Snoring during pregnancy: causes and methods of treatment. Remedies for snoring

60% of pregnant women have such an unpleasant phenomenon as snoring. In the later stages, this is quite normal. Doctors do not recommend self-treatment of snoring during pregnancy, since medications and medicinal herbs often cause side effects. It is better to report a problem that bothers you to the gynecologist. The doctor will choose the best treatment method.

Breathing features

During pregnancy, women experience serious physiological and hormonal changes. The uterus daily increases in size and puts pressure on neighboring organs. At 30-32 weeks, the diaphragm shifts. And many women who have never suffered from snoring begin to experience shortages of air at night and in the afternoon. Involuntary muscle relaxation during sleep causes severe snoring.

During pregnancy, among other things, the body produces special hormones that cause a decrease in muscle tone. As a result, the walls of the pharynx, tongue and palate close and block access to air.

Violation development

Let's dwell on this in more detail. Most often, snoring during pregnancy appears in the last trimester. The fetus and uterus at this stage reach quite large sizes, and muscle tone is significantly reduced. As a result, breathing is possible due to complete muscle relaxation at night during sleep.

Other causes of snoring during pregnancy include:

  1. Weight gain.
  2. Hormonal changes.
  3. Hormonal rhinitis.
  4. Swelling of the nasopharynx.
  5. Toxicosis in the later stages.
  6. Allergy.
  7. Respiratory disease.
  8. Nervous breakdowns.
  9. Stress.
  10. Smoking.

Also, snoring during pregnancy can cause tonsillitis and thyroid pathology. The influence of such unfavorable factors as an uncomfortable bed, a stuffy and dusty room, a hard pillow, and an improper position during sleep should not be ruled out. Snoring can also occur due to a hearty dinner and excessive fluid intake at night.

severe snoring during pregnancy

Who is at risk?

This aspect should be given special attention. Previously, we examined what causes snoring during pregnancy. The reasons may be different, but there are certain factors that increase the risk of developing pathology. The risk group includes women who gained more than 15 kilograms during the bearing of a child. In addition, if before pregnancy a woman suffered from ronchopathy, then in the process of bearing a child, seizures can become stronger. The risk of apnea is also increased. The causes of snoring during pregnancy can also be:

  • tonsil hypertrophy;
  • pathology of the hearing aid;
  • chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • pathology of the structure of the skull;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • pathology of the kidneys, heart and liver.

If you have bad habits at the planning stage of pregnancy, you should get rid of them. Smoking during gestation interferes with the normal supply of oxygen to the fetus.

snoring during pregnancy

How do respiratory problems occur?

So what do you need to know about this? If you are interested in what causes snoring during pregnancy and how to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, then you should consider in more detail the mechanism of regulation of breathing at night. The central nervous system is responsible for this process. On inhalation and exhalation, the soft palate, tongue and mucous membrane of the pharynx should close and open. Adults may begin to snore in their sleep due to narrowing of their airways resulting from an acute respiratory illness or allergy. Snoring can also occur if there is a foreign body in the nasal passage. Pregnant women in the later stages may develop toxicosis, which also causes swelling of the mucous membranes, arms and legs. Due to the increased production of progesterone and changes in the hormonal background, muscle tone is reduced. If severe snoring occurs, check the airway. In the case of prolonged closure of the walls of the larynx, complete respiratory arrest is possible. Such an attack can be very dangerous.

Other symptoms

What else is worth paying attention to? Snoring during pregnancy can also be accompanied by unpleasant phenomena such as shortness of breath and swelling. Usually these symptoms appear due to excess weight. If the disorder occurs against the background of hormonal rhinitis, it can be accompanied by symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, tearing and sneezing. A concomitant symptom with severe snoring can also be blood pressure. If nosebleeds and dizziness are observed in the pregnant woman in the morning, you should definitely seek medical help.

