended to give a boiled chicken egg once a week. This causes bewilderment among the owners: on the one hand, the product causes allergies in French bulldogs, on the other hand, they need it. When offering an egg to a pet, carefully monitor its reaction. If redness occurs in the ears or muzzle, the product is removed from the dog menu.
Sour-milk products. Contrary to the opinion of their usefulness, kefir, cottage cheese and ryazhenka are prohibited in the diet of French bulldogs.
Yeast and soy. The latter product is not very useful for people, what to say about dogs.
Red vegetables and fruits, this includes tomatoes and apples.
Vegetable oils and fish oil.
As we can see, the list of products is extensive. Due to a small fraction, an allergy can occur in a French bulldog, than to feed him then? Prefer super-premium dry food or holistic. By the way, information for new owners: food allergies are cumulative. A dog can eat some product for six months and feel great, and then become covered with red ulcers.
For medication
Did your pet need antibiotic treatment? Please see preparations containing substances prohibited for the breed. They cause allergies in French bulldogs, up to Quincke edema.
Brewer's yeast.
Chloral Hydrate.
Vitamin B1.
Chemical allergy
It refers to skin reactions to shampoos and soap. Bathing a pet is carried out only with hypoallergenic products. Under the ban all types of children's and adult hygiene products.
Imagine, an allergy in French bulldogs can occur on themselves. It sounds like nonsense, but it is a fact. If a pet has autoimmune diseases, then the body produces substances that irritate its skin. From what has been written, we can conclude that there is a serious malfunction in the work of the dog's body. A visit to a veterinarian is necessary, only he can establish the correct diagnosis and give recommendations on how to treat allergies in a French bulldog.
On the hair or dandruff of the owner
Another strange type of allergy that raises many questions. Is it possible to write at all? Alas, yes, judging by the reviews of experienced owners of the "French".
In case of allergies to hair, epithelial particles and dandruff of the owners, it is worth restricting communication with the dog. Do not be discouraged ahead of time, it is about not letting your pet in your bed and making smaller hugs with him.
External symptoms
How is allergy manifested in French bulldogs? Its presence is judged by external signs and changes in the behavior of the dog. The signs are as follows:
persistent problems with the ears, redness and rashes on them;
the presence of mucus in excrement;
bubbling in the abdomen, colic, frequent gas with a very strong unpleasant odor;
regular nausea and vomiting of bile;
the appearance of red sores on the skin of the dog;
persistent itching in the inguinal region of the animal;
hot pink skin color;
yellow dandruff, unpleasant odor from a pet.
Behavioral changes
How to understand that a French bulldog puppy is allergic to anything? External signs are described above, here we consider behavioral changes.
A puppy or adult dog is constantly nervous.
The animal becomes irritable, snarls when touched, or dodges an outstretched hand.
The pet is constantly itching, licking disturbing places.
In some cases, the “Frenchman” shakes his head, as if a foreign object had gotten into his ears, which the dog wants to get rid of.
How to treat a pet?
How to treat allergies in a French bulldog, a veterinarian will tell. This subsection is given as general information, any independent treatment of the animal is strictly prohibited. It can lead to disastrous consequences, even death.
To begin with, a diagnosis is made, an irritant is found that causes an allergy. After that, the allergen is removed, the dog is given antihistamines.
The easiest way to treat allergies in a French bulldog is a mixture of Sinaflan (human ointment, sold in any pharmacy) with a baby cream. Breeders of the "French" claim that this method can save the animal from the most severe dermatitis.
The bark on the ears and muzzle is dried with a solution of furatsilina, the ulcers on the body are lubricated with ordinary green.
Food Allergy Treatment
What should owners do when they find food allergies in French bulldogs? Be sure to follow the instructions of the veterinarian, do not engage in independent treatment, remove the product - an allergen. Before readers, a list of rules that must be observed when a pet has a food allergy:
Provide the dog with a diet prescribed by a veterinarian. Most often, it requires removing protein from the diet.
For the period of the diet it is forbidden to pamper the dog. Pampering means treats, chewing toys and various vitamins not prescribed by the doctor.
Is your pet prescribed antipruritic and antifungal drugs? Be sure to apply them for the required period.
Exclude medicines that are not included in the veterinarian’s statement.
When the dog is on a natural diet, the diet includes rice and boiled beef.
If the animal eats dry food, the veterinarian will prescribe the one that the dog needs during the diet.
As a rule, dietary restrictions are prescribed for 10-14 weeks, depending on the severity of the allergic reaction.
Types of hypoallergenic feed
Dear French Bulldog Owners! We strongly recommend that you feed your pets only super-premium products or holistic. The latter will be ideal, it is suitable for dogs prone to allergic reactions.
The best feeds are “Akana” and “Grandorf”, verified by numerous owners of the “French”.
Preventative measures
We found out what provokes an allergy in a French bulldog (representative of the breed in the photo below). Now we learn how to avoid its occurrence and protect the pet.
It all starts with maintaining a clean house. Regular wet cleaning and dusting will help protect your pet from an allergic reaction.
As for food allergies, preventive measures, according to many veterinarians, will be a periodic diet of rice and beef. In the case when the French bulldog is on a natural diet, the diet is carried out every two to three months. In order to prevent toxins from accumulating in the liver of the pet, he is given a Karsila tablet once a day.
The main menu of the "Frenchman" is as follows:
Non-greasy meat with veins. The exception is chicken and other birds, they cause allergies in French bulldogs, as described above. The product is pre-frozen for at least three days. Then it is thawed at room temperature, cut into small pieces, scalded with boiling water and given to the dog. Boiled meat is not welcome, only in raw form. The daily norm is 200-300 grams, depending on the weight of the bulldog.
Sea fish, like meat, are frozen. Then it is thawed, thoroughly cleaned of scales and bones, cut into small pieces. You can give fish no more than 4 times a week.
Boiled chicken eggs are given once a week, the number does not exceed one piece. When feeding the product, closely monitor the external reactions of the French bulldog.
Boil offal a little before treating them to a dog.
Rice and buckwheat are subjected to heat treatment.
Vegetables are given in small quantities, well boiled. Ideally, they are mixed with meat or fish.
With regard to dairy products, the opinions of breeders and owners of the "French" differ. Some argue that once a week you can give kefir or cottage cheese to dogs, while others are categorically against it. We recommend checking with the breeder if he gave milk or not when buying a pet.
After reading the article, is there a desire to acquire a French bulldog? Well, the choice is yours: the dog is capricious, requires careful selection of the diet and appropriate care. If an allergy occurs, the treatment will cost a round sum.
Having got a representative of the breed, remember about his tendency to numerous diseases, take care of your pet. Forever forbid him to beg for pieces at the table, and for the household to treat the dog. Carefully monitor the cleanliness of the apartment, follow the simple rules written above, and the dog will delight you for a long time.