How to teach a baby to a potty?

From the very first minutes of life, a child learns many things that seem difficult for him. Of course, helps him in this mom. The matter of accustoming to the pot is also in most cases mother's care, since the baby himself has no need for the pot yet. He just does not know what to do with him, but you can pee in the diaper.

In this painstaking work for mom, the key question is how to teach a pot. And it is not so important how many months or years this will happen, namely how. After all, mothers who boast that their child has already mastered the pot since six months are frankly mistaken. For kids, a pot is a toy that you can explore, and not a prototype of an adult toilet. And the fact that diligent parents caught the moment of bowel movement in the pot does not mean anything - the child uses the pot unconsciously.

The most important thing is to put into the mind of the baby what a pot is and how to use it. At the same time, the child must understand that his physiological needs should already be controlled by him - this is his big task at this stage of development. After the child learns to control his physiology using this elementary example, it will be easier for him to organize himself in other moments (eating with a spoon, covering his mouth when coughing, etc.). It would seem that these are the simplest actions, but they are given to the baby oh how hard it is.

Among the many methods of how to teach a baby to potty, there is not the only correct or completely effective. Each child is individual, so you should not customize the methodology of B. Spock or E. Komarovsky to your case. Moreover, you should not be upset if something happens not as you expected.

For the best learning process, mom needs to follow some rules.

  1. Reaction to the event. For example, a child has subscribed. Mom shakes her head, and the baby understands that the mother does not like the result, although the baby himself is terribly proud of his puddle under his feet. In the future, he simply begins to sit on the pot after the process has passed. As a result, the result is zero. Do not scold the child, you must take a wait and see attitude. No one knows how long you have to wait.
  2. A very important point for mom - at no stage to be annoyed at the baby, not to put him in a pot by force, not to chase standards, because they do not exist. Due to the irritation and efforts on the part of the mother, the child will come to the conclusion that his actions cause negativity, so he can generally delay the natural functions (the most severe form of neurotic disorders). Mom should clearly understand that the child does not owe anything to anyone, much less write in a pot at the age of six months. And mother should not listen to reproaches from “experienced” people around - how and when to accustom a child to a pot is her own business.
  3. Do not connect sensory reflexes to this process. In no case do not buy music pots. Do not spank wet panties if the child is unsubscribed. In this case, negative associations will be created, which also will not lead to a result.
  4. The most important rules are to praise if the child has succeeded and do not scold, if the baby cannot cope.
  5. How to teach a pot? Create the right associations. If the child sits on the pot, you can turn on the water, and if successful, be sure to praise the baby. In order for the kid to learn perseverance, take him on the pot with something interesting - read a book, talk to him. At the same time, monitor the process, but do not control it and do not put pressure on the child.

If the mother does not know how to teach the baby to the potty, you can ask for advice from more experienced mothers, adjusted for the fact that this is just advice, not a rule. In some cases, the collective becomes a significant impetus in this matter - when the baby goes to kindergarten and sees how others do it, it is safe to say that on the same day he will try to repeat after friends, and possibly achieve success.

In any case, before accustoming the child to the potty, the mother should have tremendous patience, because only the love and patience of others will help the child cope with this difficult task.

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