How to wash rats? Decorative rats: types, features of maintenance and care

When purchasing a pet, weigh the pros and cons. If the choice fell on a rat, then some important points should be considered. There are many types of rats. Which one to buy is a matter of taste. Hence the appropriate care (how to feed, raise and how to wash rats).

general information

These rodents have lived next to humans since ancient times. In China, they were respected, and in Europe they were hated. In the nineteenth century, Piper Piper Jack Black trapped white rats and sold them to cages.

White rodents are especially popular in scientific works. These animals perfectly adapt to the most unforeseen conditions.

There are different breeds of rats. Some names migrated from dogs, rabbits and cats.

The structure of decorative rodents is not the same as that of ordinary rats. Meet:

  • tailless;
  • with low set large rounded ears.

The appearance of a decorative rat is much nicer than an ordinary street rat. And this is not only in terms of aesthetics. Differences between individuals in the structure of the skull, habits and wool are detected. Among decorative animals there are individuals with different colors and coat lengths.

Breed standard

breed standard

It is these rats that are most often bred at home. In appearance, the rodent is very cute. The elongated body reaches 30 cm. Plus, the tail is 20 cm. The weight of the females is 300 g, and the male is 500 g. The paws are covered with wool. On the front legs there are 4 fingers, on the hind legs - 5. The ears are small and rounded. Short smooth coat boasts its luster and lack of bald patches. On the elongated head are eyes - shiny and clean beads.

Satin rock

satin rat

The animal with a delicate, thin, slightly elongated and radiant coat. Shine is the main advantage of this breed. Such rats have the most diverse color. This species of rat has appeared recently. The body structure is the same as that of ordinary relatives.


dumbo breed

Lop-eared rat. Funny, rounded hearing organs are lower than those of other brethren. This is the newest type of rat - it was bred in 1991 in California. This name was given to the rodent thanks to the cartoon about the elephant calf Dambo. The ears of such rodents should be as large as possible.


Rex breed

In structure, these rodents are no different from other species of decorative rats. But the wool is worthy of attention. It is longer than standard animals, curls and sticks out a little.


sphinx rats

Rats of this breed are completely devoid of fluffy cover. Sometimes it occurs on the stomach, legs and a little on the head. The longest pile is the mustache, although such rats can be without them.

Tailless rat

tailless rat

The first animals with a missing tail were seen in 1942 in America. The breed of rats differs from the standard ones not only by the lack of tail, but also by the structure of the body, which is very similar to a pear. The animal does not suffer at all from the absence of a tail, on the contrary, it is a very cheerful, sociable and clever creature.

White rat

white rat

This is a positive result of crossing stray albino rats with treetop. When colored and white rats are crossed, the offspring of a very different shade is obtained.

Blue breed

blue rat

This kind of rat is most valued and is considered aristocratic. The wool from the base along the entire length is evenly colored. There is a bluish undercoat. The color of the tummy is iridescent - from blue to gray and silver.

The content of decorative rats

The animal in its apartments should be nice and spacious. In a cage should fit:

  • a house for privacy and relaxation of the pet;
  • feeding trough;
  • drinking bowl;
  • toys for fun.

It should be borne in mind that in two months the tiny rat will increase in size and weight. The cage should have plenty of room for the pet to take action.

caged rat

The filling of the cell is different. Someone buys pressed sawdust, someone tears paper, and someone eats soft rags. If sawdust is preferred, they should not be from needles. If a rag, let it be natural material. If paper, then white, without printing ink - it harms the health of the pet.

The cage itself should be strong enough - a plastic tray and metal rods. Typically, these cells are sold to rats. The cage is not placed in drafts, near the battery and under direct sunlight, the animal suffers from overheating and may die.

Pet activity occurs at night. The rustling, crunching of seeds, the rumble of toys and peeping can wake up the owners if the cage is not far from the bedroom or in it.

Rats are flock animals, love communication and suffer from loneliness. It is better to buy a pair of rats, if this is not possible, then a person must replace the flock.

Decorative Pet Care

Rats make supplies, so it’s better to remove the remaining half-eaten food. Water in a drinking bowl should be changed every day. The cage needs to be washed thoroughly. Sometimes, every 3 months, it is disinfected. The better the cell is washed, the less the smell from the animal. The pet itself is also refreshing in the water. Can I bathe rats? Yes.

