Planning of educational work in the 1st junior group, in the middle group, in the senior group

Planning an educational program is one of the main solutions to the issue of preschool education. It needs to be given separate, important attention, because the success of the lessons held depends on these plans. It must be remembered that every day in the kindergarten for the baby is exactly the time that should be spent with benefit and interest. Today we’ll talk about what children's activities in the kindergarten should be like, in other words, we’ll make a rough planning of the upbringing and educational work of the educator with the children.

Explanation of the work in the first junior group

This program promotes child development by combining parenting and parenting efforts.

daily planning of educational work

In addition, the planning of educational work in the 1st junior group helps kids learn the world and prepare them for a more adult life. This type of work is aimed at developing the child's speech, mathematical, geometric and other skills that the child will need in the future. Long-term planning of educational work contributes to the competent preparation of the kid for school life.

The tasks of the younger group

As mentioned above, the scheduling of educational work of the preschool educational institution is very important. Thus, the kids are preparing for the main activities of preschool educational institutions, and the development of substantive and cognitive skills that will be useful in the future.

In the process of planning educational work, all educators try to satisfy the necessary needs of their wards. They focus on communication and adaptation of the baby in society. In addition, a rather important point is the schedule of the day, with which parents are familiarized in advance.

The planning structure of educational work is structured so that the "teachers" take into account even the most minor features of childhood in any of the kindergarten groups. Tasks develop in physical, aesthetic, artistic, mathematical, logical and speech directions.

Features of the age of the younger group

Planning of educational work in the 1st junior group is built taking into account all the features of children 2-3 years old.

The fact is that the first 3 years of a child’s life are aimed exclusively at cognitive activity. Having lived this time, the baby becomes more independent, everything becomes interesting to him, games accompany the little one everywhere and everywhere. That is why it is important to use various didactic game materials for the development of "young researchers". They will not be bored, it will be interesting for them to take part in this or that activity.

Children of 3 years old continue to develop communication skills that are aimed at communicating with adults, the number of words understood by the child is increasing. This means that the baby needs constant replenishment of the vocabulary. Didactic speech games will help here, with the help of which children begin to understand the stories and speech of adults.

In addition, children's active speech also develops during this period. Toddlers learn to communicate with each other. Plus, their worldview begins to take shape, idols and role models appear. It is important that at this age children are surrounded by positive characters. Planning of educational work in the 1st junior group takes into account the peculiarities of the development of children's speech, which allows it to successfully "advance" it forward.

Now let's talk a little about games. The planning of educational work in the 1st junior group is based primarily on games. They are procedural in nature - all actions are close to real with maximum accuracy. Thus, the child learns to interact with the environment and the outside world: first in a playful way, and then in real life.

planning educational work in the senior group

In addition, children in 2-3 years have artistic skills. As a rule, the most common pattern is the image of a person. This means that the child needs and is important to develop opportunities in drawing. The daily planning of educational work in the younger group is made up so that quite a lot of time is allocated for art classes.

At three years old, auditory perception develops in the babies. Thus, children learn to distinguish and memorize melodies, sing, dance. The planning of educational work in the 1st junior group includes the so-called “music” lessons, where each child will be able to receive proper development. Thematic planning of educational work is the best way to reunite music and some phenomena that will certainly help children in their future association and analysis of sounds.

Among other things, at this age, the baby can distinguish several objects in shape, color, size. In order to help the child in this difficult matter for his age, educators organize various mathematical-geometric and other types of games in which children have to learn to distinguish objects from each other.

Plus, as mentioned earlier, children are interested in the world around them. In order to satisfy this need, "mini-excursions" are provided in terms of working with the younger group. Thus, for example, “planning educational work (November) includes a children's walk in the yard to study the autumn world and collect the necessary materials (leaves, grass, etc.) for children's applications on an autumn theme.

Expected results of work in the younger group

The age of 2-3 years is the so-called beginning of a baby's life. At this time, the main development of the child begins. As already mentioned, speech is formed, interest in research activities appears, communication skills with peers and adults appear , and mathematical thinking arises. Simply put, all fundamental human skills are manifested.

