The question of how to collect followers on Instagram worries almost every user of this messenger. It is not surprising. A large number of followers allows not only to be popular, but also to earn good money from advertising. However, for users of a social network to have an interest in a particular page, it must be filled with relevant information so that people can read posts with interest and see photos posted by the account owner.
Find the right theme for yourself
Unfortunately, already at this stage, many users make the main mistake - they try to implement a project that is interesting to a huge audience, but does not satisfy the personal desires of the page owner. Of course, photos with cats, food and naked women can look quite attractive, but in this area there are already many successful projects. Therefore, if you decide to gather a lot of followers on Instagram, then be sure to consider the factor of competition.
In addition, creating a page of this kind, in most cases a person will not have an interest in what he is doing. Its main goal is to earn more money from advertising. However, users of a social network are unlikely to subscribe to the page of an author who does not put his soul into his work. Therefore, be sure to choose for yourself such a project that you really want to do. Let it be understood only by a small audience, but subscribers will see that the author puts all his heart into the work.
Learn to process photos
To collect Instagram subscribers for free without resorting to the help of various third-party services and applications, it will be enough to attract people with quality work. The main tool for transmitting information on this social network are photos. Therefore, each account owner must be able to take beautiful pictures and process them correctly. To do this, it is best to use special programs on a personal computer that have a huge number of different functions.
Try not to follow the stamped styles that can be seen by other users. Really interesting and unusual look those pictures that are taken with the soul. Try to capture a particular picture from an unusual angle, and then apply some effects that will give it originality. Most users simply take photos on the phone, and then edit the picture using some application that has no more than 100 truly unique features.
Make a competent content plan
Once you decide on the theme of the future account and learn how to work with photos, it will not be difficult for you to collect Instagram followers without cheating. However, in order to speed up the process, it is necessary to draw up a competent content plan, in which all your moves and ideas will be clearly attributed. Try to pay as much attention as possible to this stage, since most subscribers often leave the main topic of the page, switching to something else. A content plan will avoid this.
Be sure to state your main goal and write it in capital letters. It will also be nice to leave a few words about the relevance of your project - such actions will help you learn about the weaknesses of the idea and not give up in difficult times. Do not forget that the recorded goal has tremendous power, motivating a person to achieve it. In addition, the content plan can be demonstrated to more experienced users so that they make any changes to it based on personal experience.
Work with videos
In order to collect Instagram subscribers for free and yourself, it is not always enough to post only photos. Most users are also very positive about videos on a specific topic. Therefore, learn to shoot high-quality material, apply music to it using programs, make various cuts with interesting points, and so on. If the page owner uploads at least two or three videos a week, this will noticeably attract the attention of the target audience.
In addition, do not forget that Instagram has the ability to broadcast live. Of course, such content will be especially interesting to existing subscribers, but in some cases it also helps to attract the attention of other users. Even if the owner of the page simply takes off his daily life, then this significantly increases the growth of the audience, because in the process he communicates with his viewers. Regular live broadcasts are a must for page promotion.
Add a description to the material
Each person who decided to gather a lot of followers on Instagram must be sure about the importance of the description for the photos and videos that he places. It is not enough just to add a beautiful picture to the tape - people love not only to look at the life and work of the author, but also to read his thoughts on this subject. The description should be present in any material that is laid out in the social essence, whether it be a video, story or photo. Such actions can significantly increase the popularity of the account.
In addition, do not forget that with the help of internal search, users will be able to find you in the stream by keywords that were registered under the picture or video. However, do not get too carried away with this. One or two sentences will be enough to describe what is happening. It is best to use original expressions and phrases for this, but if your imagination does not allow you to come up with something interesting, just use one of the popular quotes.
Be sure to write hashtags
The hashtags on Instagram are one of the main ways to find the necessary information. Also, users can subscribe to them by clicking only one button. Therefore, if you are racking your brains on how to collect Instagram subscribers for free, be sure to pay special attention to your hashtags. They should as briefly and in detail describe the situation that occurs in the photo or in the video. Their number, as a rule, is from 3 to 5 pieces under one record.
