Albino reticulate Achatina snail: content, nutrition, reproduction

Achatina albino reticulate is a land African snail, which is especially respected by the cochlea. It is quite unpretentious, available for purchase, growing rapidly and can easily be kept at home. In addition, Achatina is widespread in cosmetology, pharmaceuticals and cooking.

Description of the albino subspecies

Achatina of the albino body reticulate has a similar shell color with other subspecies of the Achatina family, its distinguishing feature is the milky white color of the body and head, in other words, it is an albino snail. It is believed that these mollusks are not able to survive in the wild due to their distinctive appearance.

The color of the shell is light beige with dark brown spots and stripes. Shell unevenly smooth, corrugated. Columella is light or colorless. They are more sensitive to temperature changes and do not grow as fast as other types of reticulate.

Achatina reticulata is distinguished by a less sensitive mantle in comparison with other snails, therefore it is not afraid of human touch. Moreover, she very quickly gets used to them and becomes friendly.

Achatina reticulum albino body

What to keep at home?

For home keeping snail Achatina reticulate albino body, you must purchase an aquarium or horizontal terrarium at the rate of 15 liters per shellfish. Moreover, the larger the snail's dwelling, the better.

The filler may be coconut substrate, leaf litter, sawdust, moss, neutralized peat. In order for the snails to feel comfortable, the filler must have a sufficiently dense layer of 10-12 cm. If mats are used as a coating for the aquarium, they must be supplemented with moss or litter. The optimum temperature for the content of Achatina reticulate is +25 ... 28 ° C. Younger individuals (up to 1 year old) need to provide a higher humidity of 65-80%, older snails should better reduce the humidity to 60-65%.

This species of Achatina does not need hibernation and can get along with some varieties of mollusks. Young individuals grow much faster, but at this time they are especially fragile, even a light fall can destroy the pet. Therefore, it is advisable not to decorate the terrarium with large, solid objects, but to try to line the moss along the walls to soften the fall.

Three snails


Albino Achatina clam is unpretentious in nutrition and eats most vegetables and fruits. In particular, they prefer:

  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • squash;
  • cucumbers
  • lettuce;
  • sweet varieties of apples.

In addition to the main food, it is necessary to feed snails with calcium and protein supplements. It can be pure calcium, a mixture or porridge. The best way to serve a balanced diet is to sprinkle fruit with crushed calcium mixture and grind cereals, they are no less useful and well perceived by Achatina.

Due to the increased growth of snails, they must be fed with protein supplements. At the same time, it is important to dose the protein norm, since the snail, having overeaten such feeding, can swell strongly and die as a result.

Pet excrement must be removed daily.

albino reticulata Achatina snail


These mollusks reach maturity at the age of 6-10 months. The Achatina snail of the albino reticulate is hermaphrodite, therefore both partners can be fertilized during mating. 2-3 weeks after mating, the snails make masonry. It can have up to 300 eggs of white or white-yellow color, regular oval shape, about 8 mm in size.

At a humidity of 70-80%, the incubation period lasts one month, and at a temperature of 26 ° C and the same humidity indicators, a new generation of snails will appear in 2.5-3 weeks. In a natural habitat, mollusks live up to 10 years, in captivity their life expectancy is not more than 2.5 years.

Offspring Care

Newborn snails of Achatina reticulum albino are fed with cabbage or lettuce leaves, generously sprinkled with powdered eggshell or chalk. The shells from which they hatched are not thrown away, but left in the terrarium; they will eat it for several days. In addition, they are fed with crushed grain and vegetables, crushed on a grater. Within a month, the mollusks are transferred to the same type of food as adults.

albino body retrieval snail achatina

Newborn Achatina are extremely sensitive to conditions of detention, so that they do not die, it is important to maintain a stable temperature and humidity indicator in the terrarium. To do this, put a bowl of warm water on the bottom of the aquarium and install a heat cord or a productive lamp. Every day, the achatine of the albino reticulate is washed with water at room temperature, and the shell is occasionally lubricated with vegetable oil to prevent its separation. Once every 2 weeks, the housing of the snails must be cleaned, remove the remnants of food, the old substrate and the waste products of mollusks.

Achatina albino reticulate is able to recognize its owner by smell and react to its touch, which is probably why many owners of these snails consider them the best pets.

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