But not only in development, but also in the character of the baby changes are occurring. He appears stubborn, whims, which make up the basic human character traits. During this period, it is important to perceive the child not as a complete peanut, but as a completely sane person, albeit a small one. But all these abilities cannot arise without the direct participation of adults in the daily life of the baby.

Thus, when the planning of educational work in the younger group is carried out, several main desired results can be identified:

1. Cognitive development.

In the course of cognitive development and objective perception of the world around the child, the formation of the worldview of the baby takes place. During this period, the child learns to use objects for their intended purpose, distinguishing them by any signs. Following the examples of adults, children learn how to play with toys and objects.

2. Speech development.

Early childhood is a period of laying the foundations of children's speech. When communicating with adults, kids get all the necessary skills and learn to use them with their peers in games. The teacher should be able to offer various games to the kids, analyzing their mood and feelings. This type of speech games includes all kinds of rhymes, nursery rhymes.

3. Introduction to aesthetics and the art world.

Thanks to this type of development, children are involved in observations of the environment, which show the beauty of nature and the world. Among other things, teachers offer kids various activities that help them portray what they see (applications, drawings, crafts). This is a rather fascinating process for children of three years.

4. The beginning of gaming activities.

Up to three years, an adult leads and participates in the game itself. With age, through the simplest manipulations with toys, the child learns to play independently and gets the necessary skills in more complex games, where there are roles and rules. At the same time, the nature of the games is changing: from individual to collective.

daily planning of educational work

5. Communication with peers.

A separate place should be reserved for games aimed at communicating with peers. Now training programs offer more than 60 different games that will surely help kids adapt to communication with each other.

6. Physical development.

It is at an early age that children master motor skills and physical abilities. All exercises are also carried out in the form of a game. Especially successful are the games from the series "jumping like bunnies." All of them are performed to a fun and varied music, which makes "charging" even more fun and interesting. In the course of these actions, the child undergoes socialization and the development of elementary physical abilities. In addition, children learn such an activity as labor. This is very important for babies at the age of three.

Thus, we considered the planning of educational work in the junior first group. This topic is relevant especially for young parents. To summarize, very often used cyclogram planning educational work. As a rule, it reflects all the necessary work plans, their implementation and success. Now you can start the main points of planning middle and senior groups. Their upbringing is also very important, because every year the kids become one step closer to adulthood.

Explanatory note on the work of the middle group

The planning of educational work in the middle group is the second important stage in the formation of children's logic, knowledge and the collection of information about the world. At the age of 4-5 years, kids already need to explain all the nuances of the outside world and the basics of ecological life and the situation of mankind. The planning structure of educational work is designed so that children are not bored to study the questions asked. In addition, children are taught the basics of hygiene and sanitation, which is an integral and important part of the world.

Tasks of the middle group

In middle childhood, babies already know the basic concepts that are necessary in later life. But at this time, the psycho-emotional side is actively developing in children, which must be given the right course. For this, the teachers take into account all the features of each baby and offer them special games for the right development. The planning of educational work in the middle group also includes environmental fundamentals that you need to know already at a young childhood. Among other things, the kids master the basic vital movements, such as: running, jumping, climbing, interacting with objects, walking. An important task is the development of precisely these abilities. Their correct perception will help every child in school life. At this time, it is important not to let the little man become an egoist, because at 4-5 years old he has his own ego in the center of the universe. In the child’s imagination, “I am the best” is reproduced.

Speech is another factor that requires special attention. It is in middle age that you need to develop speech abilities and replenish your vocabulary. It is important that the children learn how to correctly build sentences and make folding stories. The planning of educational work in the middle group is also aimed at studying fiction, which is important for children's development in 4-5 years. During the speech lessons, the kids learn to understand what they are reading and analyze the situation.

At this age, children become even more active, so another task of educators is to channel children's energy in the “right direction”. In order to achieve maximum effect, it is customary to use a variety of games: moving, imitating real actions and events, didactic and developing. The main thing is to interest the kids so that, as mentioned above, they are not bored.

