The skin of babies is very delicate. It requires delicate care. Therefore, very few children bypass the irritation after the diaper. Sometimes a change of cosmetic product or brand of diapers is enough to solve. In all other cases, you cannot cope without the help of a pediatrician. To relieve inflammation, it is necessary to correctly identify the cause of its appearance.
Types of irritation
If you study the reviews of mothers, whose baby also suffered from the problem being studied, it becomes clear that you should not be afraid of diaper rash and other reactions that have arisen as a result of wearing a diaper. They are not a disease, this is just a temporary phenomenon, the cause of which can be clarified and eliminated. However, neglecting the situation, delaying a trip to the doctor is fraught with the fact that the disease will develop into a serious illness.
Consider the common causes of occurrence:
- Allergy.
- Contact dermatitis
- Atopic dermatitis.
- Diaper candidiasis or dermatitis.
- Prickly heat.
Remember, these reactions are very diverse, therefore, require different treatment tactics. It is important to understand that it is always better to consult a doctor. Getting a qualified consultation is much better than an independent selection of treatment tactics. After examining the irritation, an experienced doctor will prescribe treatment or tests.
If you started to solve the problem on your own, and improvement does not occur, immediately contact a pediatrician.
Irritation in a child from diapers usually occurs for a period of 4-15 months. The first signs resemble a swelling, which is accompanied by redness and rashes. Sometimes an inflamed area of the skin can itch. The baby begins to behave restlessly, acting up for no reason. Weeping manifests itself especially at times when the diaper is changed and the tissue rubs against the inflamed area.
According to the reviews of mothers and the opinion of doctors, the peak of redness and irritation under the diaper occurs at ten months of age. It is worth noting that inflammation appears only in places that are in contact with the diaper. If you notice a rash in other parts of the body, then consult a doctor immediately. This may be a sign of illness.
It often happens that irritation from the diaper is caused by the composition of the diaper. Such a reaction may occur in response to synthetic materials or perfumes.
In addition, redness can be observed not only in the buttocks, but also on the inner side of the thigh and lower abdomen. To solve this problem, it is worth reconsidering the choice of diapers. Try to buy diapers that are made from natural materials.
Before using new diapers, leave the crumbs to lie naked for several minutes. Air baths are very useful for kids at any age. After all, constantly in diapers is quite difficult.
Contact dermatitis
Such irritation from diapers in girls and boys can occur due to the use of powders and baby creams for diapers. In this case, parents should reconsider the choice of cosmetic products and follow simple rules:
- It is necessary to apply a little cream under the diaper, actively rubbing it into the delicate skin of the baby. Excess cosmetic products remaining in the form of a greasy film simply do not have time to absorb, thereby creating additional moisture.
- After applying the cream, give it time to completely absorb. And only after that put on a diaper.
- In no case do not rub the moist baby buttocks with cream. If this rule is not observed, then the product simply will not “work”, and accordingly, the baby’s delicate skin will remain without protection from irritations.
- If you notice wounds that bleed on the affected area of the skin, consult a pediatrician immediately. Such irritation should be treated as soon as possible. In such a situation, one cannot limit oneself solely to changing the cosmetic product or brand of diapers.
Atopic dermatitis
Irritation in a child from diapers can sometimes be caused by a chronic allergy. It occurs most often when the treatment is chosen incorrectly. To understand whether atopic dermatitis is really possible in crumbs by the following signs:
- Irritation lasts more than a week and does not go away.
- Changing a cosmetic product under a diaper or brand of diapers does not help.
In this case, you should not look for the reasons yourself. A competent pediatrician can easily determine the main cause of irritation. And also prescribe the right treatment tactics and recommend ointments and creams that will help cope with an unpleasant reaction on the delicate skin of the baby.
Diaper dermatitis
This type of dermatitis is not immediately manifested by irritation. Initially, on the buttocks of the child, you may notice a slight reddening, which increases over time. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that diaper dermatitis manifests itself immediately with dark crusts.
Why does it arise? Consider the main reasons:
- Poor hygiene between changing diapers.
- Very sensitive skin of the baby, which is prone to irritation even from the softest texture of the diaper.
- Steaming of the skin, which occurs when the diaper is constantly worn. Therefore, it is important to leave the baby naked for several minutes at the next diaper change.
Diaper candidiasis
Irritation under the diaper can be fungal in nature. And also be a consequence of an advanced stage of diaper dermatitis or a sharp violation of the gastrointestinal tract.
This problem is characterized by red rashes and is accompanied by itching. In addition, parents can notice a change in the stool of the baby.
It is important to note that this is a pretty serious problem. And you can’t do without the help of a doctor. Do not try to treat the baby yourself, since in the situation with diaper candidiasis this approach can only be exacerbated.
