The Turkish Angora cat has long won worldwide fame. She is distinguished not only by a surprisingly delicate coat, but also by her beautiful character. Numerous nurseries around the world breed both classic pure white animals and many colored ones. The number of fans, intelligent and highly athletic pets, provides them with a secure future. Oblivion does not threaten the breed.
Angora cat (photo of a typical representative of a white color can be seen below) is considered a descendant of a wild African cat. There is no exact information about the origin of the breed, although these animals have been living next to humans for hundreds of years. Most experts are inclined to the theory according to which a mutation of the gene responsible for the length of animal hair occurred. Moreover, such a mutation arose immediately in three countries: Persia (Iraq), Russia and Turkey. On hybridization with other breeds, the option is not considered. The name "Turkish Angora cat" received the name of the Turkish city of Ankara (formerly Angara).
The emergence of Europe, some scholars associate with the Crusades of the 14th century, others suggest that they appeared only at the end of the 16th. Most animals were used to improve the Persian variety. Only at the beginning of the 17th century it was recognized as an independent breed. On the American continent, the Angora Turkish cat appeared in the middle of the 20th century.
The Turkish government is very responsible for the Angora breed. In 1917, the program for the conservation of snow-white, multi-eyed (with blue and yellow eyes) Angora was launched and is still working. The breed received official recognition in 1973, and only purely white animals were subject to registration. Since 1978, other suits have been recognized. Today they are recognized by many felinological organizations of the world: ACFA, WCF, CFA, CFF, FIFe, TICA and others. There are two varieties - American and European, but the most prized tribal animals of Turkey.
Brief description of the breed:
- graceful animal of medium size;
- very domestic, does not like the street;
- excellent mousetraps;
- phlegmatic character;
- smart, friendly.
External description of the Angora cat breed:
- the body is strong, flexible, somewhat elongated, with a fragile bone structure;
- medium-sized head, tapering to chin;
- weight - from 2.5 to 4 kg;
- ears are pointed, large, with tassels;
- the neck is thin, of medium length;
- eyes are almond-shaped with a pink rim, the main color is amber, often blue-eyed or multi-eyed individuals;
- hind legs slightly longer than front;
- tail luxurious, long, very well pubescent;
- the hair is flowing long, silky, thick on the neck, tail and stomach.
Breed standards
Thoroughbred Angora cats, photos of which are presented in the article, must meet strict breed standards. The permissible colors of the iris in animals are interesting. Saturated deep tones are welcome:
- Blue, sky blue, sapphire.
- Green, emerald, gooseberry-colored.
- Golden, golden green, amber with a green tint.
- Amber, copper.
- Multi-colored in combination:
- blue and green;
- green and amber;
- blue and amber.
Moreover, indispensable conditions in individuals with multi-colored eyes are the same in color saturation.
Requirements that experts make to an Angora cat (description of the standard):
- the head is small to medium in size, in shape - an even wedge, with a straight and long nose, cheeks are acceptable;
- ears wide at the base with sharp tips, well pubescent inside;
- eyes are large, expressive, slightly set obliquely (color described above);
- the torso is slender long, shoulders the same width as the hips, shoulders just below the sacrum, cats slightly larger than the cats;
- medium-sized paws, graceful, round, tufts between the fingers are welcome;
- legs are long, strong;
- tail with full pubescence, pointed to the end, long;
- fine texture wool, with a silk sheen, on the tail and collar a little longer, “pants” on the hind legs.
Animals can be disqualified for strabismus, stocky, gross body type, kink of the tail.
Angora cat (photo of black angora can be seen in the article) according to accepted standards can have a different suit:
- White. The most familiar, no spots, foot pads and pink nose are allowed.
- Bi-color.
Options for the second paragraph:
- blue with white;
- cream with white;
- black and white.
Necessarily the muzzle, stomach, chest and legs are white. An inverted “V” is welcomed on the face. White collar and tail are allowed.
- Blue. Light shade is valued more, the color should be absolutely even from head to tail, paw pads and nose are blue.
- Blue smoke. Under the blue coat is a pure white undercoat. The white layer is thin near the skin itself, it can be seen if the hair is moved apart. Nose, pads - blue.
