Feeding a child on artificial feeding: features of the process

Feeding a child on artificial feeding is a difficult procedure, which must be approached with full responsibility. The fact is that the baby’s intestines are not yet fully formed, especially the one that does not eat mom’s milk, and any product can cause severe irritation of the mucous membranes, bloating and gas. A feature of this process is that it should be started a little earlier than in infants.

feeding a baby on artificial feeding

The baby is fed for artificial feeding at 5.5 months. The main condition for starting is the interest that has arisen in the baby for “adult” food. In addition, the child should add its weight 2.5 times in comparison with the initial weight. And the baby needs to be mentally and physically prepared for the procedure, that is, he should already be able to sit, open his mouth when he sees a spoon, or turn away if he has already eaten or does not want the food given to him.

If the child eats more mixture than before, but does not saturate, then the time of feeding has come. The first product that a baby should try is a vegetable or porridge. And you can start with potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini, buckwheat, rice or corn. The first feeding of the child on artificial feeding should be carefully ground so that there are no lumps left in it. Green apple puree will be very useful.

how to introduce complementary foods during artificial feeding

If you do not know how to introduce complementary foods during artificial feeding, start with half a teaspoon of the product. The norm should be added gradually. For example, you can come to a tablespoon of mashed potatoes in 4-7 days. And one more thing: mixing several vegetables or cereals is not worth it yet. Let the baby’s intestines gradually get used to one thing.

Feeding a child on artificial feeding is very slow. In this case, you should observe how he reacts to new food. Perhaps the body will not perceive any vegetable or fruit. In this case, just give up this product for a while and replace it with another. From six months, the baby can already be given a low-fat vegetable soup, and it also needs to be crushed until the child has several teeth and he learns to chew. At the same age, acquaintance with the egg yolk begins, but it should be given infrequently, only 2 times a week.

how to introduce complementary feeding to a child on artificial feeding

From 7 months, cottage cheese and kefir are included in the diet. At the same stage, try to give the baby berries that can be added to the fermented milk product. You can try to introduce the meat to the child after 8 months. Moreover, preference should be given to low-fat dietary varieties: turkey, beef and rabbit. It must also be crushed. After another month, begin to slowly introduce the fish, but you can give it to the baby only a couple of times a week. After 10 months, you can gradually transfer the crumbs to the “adult” diet, expanding the list of new products, but try not to violate the diet. Now you know how to administer complementary foods to your baby . Grow healthy!

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