English Bulldog - a strong, stocky dog, considered a symbol of Great Britain. Due to its complaisant nature, it is very popular among domestic dog breeders. And his unusual appearance attracts the eyes of casual passers-by. In today's publication, we will tell you what English bulldogs look like and how much they live.
Historical reference
Representatives of this breed were bred in the UK several centuries ago. They are direct descendants of Old English bulldogs used to bull bulls. This bloody entertainment was especially popular until 1835. After the ban on trawling animals, the number of these dogs began to decline rapidly and they were on the verge of extinction.
In order to save at least some part of the existing herd, the dogs began to cross with representatives of other breeds. As a result of such mating, smaller, short-faced dogs were born. In time, bulldog clubs appeared in Britain. Thanks to their work, it was possible not only to revive the population of these dogs, but also to improve the characteristic features of the exterior. Those who do not know how many English bulldogs live will be interested in the fact that a dog named Kibi, born in the 70s of the XIX century, is considered the ancestor of all modern representatives of this breed. Once these animals were used as bodyguards and watchmen at farms. But today they have turned into excellent companions, everywhere accompanying their owners.
English Bulldogs are powerful, stocky dogs with a massive head, wide chest and short limbs. Despite their relatively small stature, they give the impression of strong, self-confident animals. Depending on the sex, the height of the representatives of this breed ranges from 35-40 cm, and the weight is about 22-23 kg. Those who want to find out how English bulldogs look and how many years live, it will be useful to find out that a characteristic feature of these dogs is their gait. They move in a waddle and a little sideways.
A massive short-faced head with a curved lower jaw is covered with numerous skin folds. On a square skull with a flat forehead and a large nose and wide nostrils there are small round eyes, covered with eyelids, and small ears turned back.
Strong muscular limbs are located under the compact body with a slightly raised lower back. Moreover, the front is a little shorter than the rear. Because to people who first saw such a dog, it may seem that she crouched for a jump. The whole body of such an animal is covered with smooth, tight-fitting wool of a plain, tiger or two-tone color. The standard allowed white, red, fawn and red shades.
Behavioral Features
Despite its frightening appearance, the English bulldog, the description of the breed and character of which is difficult to put in a few short lines, is an obedient, calm and phlegmatic dog. He is endowed with a restrained and balanced disposition, which allows him to become an excellent companion. The bulldog is very devoted to its owner and gets along well with other pets.
He will play with children with equal pleasure and just lie on the couch. For this dog it is extremely important to feel the love and care of the owner. People who want to understand how long an English bulldog lives at home should remember that inattention on the part of a person can cause him to become bored and hurt from longing. And this will greatly reduce his already short century.
Representatives of this breed do not feel hostility to outsiders. As for the protective qualities, then they all manifest themselves in different ways. Some bulldogs scare away strangers with a formidable bark, others are absolutely indifferent to their appearance on their territory.
Training and training
Those who plan to have a puppy of this breed, but first want to learn not only about the nature and exterior features, but also about how many English bulldogs live, need to remember that this figure also depends on the upbringing of the dog. Since an uncontrolled dog can not only fall under the wheels of a car or be poisoned by scattered poison, but also get serious injuries during a fight with his relatives. To prevent this from happening, you must necessarily train your four-legged ward. Moreover, it is advisable to do this as early as possible.
When the puppy gets comfortable in a new place and begins to respond to his nickname, new teams should be gradually introduced. In addition, the dog must be trained on a leash and collar. By the age of one year, your bulldog should clearly carry out all the basic commands, including “Fu”, “To Me” and “Next”. This will allow you to control his behavior and protect him from the dangers that await him on the streets of the metropolis.
Care Tips
The conditions of detention also determine how many bulldogs live . American, English and French varieties of these dogs are not adapted for living in aviaries. Due to the special structure of the skull, they do not tolerate heat, and short hair does not provide full protection from the cold, therefore it is better to keep them in a warm house with the possibility of regular walking.
As for care, it comes down to a systematic combing out of the dog with a stiff brush and daily rubbing of the folds on the face. Neglect of this procedure can provoke the development of infection and the appearance of irritation. It’s not necessary to bathe such a dog too often. And it is advisable to do this using special shampoos. It is also important to clean the ears of the animal in a timely manner and cut off the overgrown claws.
Feeding Features
This section will also be useful to potential owners of English and French bulldogs. How many boys and girls of these breeds live at home also depends on nutrition. It must be balanced and complete. Poor food adversely affects the health of the animal and shortens its already short life.
If you decide to give your Englishman industrial dry food, then let it be super premium class products, released by a trusted manufacturer. Those who chose the so-called naturalk need to realize that the basis of such a diet should be meat (lamb, beef or poultry). Also in this case, it is necessary to include rice, buckwheat, vegetables, cottage cheese, eggs, kefir, yogurt, offal and low-fat sea fish in the menu of your ward.
It is strictly forbidden to treat the dog with tubular bones, chocolate, pastry, sweets, smoked meats, pickles and legumes. It is important to exclude citrus fruits, onions, river fish, fried and fatty foods from the dog’s diet.
Now it's time to talk about how many English bulldogs live. All directories indicate that this figure is 10-12 years. But in practice, the lifespan of these dogs may be slightly lower, since they are susceptible to a number of pedigree diseases.
Due to the brachycephalic structure of the skull, they are prone to problems with the respiratory system. They are often diagnosed with respiratory diseases. The British are also predisposed to flatulence, heat stroke, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cystitis, prostatitis, candidiasis and oncology. They often reveal diseases of the cardiovascular system, demodicosis and weeping eczema.
English Bulldogs are phlegmatic dogs with an unusual appearance that attracts the attention of others. They are endowed with a truly aristocratic character and excellent learning ability. These dogs easily adapt to life in urban environments and are unpretentious in everything related to nutrition and care.
For those who carefully studied all the information about this breed and decided to have such a puppy, we recommend contacting a professional breeder or in the nursery of English Bulldogs. Because only in this way will you be sure of the authenticity of all documents and the breed of the selected dog.