After such films as “Lassie”, “Dog Work”, “Four Taxi Drivers and a Dog”, “Beethoven”, “Marley and Me”, “Hachiko” a certain breed becomes super popular. Viewers identify the character of the film with dogs of her breed and expect the manifestation of the same qualities in the acquired puppy. When this does not happen, negative feedback from such owners is heard.
Sometimes a dog enters the family by accident. Almost always, this is an adult animal with its own history. It is good if the people around her are familiar with her - then the stress from the change in life will smooth out. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. There may be behavioral disturbances due to stress: bites, running away. Let's consider in more detail all the pros and cons of a dog in a family.
Welcome puppy
At the family council, it was decided to get a dog. The breed is selected, a lot of information has been read about it. And here is the puppy in the house. On the first night he does not let his cry sleep, calming down only if someone sits and strokes him. This goes on for several days. And finally, forced to take him to bed. The puppy calmly falls asleep and learns a lesson: in order to achieve his goal, we must cry. And sofas and beds become his favorite places of rest.
The family has breakfast. The puppy asks for food from the table - it smells so good, not like he has in a bowl! Someone does not stand up and treats the baby. Now he will always beg for food, refusing food. A small fickle grows. Besides the fact that this will cause disturbances in the structure of his body, such a habit forms disobedience - in a pack the leader eats separately.
After a short time, the puppy becomes aggressive, because hormones begin to secrete, and his education is lame. He wants to become the leader of the pack. After suffering a little, the owners give it in good hands. Why did this happen? They did not take into account the need for systematic training of the dog. The pros and cons of training could be explored in advance.
Dog for baby
The child asks for a dog. Parents understand that they will not be able to devote time to her, and are trying to refuse. But the child begins to drag home all the mongrels around, and the parents surrender. Dog handlers are advised to choose a breed with a balanced character for inexperienced owners. Service, hunting, fighting breeds require not just education, but competent participation of a specialist in it. Otherwise, the shepherd will pounce on any passerby if it seems to her that he is threatening the owner. Laika will run away and hunt chickens, rabbits, cats. Rottweiler will kill cats and dogs.
If a child will remain with the dog most of the day, choose a companion dog. This is a golden retriever, Labrador, poodle, Pekingese. The pros and cons of a dog of the selected breed must be obtained in advance from experienced breeders, kennel owners and winners of dog shows in order not to encounter unpleasant surprises.
Dog from the shelter
In dogs, as in humans, congenital malformations occur. This is reflected in the appearance, and such a puppy is rejected. Some breeders euthanize babies, others give them to shelters. If the puppy does not confuse the appearance, you can take it from the receiver. All the characteristic features of the breed are likely to be, as in healthy brothers. And appearance is paid attention only at exhibitions. If you consider that some breeds are quite expensive, you get good savings.
Non-stray dogs usually enter a shelter. These are socialized animals that are well related to humans. They can be sad when they lose their beloved master. Or show fear for fear of punishment. It is not known in what conditions they lived before the shelter. What are the pros and cons of a shelter dog?
If you provide such an animal with good conditions, you can make good friends with him. Some breeds completely change their character, moving in adulthood to a new owner. A person will need insight and tact to make a duet with a new pet. It is better not to take adult dogs into a family with children, choosing a puppy.
When choosing a breed, you should consider the capabilities of the family. Will the pet be able to provide walks, games with other dogs, grooming and proper nutrition? His health depends on it. Who will raise the puppy - an adult or a child? This affects the choice of breed. For what purpose do you get a dog? If this is a country house, then where will the pet live - in a kennel or in a house?
Answers to these questions will help determine the size of the dog, the time of communication with it, the degree of activity, the expected nature and cost of maintenance. It remains only to choose the appearance - someone likes fluffy, someone prefers smooth-haired. The veterinarian Sergei Savchenko tells about the pros and cons of dog breeds.
In the apartment
Owners of dogs living in the apartment note the need for daily cleaning. But still, the wool scatters everywhere. If you comb the dog, it will become a little smaller. But the undercoat has very light hairs. They do not immediately fall to the floor after the dog shook himself, scratched himself or ran down the hall. They are brought into the kitchen and bedroom with slippers. Squeamish people will be unpleasant.
You cannot forbid a dog to express emotions. If she needs to go out late in the evening or early in the morning, she will not calm down until she reaches her goal. Otherwise, the owners will find a puddle in the hallway. The neighbors below may not like the noise when the dog barks or jumps.
All things will have to be cleaned higher so that the pet does not reach them - another point that the owners of the animals note. There are dogs who like to chew on shoes. Some dogs like to chew dirty laundry, topple the bin and find something tasty there. There are thieves who can pull something off the table. The pros and cons of a dog in an apartment are best told by dog breeders in the yard, who go out for a walk in the evening. Communication in such an impromptu “dog club” consists entirely of stories about pet tricks.
In a private house
Without a dog in a private house, there is never any certainty that no stranger walks around the yard. Voiced barking will warn about a stranger, and this is definitely a plus. Choosing a guard breed, you should devote proper time to the dog, engaged in its upbringing. You must make sure that it is not dangerous to humans. Bred specifically for protective purposes, the dog always has in front of him the image of the enemy - any animal or person who is not familiar to him.
Even a trained animal remains dangerous for utility workers, neighboring children and passers-by. But she may not protect against criminals. Against her teeth can act weapons, chemical fluids or poison bait. A dog unfamiliar with the street may get caught in the car. Sitting constantly on a leash begins to hurt from a lack of movement. In remote villages, she is at risk of wolf attacks. If this is a bitch, then all the surrounding males will sit at the fence twice a year for two weeks. They can even dig and run along the beds, snarling at the owners.
In addition, in nature there is a danger of a bite of an encephalitis tick, infection with many diseases and parasites. Therefore, you should regularly vaccinate your pet. Another minus of keeping a thoroughbred dog in the courtyard of a private house is theft. With the help of a flowing bitch, they can lure the male out of the site and take him away. These are the pros and cons of a dog in the house.
Cost of maintenance
The larger the animal, the more food it needs. If you feed it with natural products, it can be inexpensive. But cooking meat or fish porridge will take time. It is easier to use dry food after consulting your veterinarian. It is impossible to combine two types of food. It takes three to six thousand to eat, depending on the breed.
The advantage of feeding dry food will be the dog’s lack of desire to try food from the people's table. She will not climb on the table, will not rummage through the trash. In order for the food to be truly complete and the dog lacked leftovers and dead wood, it is necessary to maintain a mineral balance. Some owners give their pets vitamins and bone meal, which are sold in veterinary pharmacies.
Speaking about the pros and cons of keeping a dog, it is impossible not to note the importance of timely vaccination. This will save you a lot of problems.
The dog becomes a member of the family. When she leaves due to age or another reason, people experience real grief. Unfortunately, the dog age is short-lived. Sooner or later this will happen. And then the person will again face the question of whether to get a dog again. The pros and cons of living side by side with this beautiful animal, he will already know well.