How to make an enchantment in Minecraft: instructions

The enchantment table (colloquially “enchantment”) is one of the most necessary things if you decide to go through the game from start to finish. On it, you can improve your existing items and make them more effective.

how to make enchantment in minecraft


Before you can make an enchantment in Minecraft, you will have to work hard and get some rare resources - obsidian, diamonds and books. We begin our consideration of this problem with minerals.

Diamonds can be mined by diving very deep into caves. Most often, they begin to occur at the level of lava caves. To get them, you will need at least an iron pickaxe. In this case, you will get ore, remelting which, you can get the necessary item.

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enchantment mod

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To enhance the efficiency of the table, place bookcases around it at the distance of one cell . The maximum effect is achieved by placing 15 bookshelves nearby. There is also a special enchantment mod that allows you to more accurately manage the process and select specific magical improvements for items to be crafted.

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