How to swaddle newborns: the best ways

Almost any newly minted mother asks this question. How to swaddle newborns? This case is usually taught by nurses in a maternity hospital. If this did not happen in your case, or the method seems uncomfortable and wrong for you, we recommend that you pay attention to our recommendations.

Why swaddle a baby?

It is believed that the baby, fixed in a diaper, sleeps better. In addition, in this position, it is realistic to leave him alone for a short while - the child will not be able to harm himself with sudden movements. This will protect him from injuries and fright - babies are sometimes afraid of their own unexpected body movements.

If at the beginning of pregnancy the embryo swims freely in the amniotic fluid, then in the last months of gestation it already occupies the entire uterus, which fetters its movements. In the new huge world where he falls, everything becomes wrong. It takes some time to artificially create a familiar comfortable atmosphere for the baby. Therefore, parents and think about how to swaddle a newborn.

how to swaddle newborns

For some time, swaddling will give the baby familiar familiarity, a sense of security. This will help him adapt to the big world as soon as possible. But until what period is it advisable to swaddle a child? Experts recommend limited to the first 2-3 weeks of life. Already by the month it is better to refuse swaddling if the baby feels comfortable without it.

In the case when the child falls asleep more difficult with free arms, the procedure should be resorted to for some time for the comfort of the crumbs. In addition, parents need to monitor the mood of their child - swaddling calms someone, and someone, on the contrary, annoys.

Pros and cons

Until recently, when asked how to swaddle the arms of a newborn, doctors advised them to do it invariably tight. But the traditions of the Soviet school are a thing of the past. Now, not all experts believe that it is tight swaddling that contributes to the calmness of the child, the formation of his even legs.

Most doctors, telling how to swaddle a newborn step-by-step, advise you to stay in free form, not to drag the baby with cloth. Tight swaddling is contrary to the natural pose of a little man, which can cause a delay in physical development.

Thus, the free form gives a sense of security of the old mother’s world. But at the same time it does not limit the baby in movements.

Without swaddling?

But many modern parents go further. They completely refuse swaddling. The reasons for this are different:

  • The desire to simplify the procedure for caring for a child.
  • Switching to sliders with which much less trouble.
  • Link to the opinion of experts proving the harmfulness of swaddling for crumbs.
how to swaddle a newborn

Important instructions

Before we move on to swaddle newborns, we’ll introduce tips that will be useful to young parents:

  • Use only clean, washed and ironed diapers.
  • It is necessary to iron matter from two sides. We recommend using a steamer - it helps to significantly speed up this business. Using a regular iron, do not forget to periodically spray water on the diaper. This is necessary so that it does not become hard and overdried.
  • If the baby has urinated, the diaper needs to be replaced as soon as possible. Otherwise, such inattention threatens the baby with the development of dermatitis and diaper rash.
  • You can swaddle a child not only on a special table. Use a sofa bed if you feel comfortable. Remember that one baby should not be left on the changing table for a minute! If you need to suddenly leave him, be sure to put the child in a crib for his safety.
  • It is advisable to swaddle the crumbs only if the air temperature is not more than 20 degrees.
  • Take care not to pull the baby off with a lot of material. This threatens him with difficulty breathing and even a dislocation of the hip.
  • How to swaddle newborns correctly? Make sure the baby is clean. If necessary, replace the diaper, wash the baby.
  • If you do not use disposable diapers, then it is advisable to pad the child with several layers of gauze. In this case, the diapers will be much faster to get dirty - get them in advance in an amount of about 20 pieces.
  • If the room is cool or the yard is freezing season, use two materials.
  • A baby in a diaper should feel comfortable. If he is dissatisfied, whimpers or cries with might and main, you are likely to swaddle him too tightly or he is uncomfortable with folds, the composition of matter.
  • A baby older than 2 months should not be swaddled.
how to swaddle a newborn step by step

When is swaddling necessary?

Despite the growing number of opponents of the procedure, there are still situations where baby swaddling is simply necessary:

  • The first bath. Be sure to take place in thin calico matter. This will help the child not be afraid of water.
  • To reassure the baby. In warmth, comfort, the child falls asleep faster.
  • For skin problems. Wearing diapers can lead to a rash and diaper rash. In diapers, the skin is healthier.
  • With hygiene procedures. Agree, when the baby is swaddled, it is easier for him to clean his nose and eyes, to drip the medicine.
  • In medical procedures. In this position of the child, the doctor is easier and faster to make the necessary manipulations.

