Learning how to print double quotes - an overview of ways

Double quotes are often used when writing texts. They can occur in the design of quotes, jargon, new or outdated words and more. Writing quotes manually does not cause any trouble. If we are talking about printing the corresponding characters on the keyboard, some difficulties are not excluded. Next, all possible scenarios will be presented. Double quotes can be put even by a student.

Keyboard - Method 1

Is it possible to find double quotes on the keyboard? Yes, therefore, the implementation of the task sometimes causes a minimum of trouble.

The user will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Go to a text editor and place the cursor in the right place.
  2. Put the layout in Russian.
  3. Click on "Shift" and on button 2. This is a control located above the alphabet.

The actions taken will lead to the printing of quotes, "Christmas trees." In some text editors, the method helps create double comma quotes.

Double quotes on the keyboard

Keyboard - Method 2

How to put double quotes on the keyboard? The second approach is the use of a specialized button on the keyboard panel when typing English text.

The algorithm of actions under such circumstances will be as follows:

  1. Switch to typing in English.
  2. Press Shift + E.

That's all. Now it’s clear how quickly and without any problems using the keyboard to put double quotes. These are far from all possible scenarios. What else can you offer users?

Decimal codes

For example, some people prefer to work with a variety of numeric codes. With their help, users are able to insert any Windows characters.

How to print double quotes on a computer?

In order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary:

  1. Activate the "Nam Lock" mode on the computer. Without it, you can forget about the reception.
  2. Clamp any "Alt" on the keyboard panel.
  3. Dial the decimal code responsible for the appearance of a character. It is called an ASCII code. Possible combinations are presented below.
  4. Look at the result of processing the operation.

As practice shows, this technique works with almost all possible characters. The main problem of using the method is finding out alt codes.

Here are the combinations used for double quotes:

  • 0171 and 0187 - "Christmas trees";
  • 8222 and 8220 - commas (option 1);
  • 8223 and 8221 - commas (option 2);
  • 0034 - double universal.

Unicode and character input

The next scenario is working with Unicode. When processing specialized codes, they will be converted to one or another character.

How to make double quotes on the keyboard? You can use hexadecimal character codes. To do this, you need:

  1. Go to a text editor.
  2. Put the cursor identifier in the place of the intended sign printing.
  3. Type Unicode, responsible for the appearance of a character.
  4. Hold Alt + Ch.

As already mentioned, the main problem is getting Unicode to process this or that request.

By analogy with the previous list of codes, you can use the following "Unicode":

  1. 00AB and 00BB - "Christmas trees";
  2. 201E and 201C - commas (option 1);
  3. 201F and 201D - commas (option 2);
  4. 0022 - universal doubles.

This is a pretty attractive solution. Double quotes with Unicode are inserted into text documents in a few seconds. With this method, the possible handouts do not end.

Printing double quotes in Word

Word Features and Symbols

For example, you can give preference to the toolkit "Word". The text editor has a separate list of special characters. It proposes to find the sign that interests us.

Guidance on the application of the method has the following interpretation:

  1. Go into Word and in the upper part of the window expand the menu item "Insert".
  2. Move the cursor to the line with the inscription "Symbol" and click on the left mouse button.
  3. Find quotes of one type or another in the menu that appears.
  4. Double-click LMB while the cursor is on a thumbnail of a character.

As soon as the last step is completed, the selected character appears in the text. It can be double quotes or any other character. For example, check marks or the Greek alphabet.

Alternative approach

It’s hard to believe, but that’s not all. If desired, users can resort to an alternative solution to the problem. Double quotes are placed using the Windows services.

To achieve the desired result, you need:

  1. Find the Symbol Table service on the computer.
  2. Open the corresponding menu.
  3. Find quotes in the window that appears and double-click on the corresponding field.
  4. Click on the "Copy" button.

Now you can open the test document and insert one or another symbol into it. In our case, these are double quotes.

Double quotes in the character table

That's all. This technique is not very common in practice, but you should not forget about it. Usually, users who do not work in Word resort to it.

How to put double quotes on the keyboard? The answer to this question will no longer make you think. We got acquainted with all possible tricks that help to solve the task. Now everyone is able to choose the most favorable deal for themselves.

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