Receiving and sending information is real success

Any movement of a person’s thought is due to the information received, and any action is the result of a reflection of the accepted. Between perception and reaction lies the accumulated life experience, knowledge and skills: receiving and sending information is, first of all, an unconscious process. A lot of people do on a fully automatic machine.

Receiving and sending information

The connection between the unconscious and the conscious is so great that there is no doubt: everything perceived by a person, understanding what he is doing, not knowing how, puts him in even rows in his own experience and knowledge.

Receiving and sending information is important

Computer technology has reached great heights, created many promising forms of presentation and information processing algorithms , but all this still does not look the way it is established in human life.

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Storage and transmission of information

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Information processing and transmission

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Information has always been accompanied by adequate tools. Apparently, this is not from the sphere that is known, but each stage of the development of mankind had an information space and manipulation tools in it. Nobody has ever managed to manage information yet, but to influence such a process as receiving and sending information - this is done in any program (in any private sphere) without problems. There would be a desire among the parties to the process ...

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