Many young mothers at some point become interested in the question - how to introduce complementary foods to the baby correctly under conditions of breastfeeding? They begin to do this according to several schemes, while far from all of them are correct. Feeding according to an outdated and traditional pattern, recommended so far by some specialists and the older generation, has been recognized as harmful for children under one year old. At the moment, it is determined by the advice of the World Health Organization and pediatric standards that should be followed for the development and growth of the child. In this article, we will consider the sequence of introducing foods in complementary foods during breastfeeding.
The timing of the introduction of the first complementary foods
It is worth noting that you should not listen to your parents in this matter. During the existence of the USSR, the norms for the introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding were very different from modern ones. The timing of a child’s acquaintance with food is now significantly changed. The early introduction of cereals, juices, vegetable purees, was several decades ago justified only for babies who were on artificial feeding due to the inferior composition of the mixtures.
The need to get out of maternity leave to work contributed to the transfer of babies to milk substitutes that are not saturated with the necessary minerals and vitamins, thereby early introduction of complementary foods made it possible to slightly compensate for the micronutrient deficiency in children. It was popular to use fruit juices at 2 months, from three months - cereals and mashed vegetables.
Today's experts say: such complementary foods at the age of immaturity of the body brings the baby only harm. The composition of a woman’s milk is so rich and complete that it provides the baby up to 6 months with all the necessary substances, while substitute mixtures do not require additions. The rules for introducing complementary foods during breastfeeding at an early age are considered irrelevant and erroneous.
What is the danger of introducing food to a baby up to 6 months?
After birth, up to six months, the digestive system only begins to function. The baby’s digestive tract can process breast milk, as well as fluids that are close in composition. Other products require enzymes for digestion, while the digestive organs of the baby are not capable of this yet, and compounds unfamiliar to the body, at best, leave the intestine undigested. At worst, new food can harm a baby, especially newborns and infants.
In addition, the composition of the new food is able to irritate the intestinal and gastric mucosa, thereby creating favorable conditions for the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases. The components that enter the young body are perceived as foreign agents, and also increase the susceptibility of the immune system, disrupt the intestinal microflora, and cause allergic reactions that manifest in the form of skin dermatitis. Even microdoses of new food can contribute to the development of such negative reactions.
Children feeding table
Special schedules and schemes have been developed to correctly organize the beginning of complementary foods during breastfeeding. Depending on the characteristics of the child, country traditions, climatic conditions, they may slightly change: for example, in products for the first year of life in tropical countries you can see various exotic fruits and vegetables for us: oranges, mangoes, sweet potatoes.
Nutrition for children in Russia includes products that are familiar to our body and popular in the middle lane. Children "get acquainted" with the various components of fruits and vegetables during fetal development, thereby reducing the likelihood of allergic reactions. All babies are given complementary foods from six months.
Breastfeeding scheme:
Calendar age of the baby | Products |
6 months | Monocomponent vegetable puree from cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli, carrots (carrots and pumpkin are last introduced). |
Seven months | Dairy-free monocomponent cereals on the water: rice, buckwheat, corn. |
8 months | Meat purees from rabbit, turkey, beef, veal, chicken, lamb. Egg yolk. Monopure potatoes, as well as in combination with various meat components. |
9 months | Sour-milk products: cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir. |
10 months | Slices of fruit in nibbler or fruit puree: pear, apple, prune puree. |
The choice of a product from a list of similar ones (for example, cereals) should be carried out after the recommendations of a specialist or based on observations of the baby. Beginning complementary feeding with cereals during breastfeeding, it is necessary to take into account the fact that rice porridge is the lowest allergenic, at the same time it fixes feces, thereby can complicate the process of bowel movement in a child. But prune puree has the ability to soften the contents of the intestines, thereby facilitating the process of defecation. But it should not be given to babies prone to loose stools.
Modern rules for the introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding suggest that when a child reaches a certain age, he should not begin to eat the foods listed in the table above. It all depends on the reaction of the crumbs, the availability of food and the recommendations of the pediatrician, while 1-2 types of the recommended age group are administered.
What, how much and when?
There are general rules for the introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding:
- products are always entered in turn;
- complementary foods begin when a certain age is reached, as well as if there are basic signs of readiness: the appearance of a child’s nutritional interest, the disappearance of an expelling tongue reflex;
- in the first months, only one group of products is introduced in 30 days;
- within a week, adaptation to the product is evaluated;
- an increase in the volume of food to the norm in accordance with age is carried out slowly, increasing the volume in 7-10 days;
- the first portion is a maximum of 5 ml of mashed potatoes;
- cereals or mashed potatoes are offered to the baby for lunch;
- the question of how to maintain breastfeeding with the introduction of complementary foods is irrelevant, since complementary foods supplement, rather than replace, the woman’s milk.
For six-month-old children, in most cases, the 1st group of products is monocomponent vegetable puree. Sometimes with a weight deficit, on the recommendation of a pediatrician, cereal cereals may be the products of first choice.
In a crushed form, vegetables are selected in accordance with the minimum likelihood of allergies. In general, this procedure is recommended for the introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding: mashed squash, then cauliflower, then broccoli, carrots and pumpkins.
Bright orange vegetables (pumpkin, carrots) are always introduced at the end of acquaintance with vegetables due to the high probability of allergic reactions. Carrots, being a carotene-rich vegetable, are included in the menu a maximum of three times a week, otherwise it will probably accumulate excessively in the tissues, manifested externally by yellowing of the skin of the feet and hands of the child.