Prickly heat
Irritation from diapers in boys and girls often occurs in summer or winter. In the hot season, overheating is possible due to the high air temperature. And in the cold - due to active walks in very warm clothes.
To prevent the occurrence of prickly heat in the summer, you must:
- Every time after a walk or active games, change the diaper.
- Rinse the baby as often as possible under a shower or a stream of water throughout the day.
- Most often, leave the baby to enjoy the air baths.
To reduce the risk of sweating in the winter, you must:
- After a walk in warm clothes, bathe the baby. Thus, you wash off the sweat that has formed during an active walk from the delicate skin of the baby.
- Be sure to wear fresh diapers and clothing made from natural materials.
Choosing the right diaper
Better to prevent irritation from diapers than to treat. Give preference to diapers, which are made from natural materials. Synthetics most often cause discomfort and irritation of the delicate skin of infants. Try not to save on essentials, since then you may need additional cash costs and time for treatment.
Modern brands share diapers by weight and height of babies. However, these indicators are not enough for the right choice. In order not to make a mistake with the purchase, you should adhere to additional selection criteria:
- A suitable diaper does not press on the tummy and legs of the crumbs. But at the same time sits as tightly as possible. It is important that the diaper does not “walk” on the stomach and legs, otherwise it will create friction, which will subsequently lead to irritation.
- After removing the diaper, no trace remains on the baby’s skin.
Timely and correctly changing diapers
Every mother knows: the younger the baby, the more often he writes. This means that diapers should be changed more often. The average interval is about two hours. A newborn needs even less time between the change of the next diaper.
If the baby emptied the ventricle, then diaper replacement is needed immediately. The baby should be washed by gently wiping all the folds. Moreover, reviews do not recommend the use of wet wipes on a regular basis. Often, it is they that provoke inflammation and irritation of the delicate skin of the baby.
And remember, in no case do not wear diapers on the wet skin of the baby. Blot it well, and only then complete the change of hygiene panties.
Properly care for the skin of the baby
There are many cosmetic creams for the baby line that are used under the diaper. They contain antiseptics in the composition, as well as soothing and protective components for the skin of the baby.
It is sometimes very useful to bathe baby in baths based on herbal infusions. Chamomile and oak bark are especially good for these purposes.
Be sure to have tiny air baths. Children's skin needs breaks between diapers. Lay a diaper, let the baby lie down or crawl naked on the bed. Such procedures are very important to restore the natural balance of the skin.
How to treat diaper rash?
Severe irritation from the diaper cannot be ignored. It is necessary to start treatment immediately.
At the first stage, preventive measures are enough. If the redness does not decrease during the day, ointments should be used. According to the reviews of mothers who faced the problem under study, Bepanten proved itself to be especially good.
If diaper rash characteristic for the 2nd stage is observed in the crumbs, then a more serious approach is needed. Typically, the pediatrician recommends ordering a special solution from a pharmacy consisting of distilled water, glycerin and zinc oxide. In reviews, an ointment based on zinc called "Sudocrem" is more popular. In addition to the solution, the doctor may recommend undergoing ultraviolet irradiation of the affected area of the skin. But whether or not to agree to this procedure is up to the parents only.
If a third stage of dermatitis is found in the baby, then it should be prepared for the fact that it will be very difficult to cure irritation from diapers. Photos showing this stage show that in addition to redness, there are soaking wounds. And this is an open focus for infection.
Therefore, the use of creams and ointments is prohibited. To restore the skin, the doctor will prescribe special lotions and designate treatment tactics.
Non Prescription Drugs
Creams and ointments for special purposes are available at the pharmacy without a prescription. The most popular are zinc-based drugs. They relieve inflammation, disinfect irritated areas and contribute to the renewal of the skin.
Powder is a rather controversial drug. If used, then only after consulting a pediatrician. In many product reviews, there is a comment that talc-based powder creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the correct application schedule so as not to harm the delicate skin of the baby.
Tips & Tricks
So that irritation from the diaper does not make itself felt, it is important to follow the basic rules:
- Do not leave the baby in a dirty or wet diaper. As soon as you understand that the baby has defecated, remove the diaper immediately.
- Between the change of diapers, be sure to have a tiny air bath.
- When putting on fresh diapers, keep your baby's skin dry and clean.
- Do not wear pantyhose or pantyhose on top of the diaper that may hold moisture. This will create favorable conditions for the development of diaper rash.
- Use protective creams under the diaper.
- After removing the diaper, wash the baby with warm water, and pat your body with a soft towel.
The skin in babies is much more sensitive than in adults. However, do not rely on the advice of grandmothers and get rid of diapers. Consult a competent pediatrician to help you with advice. Do not neglect the rules for caring for newborns. Performing preventive measures, you can be sure that irritation will not affect the delicate skin of your baby.