Angelfish blue angel: description, features of the content and care

Probably every experienced aquarist heard about a blue angel scalar. This is an amazingly beautiful fish that can decorate any aquarium. Of course, caring for her is much more difficult than guppies or swordsmen, but still she enjoys some popularity. We will tell you more about it - perhaps some of the readers will want to have this beauty in their aquarium.


In the wild, blue angelfish, or blue angel, does not occur - this breed was artificially bred, and relatively recently. Her body is disc-shaped, almost flat. The anal and dorsal fins are strongly deformed - elongated, bent backward, due to which the fish acquires an unusual crescent shape. The pectoral fins are very elongated, thinned, turning into organs of touch. This form allows the scalar to swim calmly through dense algae.

Aquarium decoration

The sizes can vary significantly - this depends on both the feeding and the size of the aquarium, heredity. With good content, the body length of pets can reach 10 centimeters.

The color, as the name implies, is pale blue. Fish look very impressive against the background of dense greenery, which should be taken into account when keeping scalars. In the tail area there is a black vertical strip, less often two. In order for the fish to look really chic, it is necessary to provide high-quality lighting - in the twilight it will not be possible to fully enjoy the beauty.

Suitable aquarium

Knowing the description of the angelfish blue angel, you can seriously think: is it worth it to start? First of all, you need to decide whether your aquarium is suitable for it. It is not so much about the volume sufficient for a comfortable life, but about the division of the aquarium with fish. The social life of scalars is rather complicated - they are not used to living in large flocks, but we will talk about this a little later. To begin with, it is worth remembering: even if you want to get only two pairs of fish, you need an aquarium with a volume of at least 150 liters. To a lesser extent, the risk of ongoing conflicts over spawning plots is high. In some cases, they turn into real fights, which can end in the death of weak individuals. At the same time, the height of the aquarium should be at least 50 centimeters - given the shape of the body of the scalar, it is easy to guess that in a more modest aquarium they will simply be uncomfortable.

Graceful couple

Do not skimp on various decorations for the aquarium. Grottoes, shells (if the water is not too hard), driftwood and algae will create an environment suitable for scalars.

Comfortable conditions

As mentioned above, angelfish is a fish that is quite finicky. If you want her to feel comfortable, have a beautiful appearance, you need to take into account certain features, create suitable conditions.

Angels feel best at temperatures from + 24. + 27 ° C. If the temperature is lower, then the fish become inhibited, the risk of developing diseases increases. With increasing temperature, the amount of air dissolved in water decreases. It also does not benefit large fish.

Looks great against algae

The optimum pH is 6.5-7.5 with a water hardness of 6 to 15.

Angelfish are large fish. Therefore, you need to provide them with enough air for breathing. In the afternoon, the problem is mainly solved by algae - in the presence of good lighting. But at night, you should definitely include aeration. But there is a nuance: fish do not like powerful air currents. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to compressors with nozzles that evenly distribute air. A small string of bubbles (or rather a few) will mix the layers of water, saturate it with oxygen, revitalize the aquarium.

Once a week, you need to change part of the water in the aquarium - about 20% on average or 10% in large. As you can see, the blue angel is not so picky in its care. Therefore, such a fish can become an adornment of many aquarium farms.

Social life

It’s worth noting right away: you should only have a large number of scalars in a very large aquarium. For one pair should be at least 50, and preferably 70 liters of water. Moreover, the volume densely planted with algae is not considered - the fish need free space for swimming. If there is an increased crowding of individuals, then the risk of conflict is high, as mentioned above.

Upon reaching adulthood, the fish are divided into pairs. Moreover, the connection in pairs is surprisingly strong - there are often cases when, after the death of one individual, the second is no longer looking for a pair, and sometimes it also dies.

Choosing the Right Neighbors

Finding the right neighbors for scalars can be tricky. It’s worth immediately abandoning predatory, aggressive neighbors such as swordsmen, cockerels, macropods, barbs - in the best case, scalars will remain without fins, or they may be killed to death. Too small neighbors like guppies or neon are also not the best solution. Angelfish love to diversify their diet with live food. If it is not enough, then the youth of the neighbors will be used.

Suitable Neighbor - Mesonaut

The best choice will be catfish living at the bottom, as well as mesonauts and some types of cichlids. Large, calm, peaceful, they can perfectly complement the aquarium without causing any trouble to the neighbors.

Suitable feed

Judging by the reviews, blue angelfish prefers live food in the diet, as, indeed, other aquarium fish. It is best if the main food is bloodworms, daphnia, tubule. Be sure to rinse them thoroughly, disinfect or even freeze them to eliminate the risk of infection or parasites in the aquarium.

Also, plant foods should be added to the diet - scalded thin cabbage, richchia, duckweed. Indeed, in the wild, scalars eat quite a lot of greenery, without which they do not feel very well.

You can use dry food - in extreme cases, when there is no way to get another. Granules will be an excellent choice. On the one hand, they contain all the necessary vitamins, substances, trace elements. On the other hand, the particles are large enough to interest the scalar. Chopped feed quite often falls to the bottom, where it rots, poisoning the water.

Artemia Nauplii

With proper feeding and maximum comfort, a scalar can live 10 or even 15 years!

Breeding and caring for young

For breeding, you should choose a pair of fish that are contained in the main aquarium separately from others. They are placed in a spawning aquarium with a volume of at least 50 liters. The water temperature should be slightly increased - about + 26 ... + 28 degrees Celsius. Such warming is a signal for the start of spawning.

The aquarium should be planted with algae with large, wide leaves - it is on them that the female usually lays large eggs. Their number ranges from 300 to 500, but in some cases it can reach 1000! The male immediately fertilizes the eggs, if not disturbed.

Fry angelfish

For two days, parents carefully transfer eggs from one leaf to another, eat the damaged one, and carry out aeration with the help of fins. After 2 days, larvae hatch, which in a week turn into fry. Parents by this time are sent to a common aquarium.

The best food for young animals is small live daphnia, artemia nauplii, as well as cyclops. Spawning should be carried out regularly, removing food debris, adding fresh water.


As you can see, blue angelfish is a real challenge even for an experienced aquarist. Keeping and propagating them is not too easy. But if everything succeeds, it will be an excellent proof of your skill.

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