Vitamins for pregnant women: which are better? Reviews of specialists. Healthy fruits and vegetables during pregnancy

Vitamins and minerals help a person stay healthy and strong. During pregnancy, the baby only receives nutrients from the mother. Therefore, a woman in this position (especially if two or more children are expected to be born) needs to take significantly more nutrients so that the baby is not in danger.

Healthy food will fill the body with all micronutrients during pregnancy. However, it is very difficult to get enough iron and folic acid just from food. And only special vitamins that can be taken along with wholesome foods “take care” of the well-being of the mother and baby. For example, scientists at the National Research Council for Health and Medicine in the United States conducted an analysis of IQ indicators in 1000 families. As a result of examinations, they proved that a lower level of intelligence was detected in those children whose mothers did not take enough iodine during pregnancy.

vitamins for pregnant women which are better reviews of experts

It is important to note that women who are just trying to have a baby should also take vitamins for pregnant women. Which is better, expert reviews - all this must be carefully analyzed. Here are some suggestions:

- Do not take any supplements without the consent of your gynecologist;

- make sure that the tablets contain vitamin B6, its use will help reduce the feeling of nausea in the first trimester of pregnancy;

- taking the right amount of folic acid significantly reduces the risk of developing neural tube defects in the fetus.

Vitamin Supplements

Vitamins for pregnant women, compared to conventional multivitamins, have more nutrients that are needed during this period. The attending physician prescribes for each woman an individual set of drugs that can be purchased at pharmacies even without a prescription. They perfectly help to saturate the organisms of the mother and child with those substances that do not come from food in sufficient quantities. For example, you can only buy iron and calcium supplements. And if you are a vegetarian or are allergic to certain products, the doctor will prescribe specific minerals specially for you.

Vitamins for pregnant women: which are better, expert reviews

Pregnancy is a period of rapid changes in the mother's body and nutritional needs. These changes allow a woman to meet the needs of a growing fetus and placenta. Dietary recommendations of gynecologists are focused on maintaining the required amount of micronutrients and adequate calorie intake, avoiding the intake of those substances that can harm the growing fetus.

folic acid tablets

In pharmacies, a huge selection of vitamin preparations is presented. Before buying them, be sure to consult your doctor. It is he who will advise you to choose those supplements that are suitable specifically for you. Consider the list of the most important nutrients that play a key role in the growth and development of the unborn child:

- folic acid ;

- omega-3 fatty acids;

- vitamin D;

- iron;

- calcium;

- iodine;

- vitamin B6.

Folic Acid: Pills or Products?

The water-soluble folic acid vitamin is an integral part of the synthesis and maintenance of DNA, amino acid metabolism, production of red blood cells, fetal and placenta growth. It is found in many foods, but is easier to digest from leaves of green lettuce and blackcurrant, spinach, parsley, broccoli, rose hip, horseradish, leek, cabbage.

vitamin c

Convincing evidence and research by scientists from around the world confirm that folic acid reduces the risk of defects and diseases of the neural tube, congenital anomalies (heart disease, cleft lip and others). Therefore, all experts recommend that this nutrient be used by pregnant women and those who plan to conceive a child.

At the 7-8th week of pregnancy, the neural tube closes, and during this period women only begin to find out about their situation. It is important to note that 50% of pregnancies are unplanned. In view of this, before conception, it is worth taking folic acid so that the baby is born healthy.

Gynecologists recommend that pregnant women consume 600 mcg every day for up to 12 weeks, and for those planning to conceive, 400 mcg each.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3s (also known as N-3s) are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that can be found in many vitamin supplements for pregnant women, as they are very beneficial for the fetus and its nervous system, and also have beneficial effects on brain development.

These nutrients are found in herbal products: walnuts, soybean and canola oil, and flaxseed. Omega-3s are also found in oily fish (salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, mackerel) and are found in small quantities in shrimp.

Surveys of 2,000 pregnant women by Australian scientists have shown that consuming fish oil (which contains 800 mg of omega-3s) reduces the risk of premature birth.

A similar analysis was carried out in Norway. Specialists gave cod liver oil (1000 mg omega-3) to pregnant women. As a result, the fetus improved hand-eye coordination. In addition, scientists have found that fatty acids reduce the incidence of maternal depression.

