How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy: list of products, drugs and recommendations

Pregnancy is a difficult time for the female body. At this time, the load on all internal organs increases significantly. For this reason, the condition of the future mother is being constantly and closely monitored. One of the indicators of concern to the doctor is a decrease in hemoglobin levels. So what is anemia and how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy? Let's get it right.

how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

What is hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is a protein of animal origin with a complex structure. It binds to the oxygen that enters the bloodstream and carries it throughout the body.


There are certain standards for hemoglobin. So, it is considered normal for a pregnant woman if his concentration in the blood reaches 120-160 g / l. If the indicator is lower, then we are talking about a certain degree of anemia (90-110 g / l - mild, 80-90 - moderate, less than 80 - severe anemia).

To maintain an average hemoglobin level, it is enough for an average person to consume from 5 to 15 milligrams of iron per day. For a pregnant woman, the minimum indicator increases several times (up to 15-18 milligrams).

how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy quickly

Lowering the level of iron helps to reduce hemoglobin, which ensures the saturation of blood cells with oxygen. Oxygen starvation can harm not only the expectant mother, but also her baby, so the question of how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy should be asked as soon as you feel the first symptoms of anemia.

Characteristic signs of a decrease in hemoglobin

Anemia is characterized by certain symptoms. So, a woman may feel weakness, drowsiness, nausea, dizziness. She may begin to be disturbed by shortness of breath, fainting is possible. Appearance is also changing. Hair begins to fall out, the skin becomes pale, dry and dehydrated.

how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy ways

Despite the seeming harmlessness, anemia carries a lot of possible complications for both the future mother and her baby. Toxicosis can begin, the risk of miscarriage increases, the development of gestosis, placental abruption and premature birth are possible.

How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy? Ways

The use of a particular method depends on the severity of the disease. So, when diagnosing the initial stage of anemia, the doctor tells how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy, and he definitely recommends eating, sleeping, relaxing and spending more time outdoors.

In more severe cases, taking risks is not recommended; it is better to start medication immediately.

Nutrition change

One way to get rid of the symptoms of anemia is to eat right. The diet of a woman carrying a child should be varied and enriched with various vitamins. In cases of anemia, the inclusion of an increased amount of products containing iron is recommended.

what foods increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

So which products increase hemoglobin during pregnancy? The leader in iron is meat. The liver (and calf, and pork, and chicken) is especially distinguished. It can contain from 7 to 20 mg of iron per 100 grams of product. Egg yolk is also rich in this element. It contains at least 7 mg of iron.

It is meat products that contribute to a qualitative and rapid increase in hemoglobin. This is due to the rapid absorption by the body of all trace elements from animal products.

Plant foods are also rich in iron. For example, some cereals, such as lentils, peas, buckwheat, may contain up to 12 mg of iron per 100 grams of product.

A large amount of the element necessary for the body is found in nuts. So, pistachios and almonds contain up to 4 mg of iron.

Do not forget about vegetables and greens. Tomatoes, dill, parsley, pumpkin, beets, spinach, dandelion leaves and young turnip tops are all products no less rich in iron.

how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

From fruits and berries, green apples, persimmons, bananas, pomegranates, peaches, apricots, quinces, blueberries, strawberries and black currants can be distinguished.

However, despite the high content of nutrients in plant foods, their absorption by the body is more complicated and slower. For this reason, vegetable products will have to be consumed in larger quantities than meat, in order to achieve the desired result and maintain good health.


What else contributes to an increase in iron and how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy?

Do not neglect foods rich in vitamin B12, because it helps the assimilation of such an element that is so important for a womanโ€™s body. It is found mainly in meat. In smaller amounts, vitamin is found in eggs as well as dairy products.

A good and high-quality treatment of anemia helps the sufficient intake of berries, citrus fruits, fruits, rich in vitamin C.

Very often, doctors recommend supplementing treatment with folic acid, as the need for it increases during pregnancy. In addition, vitamin A promotes the absorption of iron.

increase hemoglobin during pregnancy with folk remedies

Medication method

Another way to get rid of anemia is to use medication. A doctor who observes the course of pregnancy will definitely tell you how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy.

With an average degree of development of the disease state, iron-containing capsules, as well as syrups, are prescribed. In severe cases, solutions for intravenous administration are used.

There are some rules for using drugs. So, they are not recommended for use with dairy products, as well as black tea. These types of foods can reduce the effectiveness of the pills. As already mentioned, to achieve the desired result, it is often recommended to supplement the treatment with folic acid and vitamin C.

drugs that increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

Drugs that increase hemoglobin during pregnancy:

  • Sorbifer Durules. The drug contains not only iron, but also ascorbic acid, which contributes to its absorption. The tool is taken only on the recommendation of a doctor, as it can cause malfunctions of the digestive tract.
  • Maltofer. Used for mild forms of anemia. The drug is often prescribed because of its good tolerability.
  • "Ferrum Lek". The tool is available in several forms: tablets, syrup, liquid for injection.
  • Totem. A universal drug that is prescribed not only for pregnant women, but also for children.


  • Replace black tea with green.
  • Introduce pomegranate juice into your diet . It promotes the absorption of iron.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin C: fruit and tomato juices, fruits.
  • Do not mix iron-rich foods with drugs and foods to increase calcium levels.
  • Take folic acid supplements. It promotes the absorption of iron.

Folk remedies for the treatment of anemia

If your doctorโ€™s recommendations on how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy seem insufficient, then you can always turn to methods that have been proven over the years. There are a huge number of drugs, no less effective than the use of drugs. So how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy with folk remedies?

increase hemoglobin during pregnancy with folk remedies

Here are some proven recipes:

  • Make a decoction of fresh strawberry leaves.
  • Make it a rule to eat a spoonful of honey with garlic before each meal.
  • Prepare a tincture of a decoction of nettle and wine. Take one spoon daily.
  • Buckwheat is very rich in iron. Pour boiling water overnight, and in the morning you will have a tasty and healthy breakfast ready.
  • Fresh from fresh apples, cranberry juice, a spoonful of beet juice will help increase hemoglobin.
  • Take a handful of walnuts and green buckwheat. Grind into flour and add honey. The resulting mixture is useful to use once a day for a tablespoon.
  • A mixture of dried fruits such as prunes, dried apricots, raisins, with the addition of honey, nuts and lemon will not only relieve anemia, but also strengthen the immune system. Take the drug three times a day, one tablespoon.
  • Combine in equal proportions apple, beet and carrot juices. Drink twice a day.

Excessive Iron Levels

If you still have not escaped the frequent diagnosis of pregnant women - anemia, then do not rush to use all existing methods. Consult your doctor, he will tell you how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy quickly and without harm to health.

Excess iron in the blood can be no less dangerous for the body. The maximum value of Fe should not exceed the limit of 140 g / l. Otherwise, this will indicate a thickening of the blood, which can lead to poor nutrition and oxygen saturation of the fetus.

drugs that increase hemoglobin during pregnancy


Thus, low hemoglobin is not a sentence. There are a huge number of ways and means to increase it. Do not start this condition, and then you and your baby will be happy, beautiful and healthy.

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