Feeding a baby at 7 months
When planning the introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding, it should be borne in mind that many cereal cereals have gluten in their composition - a protein that can cause allergic reactions, as well as provoke the development of celiac disease - a pathology of the small intestine. In order to avoid this, babies under 1 year old can only eat cereals from gluten-free cereals. Because of this, confectionery (drying, cookies, bagels), wheat flour bread are not recommended.
Corn, buckwheat and rice are classified as gluten-free cereals, it is this diet of cereals that is offered to crumbs. No need to try to diversify the menu with other types of cereals, it will not bring benefits, and may even harm health.
Semolina porridge, beloved by the older generation, delighting parents with the absence of the need to grind the product and the "thin" structure, also applies to gluten. In addition, experts in it do not see absolutely any benefit for babies - in its composition there are almost only solid carbohydrates, almost no useful substances and vitamins. She, filling the stomach, saturates, but this completes her action.
Feeding babies at 8 months
With the onset of 8 months and the normal introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding in the form of cereals and vegetables, they begin to familiarize the child with other products. During this period, egg yolk (without protein) is introduced, as it is a supplier of valuable nutrients, all kinds of meat, which contains essential amino acids and protein, and potatoes are a new vegetable.
When choosing yolks, preference should be given to quail eggs, since they cause much less allergic reactions and are more useful. Initially, they start with tiny pieces of boiled yolk, while rubbing it with breast milk in case the baby is not yet able to use them in their pure form.
After the beginning of feeding, with breastfeeding with the yolk, as well as the absence of allergies, they give a second time a half of quail or a quarter of chicken yolk. It is worth considering that a double amount (quail and half a chicken yolk) is the maximum amount for a baby of 8 months. Upon successful introduction, the yolk can be added to vegetable soups, morning porridge.
Similarly to other products, meat puree is also introduced - from a maximum of 5 g, gradually increasing to the age norm. Meat of the first choice is rabbit meat and turkey, as these are the least allergenic species. Then they introduce beef, veal, lamb meat and chicken.
Homemade Meat Puree
The best way to cook mashed meat for a child yourself is as follows: you need to form meatballs from minced meat that would correspond to 1 portion by weight, then they need to be boiled and frozen. When preparing dinner, add the meatball to the vegetables, and also cook steamed together or in boiling water. Then the resulting mixture is mashed, after which the baby is fed.
This method helps to preserve the nutritional value of the product, as well as the least energy-consuming, since it does not allow meatballs to stick together when frozen.
Sour milk products in 9 months
Despite the huge number of different fermented milk products in stores, the introduction of complementary foods for breastfeeding at 9 months begins with kefir and cottage cheese. The introduction of such products is carried out gradually, the complementary foods are suspended if necessary, starting from the minimum volume after a few days.
Curd for feeding is best chosen for children, with the absence of additives and a delicate structure. It is just necessary to grind the grain, and at the same time you need to be sure when purchasing the correctness of the creation technology, composition and storage conditions of the product: trusting only high-quality products from reputable manufacturers and studying the label first.
It is also better to purchase a special kefir suitable for children, but in this case you can take a simple one, the main thing is natural and fresh, with a short shelf life (up to 5 days), without additives.
Feeding babies at 10 months
Fruits are introduced late enough due to the presence of fruit acids in them, which act irritatingly on the gastrointestinal mucosa. The baby still receives the main part of the vitamins from an artificial mixture or breast milk, therefore, it does not make sense to introduce juices, berries or fruits into the feed before the specified time, in addition, this can lead to digestive diseases.
Let's see what kind of fruit can be given to the baby? To begin with, you should make a choice in favor of low-allergenic, growing in your area of residence. So, for the middle zone of our country choose green pears and apples. If the child already has many teeth, then you should not limit yourself to pureed fruits, but under the supervision and carefully offer slices of pears and apples, you can use the nibbler.
Feed introduction problems
It should be borne in mind that with the introduction of a new product, you should monitor the baby's reaction to food in the process (pushing food out with the tongue, failures), and also after. If the child is worried, in the behavior the signs show discomfort in the abdomen, there are stool disorders (constipation, altered consistency, liquefaction of feces), spots, an allergic rash, a new product should be abandoned for a couple of months.
Self-made lure or from a jar?
These two types of nutrition have their drawbacks and advantages. The mashed pots in jars, created industrially, almost do not contain fiber fibers that can be an allergenic factor. At home manufacture, they should be removed somewhat energy-consuming.
It is good to take ready meals with you, since it can be stored closed for a long time, and does not deteriorate on the road. But you need to pay attention to the shelf life, brand and reaction of the baby.
Flavoring additives
The baby is born with a completely “pure” taste, which is not familiar with salt, sweeteners, spices. And if something seems tasteless to an adult, it suits the composition of the child’s body optimally, do not overload it with additional salt or glucose. It is not necessary to add, add spices and oil, to sweeten the child’s food.
Pediatric and pedagogical feeding
WE reviewed pediatric infant feeding guidelines. Also, some parents and specialists may advise a “natural”, pedagogical form of enrichment of children's diets. This scheme differs from the one proposed above; there are no product introduction schedules or norms. Experts believe that this type of baby’s nutrition refers more to the “entertainment” of parents. It may not be complete for a small organism.
Breastfeeding: reviews
Of course, as in any other issue, the introduction of complementary foods is a topic for much debate. And if experts agree, then young parents tend to collect information on the Internet, mix everything up and sweat to express their dissatisfaction with both the method of introducing complementary foods and their pediatrician. Judging by the positive reviews, we can say for sure - follow the recommendations of your doctor, carefully monitor your baby, stop panic, and everything will be wonderful!