A bit about sports wristbands

Most athletes wear special dressings on their hands, the appointment of which many are unaware of. These are the so-called sports wristbands. What is their purpose, we will try to understand this article.

sports wristbands

What it is?

Sports wristbands are fairly common accessories among athletes. They are small elastic bandages that are worn on the wrists. The material from which they are made is different. The color scheme is also each individually chosen in accordance with their preferences.

What are sports wristbands for?

Unaware people can argue that the purpose of such sports accessories is only to give an image. But this is fundamentally wrong. They have a very important functional purpose. If during sports you need to perform sharp movements with your hands or hands are subject to heavy loads, then a wristband is necessary. And there are several reasons for this.

Firstly, wristbands should be used for good fixation of the hand in the joint. They are of great importance in those sports where you need to perform a variety of sharp and biting hand movements. In this case, they protect against damage to the human limb. They will be useful to athletes, tennis players and weightlifters.

electronic sports wristbands

Secondly, any prolonged exercise in sports is accompanied by profuse sweating. In this case, this accessory will be useful as a napkin for wiping sweat. It would seem a trifle, but in practice, this factor is of great importance. It takes only one movement to remove drops from the forehead. Otherwise, sweat can get into the eyes and distract the athlete, which can lead to loss of points.

Thirdly, sports wristbands maintain the temperature of the wrist. This factor is also of great importance. Any athlete is well aware that unheated joints are easily damaged. The wristband retains heat in the wrist, thereby reducing the risk of injury. Due to this property, this accessory has become widespread not only among athletes, but also in other fields of activity where it is necessary to perform uniform movements.

What types of accessories are there?


- Ordinary sports wristlets. This type of sports equipment is made from various fabrics. It has all of the above properties. Simple budget option.

- Electronic sports wristbands. This type of accessory is a modified version. In addition to the functions stated above, in such models there are sensors that track the condition of the athlete in real time. For example, the pulse.

How to choose a wristband on the arm?

  1. This accessory should wrap around your wrist tightly. He should not hang out or pinch the vessels, otherwise there will be no effect from the use of such equipment.
  2. It should be made of an elastic material that absorbs moisture well.

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