How to make a playlist in VK: tips and tricks

Playlists help users not to search for favorite tracks in the list of available tunes. They are used not only in smartphones, but also in social networks. How to make a playlist in VK? This question is being asked not only by new members of the social network, but also by advanced users. The answer is extremely simple. And even a novice PC user can create it.

From computer

To begin with, we will deal with the simplest and most popular scenario. It is about using the full version of the social network to implement the task.

Playlist in VK - full version of the site

How to make a playlist in VK? To achieve this result, a person must adhere to the following steps:

  1. Log in to your social network using your username.
  2. Open the "My Music" section using the function menu on the left side of the page.
  3. Click on the button labeled "Create a playlist."
  4. Fill in the form that appears.
  5. Mark the tracks that you want to add to the corresponding collection of songs.
  6. Save changes.

It is done. During the described procedure, the user will create a playlist. Now it can be used at any time. The main thing is to enter your profile.

Official app

But this is only one of several ways out of this situation. How to make a playlist in VK on the phone? You can resort to using the official application for "VKontakte".

In order to cope with a similar task, you will need:

  1. Go to the VK app for mobile devices.
  2. Wait for a connection to your account. This usually happens automatically.
  3. Tap on the inscription "My music."
  4. Click the hyperlink labeled "Show all."
  5. Click on the control labeled "Create a playlist."
  6. Fill out the form that appears on the display of the mobile device.

It is done. Fast, easy and very convenient. True, this technique is not too popular. It is much easier to achieve your goal with the first guide you have learned.

Window for creating a playlist in VK

mobile version

Some people wonder how to make a playlist in VK through a mobile device. Suppose that the user does not have an official application for a social network. What then?

The thing is that to cope with the task using the mobile version of VK does not work. For this venture, the user will need to use the full version of the VKontakte site.

Some resort to the help of third-party programs to create VK playlists. This is not the best solution - among them regularly come across scammers who breed for money and steal pages.

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