After the studies, experts argue that it is necessary to consume fatty acids in the form of tablets 200 mg per day or eat fish dishes 2 times a week.

vitamin a

Vitamin D

It is an important fat-soluble nutrient. In addition, both vitamin D and D2 are synthesized in the skin, primarily through ultraviolet radiation. In countries where the sun has a limited effect on the skin, people, especially those who work indoors, need to drink fortified milk and eat cheese products. Vitamin D is also found in egg yolks, in oily fish and in serum. With its deficiency, pregnant women may experience the following problems: premature birth, increased risk of preeclampsia, cesarean section, intrahepatic cholestasis, gestational diabetes and others.

Vitamin D is responsible for maintaining healthy bone in the mother, fetus, and newborn. During pregnancy, it should be taken no more than 15 mcg per day, since an excess of this nutrient also leads to adverse consequences: disruption of the cardiovascular system, negative effects on smooth and skeletal muscles, the risk of skin cancer. In this case, pregnant women are not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time.


Adequate iron intake during pregnancy is very important, since it depends on the increase in red blood cell mass in the blood and the satisfaction of oxygen requirements, normalization of uteroplacental circulation. Maternal anemia leads to premature birth, sudden fetal death, and depression. Therefore, all gynecologists recommend that pregnant women take a blood test and carefully monitor the level of hemoglobin.

27 mg per day is the optimal iron norm for a pregnant woman, and with iron deficiency anemia - 60-80 mg, which can be obtained by taking special vitamins. Their effect was analyzed by scientists who found that iron preparations do not have any harmful effects on the mother and fetus. In some cases, constipation may occur. It is important to note that vitamin C improves the absorption of iron in the blood.


This nutrient is the most important ingredient in vitamins for pregnant women. After all, it is from him that the normal development of the skeleton of the fetus, its teeth, heart, muscles and nervous system depends. Therefore, the mother needs to consume 1000 mg of calcium per day. It will also help pregnant women strengthen their bones. These drugs are especially important in the third trimester, when the fetus tries to absorb calcium to a greater extent.

Excellent sources of this trace element are milk, cheese, yogurt, broccoli and cabbage, orange juice, dried fruits (figs, dried apricots), bread, almonds, tofu (vegetable protein from soybeans).

If a pregnant woman does not consume enough calcium, the fetus will take it from the mother’s bones. This will lead to negative consequences, among which - violation of the musculoskeletal system, osteoporosis, fragility of bones.


It is a mineral that the human body needs to produce thyroid hormones. During pregnancy, women need to take iodine to help them develop their baby’s brain and nervous system. The daily norm is 220 mcg. Not all vitamins contain iodine, so carefully check its presence in the drugs you bought.

Such sources are considered to be its sources: fish, cheese, milk, yogurt, whole grain bread, iodized salt, fatty fish.

It is important to note that since 2009 in Australia, bread producers are required to add iodized salt to their product. This led to the fact that pregnant women and each resident of this country consumed about 54 micrograms of this substance per day. So the incidence rate has declined sharply.

Remember: a serious iodine deficiency is the main cause of damage to parts of the brain in the human body!

Vitamin B6

The use of this substance is recommended for pregnant women to reduce the occurrence of nausea and vomiting in the morning. The daily norm is 1.9 mg.

The main source of vitamin B6 is ginger. Be careful when choosing the preparations of this microelement, since they may not indicate the dosage rates for pregnant women. Remember: a safe amount of ginger per day is 100 mg.

Other beneficial substances

The composition of vitamins for pregnant women may include such trace elements:

- Vitamin A - daily intake - 10,000 IU. May be toxic. The safest source is beta-carotene.

- Zinc - a day you can take no more than 11 mg. This mineral well supports the immune system of the mother and fetus.

- Copper - 0.9 mg. The human body uses this trace element to form blood cells, as well as to maintain the health of the nervous system.

- Vitamin C - daily intake of 85 mg. This useful substance helps to perfectly absorb iron and support the immune system, especially during pregnancy. An excess of vitamin A can harm a developing fetus.

