Sensations at the 9th week of pregnancy: what happens to mom, fetal size

Many women, having learned about pregnancy, begin to study information about such a wonderful period in the life of every girl. The article will talk about the 9th obstetric week of pregnancy, about what sensations arise during this period. We will also talk about the development of the fetus at this time and about changes in the mother's body.

9th week. Fetal size

9th obstetric week of pregnancy - tentatively, this is two months from fertilization. It is also considered the seventh week from the moment of conception. The obstetric week is calculated based on the last monthly period. Here it is - the long-awaited moment when the test showed two stripes and a new life was born.

The fruit is growing, and it can already be called an embryo. By development, it is already an intrauterine child. As for the size of the fetus at the 9th week of pregnancy, it ranges from 2-3 cm, and its weight is five grams. Therefore, visually for a woman it is still difficult to say that she is pregnant.

9 obstetric week of pregnancy

What develops in the fetus during this period?

It is at this time that the embryo begins active formation. How does the fetus develop at the 9th week of pregnancy?

  1. The formation of the lymphatic system occurs.
  2. Lower and upper limbs begin to grow.
  3. The pituitary gland is formed.
  4. Kidneys and liver are formed.
  5. Outlines of the face.
  6. A cerebellum forms.

At the time of the 9th obstetric week of pregnancy, the sex of the child is still not visible. But young parents should know that at this stage in the development of the child, their genitals are laid and gradually appear. In boys, germ cells form, which in the future will be transformed into sperm. And in girls, ovules form in the ovaries.

The baby in the womb has the size of a cherry with a peduncle. This is about three centimeters, and the weight is about four grams.

At a period of nine weeks, the umbilical cord is formed - the placenta that connects the baby and the pregnant woman. This organ is necessary in order for the child to receive oxygen-rich blood, as well as for the removal of metabolic products from a small organism. This organ consists of three vessels and plays a very large role in the development of the child.

ninth week of pregnancy

9th week and fetal vulnerability

What are the sensations at the 9th week of pregnancy? Now let's figure it out. At such an early stage, it is very important to observe all changes in the woman’s body. Toxicosis or pain should always be alarming, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor. The fetus in the ninth week of pregnancy is very vulnerable. A woman in this position should avoid stress and any stress. If pain is found at night, you need to call an ambulance.

When it is already 9 weeks pregnant, the woman should gradually gain weight. But if toxicosis worries her, then it may even be the other way around, the loss of kilograms. At each visit to the doctor you need to undergo a control weighing, but you can do this at home.


What happens to mom at the 9th week of pregnancy? Toxicosis. What is toxicosis? This is a woman’s condition in which she experiences nausea or sometimes vomiting. At such a time - this is early toxicosis, sometimes even late. Nausea appears more often in the early morning, or from some smells and tastes. All this is due to hormonal changes in women, as well as the establishment of relationships with the child. With toxicosis, lethargy, weakness, drowsiness are observed.

Fortunately, toxicosis does not bother everyone. If it is not, then the woman’s weight gradually increases. The abdomen is not yet visible, but the amount of blood is increasing, as well as adipose tissue, but this should not be afraid. Thanks to such changes, preparations are being made for breastfeeding.

Dry skin and anemia

Another feature of pregnancy for a period of 9 weeks is the dryness of the skin and hair. Anemia may appear - a lack of iron in the blood. This will show the first and subsequent analyzes. To improve the condition, you can drink vitamins for pregnant women, only on the recommendation of a doctor, and you can also eat foods that are rich in iron (red meat, liver, seafood, eggs, apples, legumes, etc.).

Many women are waiting for the baby to stir for the first time. But at this time it is impossible. You have to wait as much.

Week 9 changes

What changes and physiological sensations at the 9-10th week of pregnancy occur? At this time, a woman may be disturbed by a number of inconveniences:

  1. Nausea in the morning.
  2. Frequent urination.
  3. Fatigue and mood swings.
  4. Breasts at the 9th week of pregnancy may experience pain.
  5. Slight cramping in the lower abdomen.

Of course, all this does not happen right away. Pregnancy in each individual woman is an individual feature, so it is difficult to predict in advance what exactly will bother.

