Prostatitis and pregnancy: causes of the disease, possible consequences, methods of treatment, chances of conception

Previously, problems with the prostate gland occurred in representatives of middle and old age, but every year the prostatitis is gradually getting younger, therefore it is increasingly being diagnosed in an increasing number of young people. Therefore, many couples planning to have a baby, the question arises as to whether pregnancy is possible with prostatitis. According to medical statistics, approximately 75 percent of men suffering from this disease retain reproductive functions. However, in the absence of timely and appropriate treatment, the inflammatory process will continue to progress, as a result of which infertility may develop.

general information

prostate inflammation

Many people are convinced that prostatitis and pregnancy are in no way connected, but in fact this is far from the case. Even if the representatives of the stronger sex are doing well with an erection, then there is no guarantee that the sperm is suitable for fertilization of the egg.

This may occur as a result of the following:

  • complications caused by the disease itself. With a prolonged inflammatory process, proceeding in an acute form, irreversible changes occur in the soft tissues of the internal organ, because of which it ceases to function normally;
  • consequences after treatment of prostatitis. Some medications inhibit sperm, significantly shortening their life cycle. As a result of this, they die before they reach the egg.

Given all of the above, planning a pregnancy with prostatitis in a partner should take into account many factors. The most important thing is to abandon attempts to conceive a child if a man is currently actively experiencing inflammation, because intercourse will create an excessive load on the reproductive system, which will only aggravate the situation and also increase the risk of infection for a woman. During sexual intercourse, pathogens enter the woman's body, causing various diseases. Despite prolonged abstinence from sex, sperm will retain its properties and will be suitable for fertilization.

But with a long absence of therapy, adhesion of the seminal canals occurs, so the sperm simply can not pass through them with chronic prostatitis in men. Pregnancy partner in this case is unlikely. In this situation, drug therapy is ineffective, and the only way out is surgical intervention.

Can prostatitis lead to erectile dysfunction?

man is sitting on the bed

Let's dwell on this in more detail. Everyone is interested in whether pregnancy with prostatitis is possible, if he was given this diagnosis. The majority at the same time immediately falls into real despondency, which is simply in vain, since with a timely visit to the hospital and the beginning of proper treatment, the man completely cures and he still has every chance of becoming a father. But here it is important to understand that not everything can go smoothly. Inflammation of the prostate gland very often does not go without consequences, therefore, there is a high risk of an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage in the third trimester of bearing the fetus.

If a man and a woman undergo a full examination and complex therapy, then the chances that a pregnancy after treating prostatitis will be successful and without any complications increase significantly. In addition, after completing treatment and following all the doctor’s prescriptions, a man is advised to refuse unprotected sexual intercourse for at least one year. If after this the long-awaited fertilization does not occur, then it is necessary to undergo additional consultation with a profiled specialist.

How does male disease affect a woman?

man and woman are lying on the bed

Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms. During intercourse, they can penetrate the female body, exerting a negative effect on the microflora, as well as the functioning of internal organs and the reproductive system. As a rule, the acidity of the secret is disrupted, as a result of which it thickens and sperm activity decreases.

Prostatitis and pregnancy are undesirable to combine, as this can be fraught for women with the following negative consequences:

  • inflammation of the bladder and urethra;
  • damage to the uterine mucosa;
  • the formation of film seals that impede the advancement of the egg;
  • general intoxication of the body;
  • inflammatory diseases of the vagina.

In addition, the infection can affect the fetus itself, which creates a greater likelihood of a miscarriage or its incorrect development. It is important to understand that pathogenic microorganisms can be transmitted from one partner to another not only in bacterial, but also non-infectious diseases. Therefore, if a man has prostatitis, the pregnancy of his partner should proceed under the constant supervision of a doctor who, if necessary, will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Is it possible to conceive a child with inflammation of the prostate in men?

man and woman look at the test

So, it was discussed above how the presence of prostatitis in a man affects the pregnancy of his partner, however, is there a chance for a couple to have a baby if the head of the family was diagnosed with this disease? Although the chances are reduced, nevertheless they remain. However, it is important to understand: the longer the inflammation remains without treatment, the less they will be. Therefore, it is critical that you go to the hospital as soon as possible to receive qualified medical care.

At the initial stages, it is very simple to cure prostatitis, but as it progresses, an irreversible transformation of soft tissues occurs. Against this background, men can develop a prostate cyst, which significantly reduces the quality of sperm.

Acute inflammatory lesion of the prostate

The disease, which proceeds in an acute form, affects not only the functioning of the prostate gland, but also the whole organism. If untreated, over time, the man begins to experience severe burning and pain during urination, and over time, his potency worsens, which, in turn, can result in complete sexual impotence.

As scientists were able to establish, acute inflammatory lesion of the prostate has the following effect on reproductive function:

  • pathogens infect male cells that produce sperm;
  • during the inflammatory process, pus formation can occur, due to which the chances of having a baby conceived are reduced by about 20 percent;
  • bacteria secrete toxic substances that inhibit the activity of sperm and kill them;
  • some microorganisms are capable of causing various pathologies, resulting in complete infertility that is not amenable to any treatment;
  • some bacteria cause channel adhesion, which makes ejaculation difficult.

What is the danger of acute or chronic prostatitis (pregnancy of a partner in this condition in a man, as we have already found out, is undesirable)? With both forms of the disease, the normal circulation of the pelvic organs is disturbed and the prostate gland dysfunction develops, which is also one of the factors that lose the ability to reproduce sexually.

