How to choose a suitable extension cord for headphones

While walking around the city it is not always pleasant to “enjoy” the noise of cars, screaming and the general noise. Many solve this problem with headphones and favorite music on a mobile phone or player. But very often accessories

Headphone extension cord

for smartphones have a short cord. This is not very convenient, especially during sports. In addition, there is no way to set the device aside. Tall people also suffer from such problems. But there is a solution. It’s enough to buy a suitable extension cord for headphones.

Such accessories are sold in almost any electronics store. But they all have different prices, as well as technical specifications and parameters. How to choose the right model so as not to be disappointed in the future?

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headphone extension

Headphone extension cords should be bought exclusively at trusted retail outlets where a sales receipt is issued . In this case, the money will not be wasted. If there is a marriage or some kind of breakdown, you have the right to demand the replacement of the purchased product with a similar one. The second option is a refund of the money spent.

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headphone extensions

Mentioned accessory must be protected from water. In addition, severe deformation of the wire, compression and tension are not allowed. Otherwise, the sound quality may change for the worse. It is advisable to use a special cover (usually comes with branded goods).

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