Belly and uterus at week 9

9th week of pregnancy

A very common question for expectant mothers is about how the stomach looks in the ninth week of pregnancy. At this time, its increase is almost impossible to notice. But then you can detect a number of changes in the body. Often you want to use the toilet, this is due to an increase in the uterus, it has already become about the size of a large apple. Frequent mood swings are explained by hormonal changes. Each change has its own explanation. Not all pregnant women have nausea. But periodic headaches and fatigue are observed in almost all, this is due to an increase in blood volume in women. Breast enlargement is noticeable, as well as discomfort, sometimes pain - preparation for lactation is in progress. May block nose due to narrowing of blood vessels. There are pains in the lower abdomen, in the form of cramps, can give to the lower back. The uterus grows, so such sensations appear at the 9th week of pregnancy. It is important not to confuse spasms with other aching or cramping pain. The abdomen still does not give out pregnancy, and there can be no swelling of the legs.


Discharge at the 9th week of pregnancy may be, but they should be colorless and odorless, as well as in moderation. If cheesy white discharge appears, it is most likely a thrush. This is an infectious disease, so it must be treated so as not to harm the fetus. If red, brown or scarlet discharge appears, it is worth to sound the alarm.

The reason for this may be an ectopic pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage, miscarriage. Also, with these secretions, the temperature may rise, you must immediately call an ambulance. Another fact you need to know is the menstrual cycle. It stops during pregnancy and occurs only after childbirth.

Abdominal pain and uterine tone

During pregnancy, in the ninth week, pain may occur in the lower abdomen. For example, after a little physical exertion, walking up the stairs or just quick movements. This is due to the tone of the uterus. If you feel pain, you need to lie down and rest. Then the tone should pass. But if the pain intensifies, then this is not a good sign, you need to see a doctor. Uterine tone can also occur on its own, even when lying down. Such sensations in the abdomen at the 9th week of pregnancy can be. The main thing is to distinguish where the norm is and where not. A woman may feel a pulsation in the lower abdomen. In such circumstances, the doctor may prescribe a drug for uterine tone, most often it is a suppository. But it also happens that these pains are also accompanied by secretions: brown, red or scarlet. In such a situation, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Weakened immunity at the 9th week and preventive methods

During pregnancy, and in particular for a period of 9 weeks, a woman's immunity weakens. Because of this, there is a better chance of catching a viral infection, acute respiratory infections and so on. To avoid this, you need to take security measures. In order not to get sick herself and not harm the child with medical treatment, there are preventive methods to prevent the disease. Let's look at them:

  1. It is necessary to ventilate the room daily.
  2. Carry out wet cleaning.
  3. You need to eat more vitamins with foods, eat fruits and vegetables.
  4. Observe personal hygiene.
  5. Do not visit crowded places during the epidemic.

But if it so happened that the disease attacked, then in no case should you prescribe medication yourself. Indeed, for pregnant women, conventional drugs will not work, they can harm the baby, and also provoke a miscarriage. If there is a feeling in the 9th week of pregnancy that the temperature has risen, then only the attending physician can prescribe the right medicine. Now, many drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women, because of their negative effects on the fetus.

Ultrasound Why is it necessary to do such a procedure?

ultrasound at 9 weeks of gestation

The placenta is a very important organ in a pregnant woman. Through it, nutrients come to the baby. But there can be problems with her too. If the placenta is closer than 6 cm to the beginning of the uterus, then this is a presentation. Such a diagnosis can only be determined by ultrasound. It is impossible to see it yourself or at a doctor’s examination. Therefore, ultrasound at the 9th week of pregnancy or the first ultrasound is very important. Such a diagnosis has a number of dangers:

  1. There is a risk of miscarriage.
  2. Most likely, you will have to do a cesarean section.
  3. Placental abruption may occur and bleeding may develop.

Intimate life and the ninth week of pregnancy

fetal development at 9 weeks of gestation

Many are interested in whether intimate life is allowed during pregnancy and how to behave at the 9th week? If there are no pathologies and threats of abortion, then there are no contraindications. But if the doctor during the examination says that there is a threat of miscarriage due to sex, then it is better to abstain. It is also worth knowing that strong physical activity should be excluded, but in moderate amounts you can do it. If you have uncomfortable feelings at the 9th week of pregnancy when having sex, then it is better to abstain. In general, sexual relations have a beneficial effect on a woman’s condition, improve blood circulation and psychological state.