Ways to deal with snoring

Let's dwell on this in more detail. How to treat snoring during pregnancy? First of all, attention should be paid to external factors causing the violation. Try wet cleaning daily and ventilate the room. In addition, the pillows should be cleaned. During pregnancy, aerosols and drops from snoring are not recommended. The effects of such drugs can have a detrimental effect on the fetus.

how to sleep during pregnancy


How to choose the most effective? To eliminate snoring during pregnancy, you can try to perform a set of special exercises. You can do this even at home. They help increase muscle tone of the palate, tongue and larynx. A set of exercises should be performed before bedtime or immediately after waking up. They will help to avoid attacks of breath holding.

First exercise: for a few minutes, grip a wooden stick or pencil with your teeth. Light pressure should be performed first. Towards the end of the exercise, try to bite the subject harder.

Second exercise: try to reach the tip of the nose with your tongue. Keep this position for 10 seconds. After that, reach for the palatine tongue. This exercise should be done 10-15 times.

The third exercise: open your mouth wide and hold for a few seconds in this position. After that, close your lips and stretch them as if trying to smile. Pull your lips forward at the end. The exercise should be repeated 10-15 times.

Fourth exercise: grip your chin and move your jaw back and forth. Exercise should be done 30 times.

These exercises have a fairly high efficiency. However, if the cause of the snoring is swelling of the mucous membrane or a curved septum, they will not give a result.

snoring during pregnancy how to get rid

Authorized Drugs

Today, pharmacies have a wide range of snoring products, but not all of them can be used during pregnancy. When rhinitis is better to use safe means, such as saline. Good help "Snoreks". Reviews confirm that this tool fights the main causes of snoring. The drug has a natural origin. The composition includes extracts of plants such as calendula, propolis and sage. They relieve swelling, have a bactericidal effect and help strengthen immunity. The drug helps from the first days of use.

Folk methods

Alternative methods also help get rid of snoring during pregnancy. What are they and what can be involved, and what not?

First of all, when choosing a method of treatment should be based on the reasons that caused this problem. If snoring appeared due to irritated nasal mucosa, then sea buckthorn oil will help. They should be instilled into the nose. A positive effect is observed after 2-3 weeks of use.

drops of snoring

Many pregnant women are interested in how to sleep during pregnancy. If snoring appears while resting on your back, you can try to sew a small soft ball to the back of your pajamas. You just will be uncomfortable to sleep in this position, you have to roll over to one side.

When snoring, rinsing with infusion of oak bark and calendula flowers also helps. This composition should be gargled before bedtime and after eating.

Traditional treatments

There are other methods of traditional medicine that help fight snoring well during pregnancy. Effective nose clips with magnets. They contribute to the expansion of the nasal passages. There are also special implants that help strengthen the soft palate. However, before using these methods, it is better to consult with your doctor.

pregnancy snoring treatment

Preventative methods

There are certain measures that minimize the risk of snoring during pregnancy. You can try to regularly clean your nose with a weak solution of sea salt. Also, pregnant women should exclude foods with a high fat content from the diet. It is recommended to use drops to moisturize the nasal mucosa. You can also buy a special device - a humidifier. Qualified doctors also advise you to stop using caffeine, as it can interfere with healthy sleep.


Doctors recommend not postponing the solution to the problem of snoring during pregnancy. In advanced cases, this can cause complications. If the cause of snoring is high blood pressure, then the child may be born with insufficient body weight. Negatively affects the development of the fetus and lack of sleep. If you neglect such problems, the baby may be born with violations. Most of the pathologies of fetal development are associated with advanced forms of maternal apnea.

At the first sign of difficulty breathing, consult a doctor. A specialist can recommend safe medications for treatment, such as Dr. Snore spray or alternative treatments.

Doctor snoring for snoring


Many women encounter problems such as snoring while bearing a child. This symptom may indicate the development of serious violations. The expectant mother should definitely inform the doctor about the occurrence of this symptom. To eliminate snoring, experts advise using such simple and safe means, for example, as "Snoreks". Reviews of this drug confirm that it is quite effective, and most importantly - safe. In addition to medical methods of treatment, you can also try to do special exercises aimed at increasing muscle tone. Herbal infusions and natural oils help well. It is also important to remember the posture during sleep. Try to regularly wet the room and often ventilate the bedroom.

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