How many sphynx cats live at home? Care features and interesting facts

Sphinx is a special breed of cat. These cute creatures are like alien inhabitants. The appearance of such cats is terrifying for some people. But breeders know how affectionate these creatures are, oriented to the person and loving him. Sphinxes do not like loneliness, therefore it is not recommended to leave them alone for a long time, even in a familiar environment. In the article we will talk about how many years sphynx cats live, what care conditions must be created in order for the pet to be healthy and to please its presence for as long as possible. We will also talk about the features and nature of the breed.

The appearance of the sphinx

The muscles of the animal are well developed. With proper nutrition, the cat's body will be thin and graceful, and its legs will be slender and long. If you overfeed the pet, then soon he will have excess weight, especially his stomach will stand out. The muzzle is sharp, looks like a triangle. The upper jaw is slightly advanced, the cheekbones and jaws are powerful. The mustache is long and thin, clearly visible against the background of the muzzle. The paws of the animal are long, slender, the feet are slightly rounded. Paw pads are pleasant to the touch, have a pink or gray tint.

Don Sphinx

The cheekbones line is drawn clearly, the cat's nose is of the correct shape, large, slightly flattened on the sides. Sphinx ears resemble locators, they are so big! The eyes are huge, slanting and lively, occupy almost two-thirds of the size of the muzzle. The skin should be free of dermatitis and rash, velvety, pleasant to the touch. The skin of the sphinx must be carefully looked after. Cats are very warm, they are very nice to stroke and hold. The maximum weight of a cat is gained after one and a half years of life. An adult male should normally weigh from 8 to 9 kilograms, and a female - from 6 to 7 kg.

Next, we answer the question of how many years sphynx cats live. And at the end of the article we will write down recommendations on leaving, we will tell about temperament of an animal.

The average life span of a naked cat

How many sphynx cats live? This question interests every owner of such a charming pet. The breed is not a long-liver, and the average life expectancy varies from ten to twelve years. The homeland of naked cats is Egypt.

sphinx description

The ancient Egyptians painted naked cats on vessels and murals, worshiped cats as deities. Animals were appreciated, fed with the best dishes, presented gifts. Sphinxes lived in temples, where they were given care no worse than the pharaohs. How many sphynx cats live depends on the particular breed, whether Don, Canadian, or Brush. Also, life expectancy directly depends on care, living conditions.

How old are Don Sphynx cats?

This animal is beautiful in appearance and character. A graceful body, lack of hair, a muzzle gathered up by folds - all lovers of the Sphinx breed like it all. How many sphinxes live? Don cats, with proper maintenance, can live up to 14 years - this is a respectable age for feline representatives.

Canadian Sphinx Life

The difference between the Don and Canadian Sphinx is obvious and lies in the eyes. The representatives of the Canadian breed have large and round eyes, while the Don breed is more like human eyes. There are other differences, but they are not too noticeable.

canadian sphinx

How many canine sphynx cats live? Life expectancy varies from 10 to 13 years.

Brush sphinx

This species will appeal to fans of sphinxes, but not naked cats - and it happens! The breed has a small coat on the body. The coat is soft and short. The brush sphinx is the longest-lived species of all sphinxes. On average, the lifespan of such cats ranges from 13 to 16 years. There were times when representatives of the breed survived to 20 years!

brush sphinx

Does castration prolong the life of cats?

It is impossible to say unequivocally about how many castrated sphynx cats live. But we can say for sure that the operation will extend the life of the pet for two, or even three years. Castrated cats are calmer, more balanced, they do not run away for a walk, do not disappear for a long time, the possibility of infection with sexual diseases is completely excluded.

Of course, there are also disadvantages of castration: a cat may lose its hormonal background, and obesity will appear. In order to avoid such problems, you need to feed your pet with balanced feed, monitor the amount of food consumed. It is difficult to follow the standards for food eaten by the sphinxes, because they also eat a lot of non-castrated ones. A large amount of food is necessary to regulate body temperature. Since cats are deprived of hair, they freeze, losing a lot of energy, hence the need to absorb a large amount of food.

Care Features

The bare skin of the sphinx is a feature of the breed, which is both a plus and a minus. The skin of the animal must be carefully monitored, it is prone to the appearance of dermatitis, acne, rash. If the animal is in the sun for a long time, then there is a risk of getting burns.

sphynx cats

Bathing is a good solution to skin problems. Veterinarians recommend washing sphinxes 2-3 times a week with specialized shampoos. In the veterinary clinic, you can even buy liquid for wiping the skin of a cat, which has an antibacterial and antiallergenic property.

It is worth monitoring the nutrition of the cat, it is best to choose a specialized dry food. Do not overfeed the sphinx, otherwise it will suffer from obesity. But feeding in frequent small portions is also not recommended, as this leads to diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is difficult to control the intake of natural food, often cats do not feel full satiety and overeat. Dry food must be put in doses - one-time and daily rates are written on the package.

Sphinx temperament

This breed is loving. Of all the family members, the pet chooses its favorite, while the rest is indulgent. Sphinxes are loud-voiced, like meowing to attract the attention of the owner. Sometimes cats behave like children: impatient, eccentric, unbearable and capricious. Sphinxes cannot stand loneliness, they suffer greatly when they remain in an empty apartment for the whole day.

kittens sphinxes

Cats love children, they will never attack them, they will play with pleasure and rub at their feet. As for other animals, the sphinxes are jealous of their owners, especially if you pet another pet with a cat - all the heat, affection and attention should go only to the sphinx! But, despite his attitude to other animals, the cat climbs into the fray very rarely and reluctantly.

Sphinx is an excellent pet that will give a sea of ​​love and affection, bring warmth and coziness to the house. No need to think about how many sphynx cats live, enjoy every moment spent next to them.

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