I must say that the touch of a pleasant tissue helps to develop a better sense of touch, and for premature babies the diaper imitates the mother’s womb.

how to swaddle a newborn with his head

Swaddling Options

The following options are common today:

  • Full tight. The child is wrapped in cloth from head to toe, his arms, and sometimes the legs are fixed.
  • Classic. From legs to neck. The handles are fixed, but you can twist your head as much as you like.
  • Free. A kind of cozy "nest" in which you can freely move your head and limbs.

Before swaddling

Before swaddling a newborn (you will see a photo with instructions throughout the article), modern mothers do the following:

  1. First of all, a thin vest with a smell on the back is put on the baby.
  2. In the cold season, a warm vest with a smell on the chest is placed on top.
  3. Next, a diaper is put on the baby.
  4. If you do not use such products, then the similarity can be made by yourself from gauze. For this, the square of this matter (preferably multi-layered) should be turned into a triangle. Its right angle is passed between the legs of the child, and the sharp ones wrap around the baby’s tummy. The recommended size of the gauze square is 80 x 80 cm.

If this business is new to you, we recommend that you first practice on a doll or soft toy.

how to swaddle a newborn in the hospital

Method number 1: classic

We will consider in detail how to swaddle newborns:

  • First of all, spread the diaper in the center of the table, bed.
  • Lay the baby in the middle of the fabric so that his head is above the upper edge of the diaper.
  • Now you need to attach the baby’s right hand to his calf and then obliquely wrap the right edge of the diaper. The latter should go behind the back of the baby.
  • Now also press the baby’s left handle to his chest and similarly wrap the left side of the diaper behind the back.
  • We turn the “tail” below at the legs of the baby. It is important not to delay them, but to leave them free.
  • The "tail" can be tucked up to the neck of the child. But it’s important - not lower than the elbows.
  • Then, alternately right and left sides of the "tail" wrap the torso of the child.
  • The free edge can be tucked or fixed with a safety pin.
  • Finally, check that the handles are securely locked and the legs are free.
  • If it is cold outside, then wrap the baby in a second diaper similarly. Only in this case it is not necessary to fix the already hidden handles of the child.
  • But if it’s hot, then the baby’s hands should not be swaddled. Place the baby on a diaper so that to the chest he is above the matter. Swaddle in the indicated way, but only leaving your hands free.
swaddle newborn photo

Method number 2: "envelope"

How to swaddle a newborn in the hospital or under normal conditions in this way:

  1. Lay the child on the fabric so that one of its corners remains free above his head.
  2. Then tuck the bottom corner of the diaper to the baby’s tummy.
  3. The side corners are tucked under the back of the child. That's all!

This method is good for walking on the street. In the cold season, in addition to the diaper, you can also use a blanket. The upper end can perfectly cover the face of the child from the cold, block it from the light from sleep. And in the summer, instead of a diaper, we recommend using gauze.

Method number 3: tight with the head

How to swaddle a newborn with a head:

  • Spread one diaper with a square, and the other, the upper one, with a rhombus.
  • Wrap the top corner of the rhombus inward.
  • Lay the baby in such a way that the upper edge later appears on his forehead.
  • Tuck the upper edges of the diaper through the forehead over the baby's ears.
  • Holding the fabric around your neck, bring its right side through the child’s hand under his left side.
  • Next, in a similar way, we tuck the left side of the diaper over the left hand crumbs under the right barrel.
  • The lower edge is bent under the knees.
  • Also bring the upper diaper under the baby's sides, spreading the folds, first the right, and then the left side.
  • The lower edges are tucked up to the tummy, smoothed out. The tips can be tucked under the legs or back. Everything is fixed with a tape if you plan a walk.
how to swaddle a newborn step by step photo

Method number 4: free swaddling

We continue to analyze how to swaddle a newborn with step-by-step photos. Now let's talk about the popular free method today:

  1. Spread warm matter, and thin on top of it.
  2. First put on the baby's undershirts and a diaper (gauze bandage).
  3. First of all, the baby is wrapped in a thin diaper. At the armpit level, the right edge is tucked under the left handle and fixed behind the back. Be sure to straighten it so as not to create discomfort for the child.
  4. Turn the left edge in the same way. Handles remain free.
  5. Now you need to raise the free lower edge to the baby's armpits.
  6. Tuck the right side of the “tail” behind the back, and then the left.
  7. A free edge is placed behind the upper diaper.
  8. Thus, you will create a kind of bag in which the baby can freely move his limbs.
  9. In a similar way, wrap it in warm cloth. She, too, should not impede the movement of the child.

Such swaddling does not allow blood to stagnate in the body from forced immobilization, which is very useful for the baby crumbs.

So we figured out how to swaddle a newborn in summer and winter. Choose any method convenient for you and your baby. Should I refuse swaddling? This is a personal matter for every mom. However, there are situations in which swaddling is indispensable.

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