Exercise at Week Nine

There is an opinion that during pregnancy you can not expose yourself to physical activity. This is a myth instilled by caring mothers, grandmothers and other relatives. In fact, you can and even need to play sports. Moderate physical activity in the form of exercises, as well as walking in the fresh air will only benefit the expectant mother and baby. Doctors recommend this, because with a sedentary lifestyle, you can gain excess weight and more. What sports can I practice?

  1. Moderate walking, walking.
  2. Swimming in the pool.
  3. Pilates and yoga.

Overdoing with physical activity is not worth it, you do not need to engage in active sports. But the lungs, on the contrary, will cheer you up and strengthen your health.

When to register?

In the period from 7 to 11 weeks, a pregnant woman needs to be registered. This can be done in a antenatal clinic at a local obstetrician-gynecologist. At the first visit, the doctor learns about the general condition, about complaints, an exchange card will be opened, the first examination will also be made and a smear taken. The gynecologist will determine the gestational age by touch, also starting from the date of the last menstruation. Additionally, temperature, pressure and pulse should be measured, a control weighing of a pregnant woman should be carried out. And all these indications will be entered in the exchange card.

chest pain at 9 weeks of gestation


After the first visit to the doctor, a referral for tests will be issued. The first time there will be a lot of them, but then it will be less and easier. You need to pass the following tests:

  1. General analysis of urine and blood.
  2. Bacterial culture of urine.
  3. Blood from a vein for HIV, a group, syphilis, hepatitis, etc.
  4. Analysis of feces for worms.
  5. HCG blood test.

In addition, you will need to go through some more doctors:

  1. Optometrist and dentist.
  2. Cardiologist and otolaryngologist.
  3. Therapist.

Is an ultrasound done at the 9th week of pregnancy? At this time, this procedure is carried out only according to the special indications of the doctor, otherwise it is too early. The term is very short, so it will be difficult to consider all the indicators of the baby on an ultrasound. But one thing can be seen for sure, one child will be or several. The procedure is usually performed at the 11-12th week of pregnancy, at the end of the first trimester. For the entire pregnancy, do 2-3 ultrasounds, if more is not necessary. In the first procedure, the doctor can tell the size of the fetus at the 9th week of pregnancy, but the rest of the information will not be clear, only a specialist can decipher it.


Every woman wants her pregnancy to go well. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The most important thing is giving up alcohol and smoking. You should quit smoking before conception, so that the child does not have nicotine deficiency, and alcohol is generally strictly prohibited, it greatly affects the development of the baby as a whole. Such bad habits can harm the fetus.
  2. Avoid stress and various negative situations. Stress can even provoke a miscarriage. But this is an extreme situation, also the stresses of the mother can affect the already born baby. You need to experience only positive emotions and prepare for a happy motherhood. Learning not to take everything to heart, and relatives should surround with attention and care.
  3. More to be in the fresh air, to walk, for an hour. Places are better to choose quiet and landscaped, do not give preference to noisy and polluted streets.
  4. Do moderate sports and consume vitamins, eat well.

Also, during pregnancy, you can not go to saunas and take hot baths. This can harm both mom and baby, cause bleeding.

The nutrition of the expectant mother is different from the diet of an ordinary person. A woman, being in a position, can not afford to eat fast food or carbonated drinks. Moreover, this happens very simply, at the level of the maternal instinct, in this way the woman becomes prettier, and the baby gets only good, useful substances.

Essential Vitamins at Week 9

At the ninth week of pregnancy, the child develops a nervous system. Therefore, the future mother should have folic acid and vitamin B 9 in the body, such an auxiliary substance is prescribed by a gynecologist. As practice shows, in the body of a woman an insufficient amount of these elements. Therefore, in almost all cases, vitamins are prescribed, which include these micronutrients.

Nutrition at Week 9

fetus at 9 weeks pregnant

The baby needs a lot of vitamins every day. Therefore, proper nutrition for mom. It is also necessary to eat foods rich in iron so that anemia does not appear. The level of iron will show a blood test.

It is worth giving up fatty and spicy foods, as well as fried foods. The meat should be eaten boiled. The body really needs protein during pregnancy, and red meat also contains iron.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are very healthy and full of vitamins. Do not forget about dairy products, which are rich in calcium. So that the future mother does not have a deficiency of any vitamin, she needs to consume everything moderately. Since the child will first of all take all the useful substances and vitamins for himself.

It is necessary to exclude sweet soda, and indeed sweets are in moderation, they do not carry any value. It is better to eat fresh fruits and drink clean water.

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