The small dog Papillon is one of two subspecies of the Continental Toy Spaniel breed. Between themselves, these subspecies differ only in the shape of the ears. Some of them are erect, while others are widely spaced and resemble butterfly wings. Hence the name of the breed, translated from French papillon means "butterfly". There is also a third, more rare subspecies - phalaenus, in dogs of this species the ears are down and resemble the wings of a moth. In the article, we will take a closer look at the features of the breed, how to choose papillon puppies and properly care for them.
This breed has several names - a squirrel dog, a butterfly dog, a moth dog , pipion, falen and others. But the continental toy spaniel is considered official.
For the first time these small dogs are mentioned in the annals of the 11-13th centuries. Some consider the birthplace of the papillon China, others - France. But the most likely version of the Spanish roots, because the spaniel in translation means "Spanish dog."
In the 18th century, the French nobility, who fled from the revolution, brought papillon puppies to Belgium, and already in the 19th century, both Belgian and French breeders seriously engaged in breeding this beautiful breed. Officially, the dwarf dog was recognized as an independent species in 1903 in the UK and in 1915 in the United States.
The first nurseries with Papillon puppies appeared in Russia in 1995, and since the beginning of the 2000s, the National Club of Falen and Papillon breeds has been patronizing the continental spaniel in Russia.
The breed is described in several versions: English, Australian and American. The Russian Federation adheres to a standard recognized and developed by the FCI International Organization.
Appearance and dimensions
Papillon is assigned to the group of dwarf (miniature) dogs. Animals are small, proportionate, have long hair, aristocratic and graceful posture, are easy to move and very elegant.
Papillon dogs are distinguished by a harmonious, graceful and slightly stretched format. They have a strong, thin skeleton and approximately the same dimensions of the length of the body and height at the withers. Permissible growth is up to 28 centimeters, and weight ranges from 1.5 kg to 5 kg, depending on the species.
In the international description of the breed, the following features are indicated:
- a short, light skull, a rounded forehead and a nape; a small median groove is allowed;
- the papillon has a distinct, deep stop (transition from the forehead to the muzzle), which practically forms a right angle;
- the nose is small, slightly flattened, the earlobe is always black;
- the breed has strong, white teeth, a scissor bite, strong jaws, if they are compressed, the tongue is not visible;
- lips are narrow, fit tightly to the teeth;
- protruding tongue that does not clean when touched is considered a drawback;
- the papillon has large, low and widely set, almond-shaped, usually dark-colored eyes;
- the expression on the face is alert and alert;
- the main feature is the ears, they are erect, widely spaced and have rounded tips, and the inside is pubescent with a wavy, silky hair, in general, the ears are bordered with thick fringe.
It should be noted that when falen and papillon are mixed, puppies appear with their ears down, which, together with the pointed form, is a serious drawback.
The breed is distinguished by a thick and long coat, which consists of core hair. The continental spaniel has no undercoat, and the coat is soft and silky to the touch. In this case, the hair should be straight, curls are not allowed by the breed standard.
Below you can see photos of the puppies of the papillon and adult dogs.
The main requirements for the color of the animal are:
- a white background on the limbs, legs and body dominates the colored spots;
- the presence of white spots in the form of a star on the head is desirable;
- in front of the lower part of the head, a white groove is permissible;
- white ears without color spots are considered a flaw;
- the spots themselves on the face and head should be symmetrical.
The color itself is of three types: white-red, black-white and white with black red spots. Breeders also distinguish: lemon-sable, black-sable, white-lemon and snow-white colors.
Preference is given to dogs with a two-tone coat color. Defects are white hairs inside the ears, the absence of colored spots over the eyes and ears, liver and blue marks.
It should be noted that the color of the hair of the papillon may change after six months of life. Also, the color may vary slightly after seasonal linking.
How to choose a papillon puppy
Buying a continental spaniel is a kind of lottery. In appearance, a fluffy and active puppy can completely change in a year: the color will change, the puppy fluff will replace a not very thick coat, and the character will be shy and timid.
In order to avoid such surprises, you should buy pets in nurseries or from trusted breeders. Before giving the money, it is worth checking the documents of origin, certificates from veterinarians, vaccination and vaccination records, as well as certificates of genetic testing.
The best age for buying a papillon puppy is from 1.5 to 2 months, because 45 days after birth, the first official examination of the animal (actiating) is carried out. As a result of the examination, a conclusion is given on the presence or absence of defects, the condition of the baby and admissibility for breeding. The procedure involves the issuance of puppy metrics, confirmation of origin and branding of the animal.
A thoroughbred papillon puppy in Moscow costs from 15 to 50 thousand rubles. If the pet is brought from abroad, the cost can rise to 60 thousand rubles.
If the continental spaniel is not purchased for breeding and exhibitions, then you can choose a puppy with a malformation or malocclusion, such shortcomings do not affect the health, nature and abilities of the animal, but the price tag will be significantly lower.
Papillons are very active, but with a good upbringing they can control themselves. It is believed that these dogs have a strong and balanced temperament. They are curious, friendly, courageous and playful, and good learning makes them regulars at exhibitions and competitions.
Papillons get along well with cats, and dogs of other breeds are sometimes cocky. When walking, you need to monitor the pet, as it can easily start a quarrel with a larger dog.
Representatives of this breed relate to strangers wary, but not aggressively. Feeling danger, they are filled with a loud bark.
Since dogs are very fragile, especially at a young age, it is necessary to teach children (if they are in the house) to treat them carefully. Overly active petting can harm Papillon puppies.
Care and maintenance
Papillon care is not complicated. Keeping a dog in an apartment is not difficult. Once a week, the pet needs to be bathed, combed and disassembled. After bathing, the hair is dried with a hairdryer. Given the small size of the animal, we can say that such procedures take no more than two hours a week.
Dog ears require special care . They should be disassembled and combed every day, the same can be said about wool on a fluffy tail.
This breed has a tendency to the appearance of tartar. Therefore, brushing your teeth with special toothpaste twice a week should be added to other care procedures. And for prevention, you can buy chewing toys for dogs, cleaning ropes and bones.
How to feed a papillon puppy
When choosing a scheme and diet, it is worth considering that dogs need high-calorie and quickly digestible food, enriched with vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
There is a set of general rules for feeding dwarf dogs:
- food should be warm;
- Do not give food from your table;
- when feeding with dry food, clean water should always be in the bowl;
- raw meat must be given along with vegetables, since without them it is poorly digested;
- Vitamin and mineral supplements are added to the feed.
The menu should include: poultry, lean meat, offal, boiled egg yolk, dairy products.
In any case, the method of nutrition must be discussed with the breeder or veterinarian.
Life span
On average, papillon dogs live from 12 to 15 years. Pets have good health and excellent immunity, but, like all breeds, the continental spaniel has a number of hereditary diseases. These include diseases of the ears, joints, eyes, and hypoglycemia.