How to collect hashtag followers on Instagram? You just need to pick the right tag for the video or photo. Took a picture at some stadium? Be sure to include its name using the hashtag. This is necessary so that people who are looking for information about this place can quickly find such records. In addition, you can also post several hashtags in the comments on the photos. However, do this only if the mark will look natural.
Lead an active user life
Of course, your main task is to collect Instagram followers, and the instructions in our article will help you with this. However, do not forget to lead the normal life of the user, as this also significantly increases the growth of the target audience. Like, comment, subscribe to the pages of other users - do everything that members of a social network usually do. When you do this, other users pay attention to your page, so increasing the number of followers is only a matter of time.
Also here should include the regular publication of posts. Many people, having gathered a large number of subscribers, simply stop posting interesting information, and commercials only occasionally appear in the feed. Such content will be absolutely uninteresting for most visitors. If you place an advertisement on your page, be sure to dilute it with interesting information that does not contradict your content plan. Otherwise, the number of subscribers will plummet.
Use other advertising resources
Have you decided to collect a lot of Instagram followers for free? Then do not forget about the possibility of advertising on third-party resources. For example, if you have a page on the VKontakte social network, then be sure to use it to occasionally promote your Instagram account. Owners of sites and blogs can also post photos with attached links to your account. Well, for video bloggers there is nothing easier than telling your viewers about the opportunity to subscribe to the author’s Instagram and follow his life.
However, if you do not have the opportunity for independent advertising, you can use the services of other well-known bloggers or community administrators on a social network. Of course, to promote your account you will need to give a certain amount, but if you are ready to provide subscribers with a lot of interesting information, then these expenses will certainly pay off in the next few months, when you will receive increased profit from the affiliate program due to a larger number of followers.
Do not miss the agenda and challenges
Have you decided to collect followers on Instagram? In the list of popular recommendations, you can also find information that a fairly good audience growth is provided by various flash mobs and challenges that are held on a social network almost every week. Such events can be not only very exciting and fun, but also quite profitable for account owners. If you can get on the lists of the first people who launched such an event, then the audience growth will be huge.
It is also recommended that you regularly follow the agenda so that you are always up to date with what information is relevant. If you decide to create a business account, be sure to post information on the fall of stocks from certain companies on it, monitor the gold exchange rate, publish posts about finances and so on. If you doubt that an event will be difficult for ordinary users to find, you can attach it to some holiday or scandal: "The dollar depreciation on February 23!" - something like that.
Hold contests and giveaways
How to collect Instagram subscribers for free to a new user of a social network? Try to arrange among the target audience any draw of an interesting little thing that was lying around at your place. Such actions help to achieve a fairly quick promotion of the profile among other accounts. However, evaluate your strengths if you decide to arrange a contest or a draw.
Firstly, for a large-scale event, it is best to wait for the growth of a large audience, so that the growth of subscribers from advertising (the main condition of the competition) is as large as possible. For a new account, it would be best to conduct some kind of competition to interest users.
Secondly, the prize should intrigue the target audience. Of course, a car or a cash prize will be useful for most people, however, to attract the attention of a certain circle of people, you should use something cheaper, but no less interesting.
Thirdly, the organization must be at the highest level. All rules should be clearly spelled out, and the debriefing scenario should be as transparent as possible. It’s best to determine the winner live so that users don’t have any questions.
Of course, every draw should be as honest as possible. If you fool your subscribers, then you are unlikely to succeed in gaining their recognition in the future. If any material prize is raffled, send it by mail to the winner and take some photos or shoot a full-fledged video confirming your actions.
Brand materials
Now you already know that hashtags and description under Instagram news are of great importance. However, in order to achieve an increase in subscribers, you can go for a little trick called branding material. People always follow the hashtags of famous companies, so if you happen to be photographed in Nike sneakers or an Adidas suit, be sure to add the appropriate label to your entry. However, so that subscribers not only see your entry in the stream, but also subscribe to updates, the photo or video should match the specified hashtag as much as possible.
We hope you now better understand how to get Instagram followers. The tips given in our article have been tested by thousands of users, so you can be sure of their effectiveness. If you create a competent content project and post quality material in your account, sooner or later you will be able to achieve an increase in the target audience. However, be patient, as this process can take more than one month. Just lead an active Instagram life and follow the recommendations above.