Wedding Anniversary, 2 years

Paper wedding is called the second anniversary of a joint family life. Paper symbolizes fragile relationships between spouses. Over a two-year marriage period, a child is born in many families, which entails some trials for the couple, thereby testing their strength. It is very important at such moments to be more tolerant and kinder to each other, to support your other half in everything, in order to build a strong and friendly family in the future. It depends only on the wife and husband whether they can maintain the balance of their union.

In current traditions, a wedding anniversary of 2 years, in addition to paper, is also called "modern writing." A married couple writes letters to each other in which they answer the questions: “What trait of character do you like or dislike?” Etc. According to European customs, on the day of the wedding’s two-year anniversary, the couple made paper dolls. Inside the item were hidden secret notes with wishes for the husband or wife. The Greeks have a wedding anniversary, 2 years associated with money, because money is also paper. On the day of the celebration of the wedding, spouses are attached to clothing bills (during the performance of the national dance). This rite symbolizes wealth in the family. It seems to be happening not so long ago. Just two years ago it was a wedding day, but behind everyday worries and problems they began to forget that it was on this sunny day that you in a formal suit or a chic white dress took the first step to the beginning of family life. It is necessary to celebrate the wedding anniversary in order to repeat that day of your marriage, to see an attentive and affectionate groom in your husband, and a tremulous bride in your wife.

The wedding anniversary is celebrated 2 years in the fresh air, this is an excellent occasion to arrange a noisy holiday. Thus, to prove to others that a paper wedding does not mean fragility and fragility of a marriage. The place of celebration should have paper decorations: flowers, garlands, etc. Napkins should be put on the festive table, and guests should be given a piece of paper and a pencil. Each invited guest must write a wish to the spouses. Contests with the use of paper should be added to the entertainment program, and for the event to definitely turn out to be fun, it will not be amiss to invite a host. After all, a wedding anniversary of 2 years is a small date for every family, and it should be remembered.

Wishes and gifts

Congratulations should be warm, optimistic, romantic for the celebration “Wedding Anniversary 2 years”. You can give all kinds of paper products to a couple: paintings, calendars, posters with photographs of spouses, books, etc. The people also call the second wedding anniversary glass, so gifts can also be made of glass: vases, decanters, figurines, and other glass objects. A traditional gift for two years of marriage is a nested doll. It is best to give it in four additions, with the wishes of adding to the family, unity and happiness. In no case can you forget about money, this is the most wonderful gift for a paper wedding. It is important to note that the amount should be decent. Giving money to a young family, do it in an original and beautiful way, using origami or a colorful envelope. It is best to present cash to young people with the wishes to spend it on children's supplies or household utensils.

Young people should also congratulate each other on their wedding anniversary for 2 years, gifts should be bright and memorable. Let it be a banal card, but it should be presented so that your spouse remembers it for a long time. After all, the first gifts at the beginning of a life together are the most valuable and important.

The most original wedding anniversary present will be a handmade gift. Be smart, and then your congratulations will be satisfied.

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