Age features of the middle group

The planning of educational work in the middle group is structured so that at any stage of classes, the characteristics of the middle preschool age are taken into account. At this time, babies begin to understand roles that can change. In the process of their activity, the guys learn to separate themselves from the role. So there are gaming and real concepts.

planning educational work in the 1st junior group

At this time, children are more actively developing artistic activity. The image of a person in the drawings becomes more understandable, and all other elements become detailed and substantive. Children learn to work with paper, scissors and glue - they get acquainted with the application. The number of "details" can reach 6 pieces - not very many, but also a lot in order to describe a particular object. It helps children build action plans.

The average age of the preschool group increases the amount of memory. Kids begin to understand well what they are told, they remember quite a lot of information. At 4-5 years old, preschool children develop fine and large hand motor skills, logical thinking and coordination appear. In addition, mathematical and geometric abilities are being actively developed, more complex ball games are practiced. Children learn to firmly maintain their balance and cross some small and simple obstacles.

In addition, babies begin to understand various patterns. At this age, they are able to go through maze games and build a variety of designs according to the schemes. With the help of arranged objects, children begin to understand and predict what will happen in a particular situation.

The imagination continues to develop actively. In children of middle preschool age, originality and randomness are formed. At this time, the kids can independently come up with small tales, stories and stories. In addition, they increase attention and perseverance. Now the guys can perceive information for 15 minutes more than at a very young age.

With regard to peers, selectivity and a certain logic appear. The guys are no longer running around with each other in a crowd, but choosing friends for themselves according to some particularities. In addition, at this age, the character develops especially actively in babies - someone becomes more modest, and someone competes with friends. In children's groups, leaders and “ringleaders”, as well as “outcasts” begin to stand out. This is very important for the formation of the "I" in the future.

Expected Work Results

The educational planning plan is designed so that, as a rule, it reflects some results that must be achieved for a given period. Now we will see what needs to be achieved by the end of work with the middle group of kindergarten.

1. The formation of personal qualities.

As mentioned above, children in middle preschool age form their Alter Ego. Thus, the planning of educational work helps kids in this difficult matter. In the course of the work, the wards should have some kind of worldview and views on themselves.

2. Physical development.

In the middle preschool age, children are physically actively developing. Carers should find use of children's energy and teach kids easy exercise to improve their health.

3. Intelligence.

educational planning work november

At 4-5 years old, kindergarteners begin to show their intellectual abilities. Thus, during this period, individuality and some opportunities that are better developed specifically for each baby appear.

4. Artistic skills.

As mentioned earlier, in the middle preschool age, children show artistic skills. They can draw more detailed drawings and images. So, planning educational work helps to acquire the skills necessary for the development of art.

Having come to the end of the middle group, children, simply put, should be already a little prepared for entering "adulthood" - for school. But ahead of the kids is another important stage in the formation of training - the older group.

Explanation for work in the senior group

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Age features

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long-term planning of educational work

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Undoubtedly, the planning of the educational program in the older group is formed so that children can use their actively developing intelligence. This will help games and tasks that expand children's horizons.

Expected results

Planning of educational work, as you know, should be carried out in order to achieve some good, useful goal.

1. Intellectual activity.

In older preschool children, intelligence develops quite quickly in children, so they need constant “charging” of the brain with new information. Many games and tasks should be aimed at developing children's thinking so that the kids are ready for school.

2. Physical capabilities.

Already at school, children will expect physical education lessons. In the modern world, without special training, it will be quite difficult to cope with them. In addition, in older preschool children, the spine forms in children - it is important to pay special attention to its development.

3. Absolute independence.

At the age of 7 years, the baby should be prepared for the fact that at school he will need to do everything himself. Most of the games in planning educational work are aimed specifically at developing a child’s independence. Children should be able to use their accessories and ask for help from peers.

4. Communication.

Communication skills with adults and peers reach a peak at the age of 7 years. During this period, children should learn to communicate correctly with friends and adults, as well as know the rules of etiquette. Interaction with the outside world should also shape perseverance.

planning educational work in the middle group

Thus, it is clear that the structure of planning educational work in different age categories is the same, although the principles and tasks at different ages differ significantly. Planning educational work requires knowledge of child psychology and the basics of pedagogy. It is necessary to take this issue very seriously in order to make competent daily planning of educational work.

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