- Blue cream. On a blue background, clearly defined brown spots are evenly scattered.
- Blue tabby (mackerel, classic). The main tone is pale blue, the same color at the lips and chin. The contrasting pattern is dark blue, the pillows of the legs and nose are pink.
- Red. It is distinguished by depth, richness, brilliance and brightness, without any marks. The nose and pads are saturated brick color.
- Red tabby (mackerel, classic). According to the main red tone, a dark red pattern is clearly visible, the pillows of the paws and nose are brick red.
- Cream. The beige shade without marks, the nose and pads on the legs are pink. Light beige is welcome.
- Cream tabby (mackerel, classic). The chin, lips, and the main tone are a very pale cream shade, the pattern is not too bright, the nose and pads are pink.
- Brown tabby (mackerel, classic). The main tone is saturated copper brown. Figure, chin, lips, rings around the eyes, hind legs are black. Paw pillows are brown or black, nose is brick red.
- Patchwork tabby. The main tone is blue, silver or brown tabby with areas of cream and / or red hue.
- Marble Tabby. The classic elements of the picture are noticeably different from the main background. A characteristic pattern on the head in the form of the letter "M".
- Tabby Mackerel. Along the back there is a black stripe and vertical ones go down the line of the spine. Narrow and numerous strips are preferred. On the head is a drawing in the form of the letter "M". On the tail and legs are clear rings.
- Silver tabby (mackerel, classic). The main tone, chin, lips - pale silver. The pattern and pillows of the paws are black, the nose is brick red.
- Chintz and bleached chintz. White: in the first case with red and black spots, in the second - with cream and blue.
- Tortoiseshell. The main one is black, spots with a clear border of red or cream shade. The distribution throughout the body is uniform. Scorch marks (spot colors) on the face are welcome.
- The black. This color should be everything: hair, skin, and nose. The pad pillows can be either black or brown. No shades of red or lightened undercoat are allowed.
- Black smoke. A thin strip of white undercoat is visible when the animal is moving. The nose and paw pads are black.
Inadmissible colors: lilac, chocolate, Himalayan or these colors in combination with white.
The Angora cat breed has a fairly sensitive digestive system. It is impossible to feed animals with “human” food. Among the owners of cats there are adherents of natural nutrition and fans of prepared foods.
Dry feed or canned food is only allowed premium. Moreover, from a practical point of view, it is better to dry, the pet can get dirty with canned food. The benefits are obvious - no hassle with balanced nutrition. Companies produce specialized feeds for all sex and age groups of animals, even take into account their physiological condition.
When feeding natural products, the animal is regularly offered boiled potatoes, cereals, bread, chicken and quail eggs, cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt. For snow-white individuals, the liver, heart and any additives containing sea kaput are excluded from the diet.
With any nutritional options, the animal is provided with constant free access to fresh water. Longhaired animals are very useful grass for cleaning the stomach.
The coat of an Angora cat does not cause any special problems with care. She never falls into dense warlocks, is not confused. Wool, practically devoid of undercoat, is easily self-cleaning. Shedding in animals occurs twice a year. At this time, it is recommended to bathe cats with special shampoo to remove excess hair. White is bathed every two months. To maintain the coat in good condition, it is enough to comb it periodically (at least once a week).
To prevent gum disease, animals brush their teeth. A daily examination of the eyes and ears will help to avoid health problems. Once a week, it is recommended to wipe the corners of the eyes with a special lotion. The ears are cleaned as they get dirty. Claws periodically cut. Acquisition of claws will protect furniture and wallpapers. Cleanliness of animals requires attention to the cat litter from the owners. Some individuals cannot use it without a timely change of filler. It is recommended to purchase a cat corner with various toys and devices for climbing and lying down.
Character Features
The character of the Angora cat at first glance is somewhat slow and aristocratic. But in the soul of this fluffy lump lives a real fidget. Animals love to play. Get along peacefully with other pets. They do not tolerate loneliness. If the owners are forced to leave the cat alone for a long time, then a playmate is vital for her.
