How many months can I give a baby a banana?

Starting to introduce complementary foods, many mothers are puzzled by the question of how many months you can give a crumb banana. Almost all children love him, because he has a sweet taste and delicate texture. In addition, it contains a huge amount of vitamins and elements necessary for the development and construction of systems of a growing organism. But parents have some concerns about this fruit because of their exotic origin, so they are so often worried about how many months they can banana a baby.

Before giving an answer to this question, let's recall that the banana is useful and necessary for a person. This yellow-skinned fruit contains sucrose, which affects its high calorie content. Therefore, a banana is a product for a snack during a period of increased mental or physical stress.

since how many months can you give a banana

As for the crumbs, it is convenient to give a banana, for example, on the road or for a walk, when the baby is hungry. It also has a high content of vitamin B, which takes part in the formation and functioning of the baby’s nervous system. The next healthy vitamin for the baby’s body is C, which is slightly less in bananas than in citrus fruits. It is necessary for the formation and maintenance of immunity. Potassium, fluoride, iron, magnesium and sodium are necessary for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, bone and muscle tissue.
since how many months can a banana

The starch contained in the banana in the body breaks down to glucose, which acts as a source of energy necessary for life. As in other fruits and vegetables, in a banana there is fiber, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the intestine and maintaining the necessary microflora in it. In addition, banana is considered a hypoallergenic product, and its moderate use is not associated with disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

Since how many months can you give a banana

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since how many months to give a banana

Doctors recommend a normally developing baby to introduce a banana from 6-8 months. You should start with half a teaspoon of mashed banana puree, gradually increasing the serving, if the baby takes this product well. You need to pay attention to the child’s stool, if he has allergic rashes, gas, colic, etc. Despite the fact that bananas are hypoallergenic, they can, like any other product, cause an organism reaction due to its individual characteristics.

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