The pet is often left to walk around the apartment. Such walks suit every day. The rodent should be closely monitored. Since everything that catches your eye will be surely examined and tried for a tooth.

In order for the rat to feel love and care at home, it is necessary to pick it up, play with it and stroke it. Soon the animal will like to sit on the shoulder of the owner. So you can go outside, fresh air will only benefit.

rat on the shoulder

Properly selected food is the key to the health of a pet. What can be offered:

  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • bread;
  • cereals;
  • sunflower seeds (not fried).

You can share the contents of your plate. Rats love soups, cheese, salads. A piece of boiled lean meat will also please the pet. Rats always chew on something. This need is due to the fact that they have constantly growing teeth. And about solid food, they grind them.

If solid food is not enough or there is no favorite toy that the rat grinds on, then they grow so large that they prevent the rodent from eating and drinking, and subsequently can damage soft tissues and pierce the skull. Veterinarian bites off strongly grown teeth with a special tool.

The rat cannot be fed:

  • salted and peppered;
  • sweet
  • citrus fruits;
  • fried and greasy;
  • raw meat;
  • alcohol (they quickly get used to it).

If you follow the rules, then the pet will be quite satisfied and healthy. On average, a decorative rat lives from 2 to 3 years.

When the content of the rodent should take into account the nature of the animal. Females are more mobile and curious. Rats love to run, play and even swim.

Water treatments

Rodents prefer to clean their fur in a dry way (sand, own teeth and grooming). Without need, they do not climb into the water.

These amazing animals are very playful and can mess up - turn over a vessel with liquid or climb into a flower pot, breaking the soil.

Can I bathe a rat that got dirty? There are individuals who are not averse to swimming. But mainly from the side of the animal, resistance is found.

Bathing can be harmful if certain conditions are not met:

  1. The room should be warm, the water should also be warm. Decorative rats are prone to respiratory infections.
  2. Water entering the ears often causes otitis media.
  3. Unsuitable detergent leads to deterioration of coat.
  4. You can not bathe a pet often, this leads to scabies and dry skin.

Bathing a rat, like an ordinary waterfowl, will not work. Usually the animal breaks out, scratches, protests. Therefore, without the urgent need for frequent water procedures, it is better to avoid. Twice a month will be enough.

the rat is swimming

For swimming you need:

  • two containers with warm water;
  • shampoo for an animal;
  • a pair of towels.

In order for the water procedures to pass with minimal stress for the pet, you need to create good conditions. How to wash a rat faster and with maximum comfort? Often the noise of pouring water scares animals, so you should dial it in advance.

The depth in the container should be about 5 cm, not more. The rodent should stand on all paws. Water temperature is about 35 degrees. The task is to wash the pet, and not to cool or cook.

How to wash a rat:

  1. The animal is placed in one of the containers. Caution so that water does not get into the ears, wet the coat.
  2. The shampoo is foamed in the hand and applied with fingertips to wet hair.
  3. Then the rat is transplanted into another container and the shampoo is carefully washed off with clean water.

A rat cannot be washed under running water - only in emergency cases, if it is dirty with a poisonous substance. A stream of water enters the ear canals and causes otitis media in the animal. The ears of the rat tend to fold when it dives of its own free will; if water suddenly spills out, the pet does not have time to take precautions.

Pay attention to the tail of the rat. He takes an active part in the heat transfer of the body. All dirt and dead scales must be removed. In males, this procedure is done more often.

To do this, you should not bathe the whole animal, it is enough to know how to wash the rat’s tail, and proceed with the actions:

  1. Using a cotton swab, moisten the tail with a mild soapy solution.
  2. Using a soft-brushed toothbrush, without pressing, draw from the base to the end of the tail, if necessary, repeat the movement.
  3. After cleaning, dirt and soap solution are washed off with clean water.
  4. Dry the tail dry with a napkin and grease with baby cream without an intrusive odor.

Home decorative rats are very clean, they carefully monitor their hygiene. Bathing is not necessary if the pet is healthy and is in a clean cage.

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