They do not like to sit on their hands, but they will spend a couple of minutes with pleasure on the knees or shoulders of their beloved master. Feel the person’s mood perfectly, they can “regret” and “cheer up”. A characteristic feature of Angora is their talkativeness. They purr almost constantly. In general, they have a calm, balanced character.
Owners of animals unanimously note the amazing intelligence of Angora cats. Animals are very smart, easily accustomed to order. Their quick wits are sometimes striking; cats can easily open not only any door or drawer, but also the mistress’s handbag. Well amenable to training, they can be trained in simple teams.
It is worth noting that outdoor games in the form of very high-speed runs around the apartment, jumps (especially in height), swinging on curtains and walking along the ledge are the usual behavior for animals of this breed. To direct energy in the right direction, use a variety of designs of corners or even whole trees. They will help animals warm up without harming the apartment.
An Angora cat is considered a completely healthy breed among specialists. There are only a few diseases that are characteristic of angora:
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Symptoms: shortness of breath, a kind of cough (similar to burping hair). A progressive thickening of the wall of the ventricle of the heart often ends fatally. The sudden death of a pet with unexpressed symptoms shock hosts. Young animals also die. This disease affects both thoroughbred and domestic cats.
- Ataxia. Symptoms: a clear violation of the coordination of movements, the animal stops moving and dies. It develops in kittens of a month old.
- Deafness. It affects animals of a white color with blue or multi-colored eyes. Selection work with careful selection of parental pairs reduces the risk of deaf offspring.
In general, animals of this breed are hardy and live on average up to 15 years, many survive to 20.
Breed benefits
Angora cat will be a wonderful companion to a lonely person. Animals are very affectionate and attentive. They quickly get used to the owners. Their gentle rumbling has a beneficial effect on the human psyche. The four-legged pet will fit perfectly into the family with children. He will be happy to play with them. Watching a graceful animal with a luxurious coat, regardless of suit, can in itself give aesthetic pleasure. Snow-white individuals with multi-colored eyes look like fantastic animals.
The acquisition of Angora in a private home guarantees the destruction of all rodents. They are born hunters and perfectly catch mice. The only limitation is the color of the animal. It is better to take a colored cat, white coat will get dirty too quickly.
Today, the distribution of the breed around the world makes it possible to acquire good kittens. There are a lot of mixed breeds and non-purebred animals, so it is better to get a baby in a nursery with a proven reputation. For a guaranteed purchase of a thoroughbred kitten, you can resort to the help of professionals who are well versed in breed standards. It is difficult to find a thoroughbred animal on its own; there are a lot of mestizos on the market.
Compared to other cat breeds, the cost of angora is not very high. The price of kittens in Russia starts at $ 80-120. It depends on the origin, color, classiness of the animal. The price for a baby of the "elite" class, with an appropriate pedigree, often exceeds $ 500. It is worth noting that the price of maintaining a pet does not exceed the usual costs of satisfying the needs of the animal: feed, filler, veterinary care, purchase of grooming equipment (bowls, tray, combs, cat’s corner, toys, etc.).
There are curious myths associated with Angora:
- The Prophet Muhammad had different, iris-colored eyes. Cats with multi-colored eyes can freely visit mosques, they are considered sacred.
- The first president of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, made an unusual prediction: a man who would be bitten by a white Angora cat with different eyes would bite his work.
Facts only
Known facts:
- Most appreciated is the snow-white Angora cat with blue eyes, they have a special name Ankara Kedisi.
- Samuel Marshak glorified the animal in the fairy tale “Cat's House”. The cat’s direct speech: “I am from an overseas family: my great-grandfather is an Angora cat.”
- Many representatives of the breed love water and swim well.
- The Angora smoky black cat named Mopar is one of the largest in the world, weighs 18 kg, with a body length of 110 cm.
- Angora lived with the writer Victor Hugo, Queen of France Marie Antoinette, Cardinal Richelieu, poet Theophile Gautier.
- The MidnightBSD computer operating system was developed by its developers Carolyn and Lucas Holt in honor of their handsome black Angora.
- The condition for registering animals with the CFA Cat Lovers Association is that their ancestors must be of Turkish origin.
- Angora cat is a national treasure of Turkey.