Through the windows in the house leaves up to 30% of all heat. Usually they try to compensate for his losses comprehensively. Slots are most often filled with polyurethane foam. This allows you to reduce heat loss by about 95%. At the same time, heat-shrinkable energy-saving film is glued onto the windows themselves. Its use reduces heat loss by another 70%.
What is the material?
A special composite material consisting of several layers is what constitutes an energy-saving film. It is installed quite easily on windows. Each of its layers has a thickness of only a few microns. Their surface is covered with a thin metal film. Most often, film layers are coated with gold, silver, or an alloy of nickel with chromium. This film is so thin that in no way reduces the transparency of the material.
A special adhesive is used to connect the layers of the energy-saving film. This procedure takes place under high pressure and a certain temperature. The result is a material that perfectly retains heat indoors and does not allow too many UV and infrared rays to pass outside.
Main advantages
So, the advantages of such a material as heat-shrinkable energy-saving film (on windows) include the fact that it keeps an excellent microclimate in the room. Another of its advantages is considered quite a significant strengthening of window panes. Their strength increases on average by 8 kg / cm2. Also the advantages of this material include:
A small percentage of the brightness of the windows. This allows not only to lower the room temperature in the summer, but also to protect furniture from direct exposure to UV rays. As a result, its surface burns out less, and therefore, interior items serve much longer.
Decrease in vibroacoustic and electromagnetic radiation. Both of them can have a very negative effect on human health.
Some owners of country houses even consider that the energy-saving film installed on the windows correctly is to some extent able to reduce the risk of thieves entering the interior. On sale today there are also special types of such material of a mirror type. Using them, you can also protect the premises located on the first floor from prying eyes.
The disadvantages of such a material as a heat-saving film are primarily the fact that it practically does not function and does not manifest itself in any way in spring and autumn. Moreover, after turning off the heating, the film prevents the penetration of the sun's rays. As a result, the apartment may become too cold.
This material has another small drawback. Lovers of indoor plants should not use it. Such energy-saving windows UV rays delay just fine, and therefore the flowers in the room will not grow. For the same reason, such a film is not used for covering the frames of greenhouses.
What tools do you need to cook?
Installing material such as energy-saving film on windows is done using:
stationery knife ;
household hair dryer.
You will also need to prepare a sealant to insulate the windows.
Mounting Methods
An energy-saving polyester film is mounted in several stages:
The windows are thoroughly washed and degreased.
All joints between the frames and the span are sealed with a sealant.
Double-sided tape is glued to the frames.
The film itself comes in double folded form. And therefore, before use, its two layers must be separated from each other.
The material is cut according to the size of the windows.
Paper is removed from the surface of the tape.
The film adheres to it around the entire perimeter with optimal voltage.
It is best to mount such material as heat-saving film on windows together. Thus, you can achieve the highest quality installation. After the gluing procedure is completed, the film must be blown with warm air from the hair dryer, achieving its shrinkage. Tensioning the film too much during installation is not worth it. Subsequently, she will still sit down a little.
Useful Tips
On sale today there are different types of such films. Some varieties are coated on the back with a thin layer of clear glue. Mounting them is very simple. Others are held on glass solely due to the specialized adhesive properties of the material itself. However, double-sided tape on the frame should be used during installation of both types. Otherwise, after some time, the edges of the film may simply move away from the glass. As a result, the windows will look extremely messy. But sticking the edges back after some time after installation will be simply impossible.
The wrinkles that appeared during installation on the surface of the film can be smoothed out gently with a soft rag. Residual material after window mounting can be cut with a sharp knife. In this case, very neat energy-saving windows will be obtained.
Where can I buy?
To acquire this wonderful material in our time is not difficult. Sell it in almost every hardware or hardware store. Also, film, if desired, can be ordered via the Internet. Sometimes it is sold in markets, on the street, or in subway crossings. However, the material should be purchased in such places very carefully, since in this case there is a great risk of running into a fake.
Nowadays, many companies sell plastic windows with already installed energy-saving film. For those who do not want to waste time installing this material, when replacing old frames, it is worth purchasing such PVC designs. In this case, by the way, one can also save on everything else. The fact is that a single-chamber package with an energy-saving film in terms of its ability to retain heat can be equated to a conventional two-chamber one.
Energy-saving window film: reviews
The opinion of consumers about this modern material has developed very well. It is praised primarily for its efficiency in terms of heat storage in the premises. Also, many apartment owners note the fact that after installing such a film in the rooms it becomes quieter. The noise from the street practically does not penetrate.
But of course, this material has opponents. Sometimes it happens that the mounted film gives the so-called thermal effect. As a result, the windows of plastic windows simply crack. In any case, the fact that the windows under such a film are very hot in the summer is noted by many. Therefore, when installing this material should be extremely careful. The saddest thing is that the warranty companies that have cracked the glass for this reason usually do not change the guarantee companies, since they believe that the problem arose through the fault of the owners of the apartment.
Energy-saving film: price
This wonderful stuff is not too expensive. The price of a film is only about 2000 rubles per roll of 30 meters wide, about 1.5 meters wide. Thus, finishing one window will cost no more than a hundred rubles. Tinting and conventional materials are approximately the same. Of course, to purchase a film of too much length is completely optional. Some suppliers sell it in linear meters.
As you can see, the energy-saving film on the windows can be installed quite easily. Moreover, this material is really very effective. The indoor microclimate with its use can be improved significantly. However, experts advise changing this material to a new one at least once a year - in spring or autumn.