- Other vitamins for pregnant women. Which are better? Expert reviews will help you choose the necessary useful minerals: vitamin E (12 mg / day), thiamine (1.2 mg), riboflavin (1.2 mg), niacin (14 mg), vitamin B12 (2.2 mg), as well as fluorine, magnesium, biotin, phosphorus.


A healthy diet during pregnancy is of paramount importance, since it will become not only a source of nutrition for the mother and baby, but also a guarantee of the normal growth of the developing fetus. All principles for its organization must be discussed with your gynecologist.

maternity nuts

Of course, every pregnant woman often feels hunger. But do not eat for two, even if twins or triplets are born in the near future. This will adversely affect maternal health. You just need to diversify your diet in order to get healthy vitamins and minerals from food. For example, folic acid is an important trace element for fetal development. Tablets are not as pleasant to take as fresh parsley and lettuce (they contain a sufficient amount of this substance).

Grains and cereals

These products are first-class sources of energy for the body. Whole grain bread contains fiber, iron, and many vitamins and minerals needed for mother and baby. Cereals enrich the body with folic acid and beneficial trace elements.

Look for foods that contain whole grains. For example, brown or wild rice, pasta, barley, white bread from cereals.

Vegetables and fruits

Healthy fruits for pregnant women should occupy a special place in the daily diet. They provide both the mother and the child with important nutrients, such as beta-carotene (helps in the development of fetal cells and tissues, lays the foundation in the formation of its immune system), vitamin C, folic acid and others.

During pregnancy, it is better to eat such fruits: apricots, cherries, grapes, apples, kiwi, pears, strawberries, watermelon, blueberries, bananas and pomegranates. They will not only enrich the body of the mother and child with vitamins, but also help to avoid problems such as constipation and the formation of hemorrhoids.

healthy fruits for pregnant

Pregnant vegetables are an important source of energy, minerals and fiber, which do not contain too many calories. They should be the main part of every meal. It can be both fresh vegetables and baked.

Potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, cabbage, mushrooms, carrots, pumpkin, spinach contain calcium, folic acid, vitamin C, iron, vitamin A, beta-carotene and fiber. Wash all foods thoroughly before use.

Meat, fish, eggs and legumes

Products of this group contain a lot of protein, as well as various vitamins and iron, which are important elements in the development of an unborn child, especially in the second and third trimesters.

The meat for pregnant women is certainly very healthy. Pork, lamb, beef, chicken and turkey are the main sources of protein and vitamin B12. But these foods contain a lot of saturated fat, which can increase blood cholesterol. Therefore, in dishes you need to combine meat with vegetables to stay healthy.

Red fish helps pregnant women to enrich the body with protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the development of the brain of the child. Avoid eating fish high in mercury (swordfish, shark, king mackerel).

Vital trace elements for the normal development of the fetus can be obtained by eating nuts. For pregnant women, this is a necessary product in the diet, because it contains iron, vitamin C, protein, calcium, vitamin E.

While waiting for the child, it is worth including eggs in the diet. They are rich in selenium, zinc, vitamins A, D, B. Do not eat raw and partially cooked eggs, as this will increase the risk of salmonella, which can even go to the baby.

Milk products

Calcium found in milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, helps in the development of bones and teeth of the unborn child. And vitamin D and protein will strengthen its immune system.

Pregnant milk is a source of nutrients and minerals. According to clinical studies, its use has a beneficial effect on the health of the mother and fetus. Drinking 3 cups a day is recommended.

and vitamin d

Cheese is a good source of calcium, protein, and vitamin D. For pregnant women, it is worth choosing especially carefully to prevent the consumption of an expired product.

As a result, we can conclude: a healthy diet is the best way to get the vitamins and minerals needed for a pregnant woman and the fetus. By including dairy and meat products, vegetables and fruits, fish and cereals in the diet, you will take care of the normal development and growth of the child. In some cases, allergic reactions to different products may occur. For this, experts recommend using vitamins that will make up for the entire lack of nutrients in the mother's body. After reading this article, you can easily choose vitamins for pregnant women (which is better, experts will tell you reviews). Approach this question responsibly, because your health and your unborn child are at stake, and, as you know, it is the most valuable that a person can have.

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