Infectious Prostatitis

male doctor

What is he like? The disease caused by harmful bacteria can occur in acute or chronic form. In this case, the man is the carrier of the infection and infects the woman during intercourse. Microorganisms in this case penetrate the reproductive system of the partner through the urethra or through the bloodstream.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis and pregnancy are an undesirable situation, since both partners suffer from the disease in almost 100 percent of cases. In this case, the chances of having a baby remain, but they are negligible. The big problem of infectious inflammation is that there is no pronounced symptomatology of the pathology, so people often do not even know about it.

In modern medicine, there are effective methods of treating this disease, but they are not able to increase the chances of becoming pregnant. But if both partners turn to the hospital on time and undergo a course of therapy, then the chances of a full recovery and subsequent conception of the baby are at a very high level.

Chronic prostatitis

Why is it dangerous? This form of the disease is one of the most common. Despite the prevailing opinion that it is impossible to have a baby with her, nevertheless, chronic prostatitis and pregnancy are compatible.

However, when planning conception, it must be borne in mind that the following complications may arise:

  • the baby can be born with congenital pathologies;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • cessation of fetal development;
  • miscarriage.

It is also worth noting that the expectant mother in this situation very often develops a frozen pregnancy (the prostatitis of the partner is the cause of such a pathology), which poses a great danger to her health and life. In medical practice, there are many cases where childbirth ended in death. Therefore, it is very important to undergo a course of treatment during which unprotected intercourse is prohibited.

If a couple consulted a doctor at an early stage of inflammatory lesion of the prostate, the probability of successful fertilization remains at the level of 70 percent. But here it all depends on the form of the disease.

The classification of prostatitis is as follows:

  • congestive. With it, patients diagnosed with circulatory disorders of the internal organs of the pelvis. It is very difficult to treat, since it is not enough just to stop the inflammatory process. You also need to eliminate the causes that contributed to the development of the disease;
  • stagnant. Another complex type of prostatitis that requires complex therapy. In addition to taking medications, patients are usually prescribed a set of therapeutic physical exercises and massage;
  • culturally. The most terrible form, since stones are formed in the reproductive canals that impede the movement of sperm. At an early stage, the disease can still be defeated with the help of drugs, but if the man went to the hospital late, then the only way out is surgery;
  • focal fibrosis. The combination of this prostatitis and pregnancy is very dangerous, since it causes irreversible mutations of the soft tissues of the gland. Due to the fact that it increases in size, the likelihood of conception of a child is significantly reduced. Focal fibrosis is dangerous because it is almost never possible to completely cure it, so very often a couple does not manage to have a baby.

Each type of prostatitis has its own characteristics and requires complex treatment, which does not always bring the expected result.

At what stage can you start preparing for conception?

A woman needs to plan a pregnancy after prostatitis with her partner only after he has completed the full course of therapy. It is based on the use of antibiotics that adversely affect the microflora, so it will be useful to take probiotics. A complete recovery of the body requires at least one month, but here it all depends on the individual characteristics of each person, as well as at what stage of the disease the person went to the hospital.

To minimize the likelihood of death or miscarriage, it is recommended that you first consult with a specialist. He will perform an examination of both sexual partners, prescribe all the necessary tests and, based on the clinical picture of the patients, will give appropriate recommendations. As practice shows, after about a month and a half it will be possible to try to get pregnant.

What laboratory tests will need to be done?

If a man had prostatitis, a woman's pregnancy requires careful planning. To make sure that there are no complications for the mother and her baby, after a full recovery, the sexual partners should undergo a full examination.

Men are prescribed the following tests:

  • spermogram;
  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • investigation of prostate secretion;
  • Ultrasound

Ultrasound examination is mandatory because it allows you to identify calcification and various pathologies of the genitourinary system. As for women, they will have to suffer more than men, because even in the absence of any diseases they are always prescribed a huge number of tests, and in the case of prostatitis with a partner, their list is expanding significantly.

The main methods of therapy

tablet in hand

So, we have already answered in detail the question of whether prostatitis affects pregnancy, and we also talked about what tests need to be done so that the conception of a child, the bearing of a fetus and childbirth take place normally. But what treatment methods are used for inflammatory lesions of the prostate gland?

In the early stages, the treatment program takes place in the following sequence:

  • pain relief;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • elimination of the reasons that caused the development of the disease;
  • restoration of reproductive ability.

Treatment proceeds with the use of antibiotics and adrenergic blockers, and therapeutic massage is prescribed to increase the effectiveness. If there are no noticeable improvements over a long period, then in this case, doctors have to go for radical methods, namely for surgical intervention. But fortunately, such measures are rarely required, and it all ends with taking the pills.

Possible complications

This issue should be given special attention. If a man has prostatitis, then there is still a chance that a woman can become pregnant from him. But to allow this to happen is extremely undesirable, since in this case there is a high probability of developing many dangerous complications, among which the most dangerous are ectopic pregnancy and fetal arrest. In addition, there is a threat of miscarriage in the later stages of gestation.

Man and woman

The situation may be aggravated if a woman, in addition to the infectious prostatitis acquired from a man, has any fungal diseases. This is due to the fact that after fertilization of the egg and its fixation on the wall of the uterus, immunity decreases so that the fetus is not rejected, so the body simply does not have the strength to fight diseases. Therefore, if it so happened that you became pregnant from a person suffering from inflammation of the prostate, then you should immediately consult a qualified doctor. Despite the possible risks with the timely provision of medical care, there remains a good chance that the child will be normal and born into the world. Always protect your health and future baby! Get ready for pregnancy in advance!

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