When teeth are cut in children: terms, signs, how to help the baby

In the first months of life, each baby smiles at his parents with a gentle, toothless smile. And suddenly, adults find a slight whitish bulge on their gums. This means that the baby's teeth begin to cut. The first one will appear, and in two or three weeks the next one will join it. And already in three years everything will grow up in the crumbs.

When teeth are cut in children, how to understand in advance and what to do in this case, we learn from this article.

About the process

So, a wonderful baby for almost half a year. The period of the newborn has already passed , feeding and the regimen of the day have been established. The toddler is active, getting ready to start crawling. It may seem to mom that now is the time for rest. But ... The period is about to begin when the first milk teeth will be "pecked" in the gums. Unfortunately, this process does not always go smoothly.

How to behave to parents when teeth are cut in a child? What should they do in this situation?

Perhaps this is one of the most discussed topics among mothers. The first teeth of a peanut usually appear at the age of not earlier than six months.

The kid scratches the gum with his finger

Many myths are attributed to this process. One of them says that girls acquire teeth earlier than boys. This is not entirely true. Medical studies have not confirmed this. In addition, infant development, which includes tooth growth, is an exclusively individual process.

Thus, one baby can observe the early development of teeth, and in another case, they will appear only when the child is one year old. Teeth are cut in different children at different times. It is important that in both cases we are not talking about a lag in development. This is considered a variant of the norm.

Since the process of the appearance of milk teeth in babies is often associated with worries and inconveniences, information will help how to understand that a child’s teeth are being cut. And how can this process be facilitated.

When do the first teeth appear?

Many doctors, when asked about when teeth are cut in children, claim that the first milk teeth in infants begin to erupt at the age of six months. Pediatricians today set a range of four to eight months. There is also the opinion of the famous doctor Komarovsky, who claims that it is impossible to establish any dates. And all because one of the two thousand newborns is born with one or even two teeth. And one of two thousand of them may not be up to about a year and three months old. In this case, everything is strictly individual, because many factors influence this:

Cute baby

  1. Features of the course of pregnancy: if the pregnancy was with complications, the terms of teething are postponed.
  2. Delivery term. If the pean was born earlier, then its teeth can erupt later. In this case, it is the biological age of the baby that is taken into account, and not his age according to the testimony.
  3. Genetics. If the parents have little teeth teething from 3-4 months, it is likely that the baby will repeat such a record. Do not worry if the baby is nine months old and has a toothless smile that shines on her face for now, if her parents were the same.
  4. Diseases of the peanut (he can suffer some infectious diseases, because his teeth may appear a bit later), climatic and living conditions, balanced nutrition, etc.

It is impossible to accurately predict exactly when a particular baby will have the first tooth. But how many months do children have their teeth cut on average, as mentioned above - at about six months.

If the first teeth did not grow at the peanut at this age, then do not worry. This is the norm, but on condition that the baby is completely healthy. But if mom is too worried, you can go to the pediatrician's appointment.

How to determine that teeth begin to erupt?

In all infants, the teething of the first teeth is different. Some hold fast. Others are very suffering from pain. It is almost impossible to explain what is causing this difference, but one thing is certain: no newborn has survived the teething process in complete comfort.

How can parents determine the beginning of this process? When a child’s teeth are being cut, the symptoms are often as follows:

  1. The appearance of the first teeth "tell" elevated body temperature. In some children, it can reach 37 - 37.5 ° C, in others it rises to 38.5. As a rule, the temperature rises a day or two before the appearance of the tooth, and disappears after eruption.
  2. The gums swell and blush, itching appears. When these symptoms appear, the baby will often touch his mouth with his hands, try to put his fingers into it, rub his cheeks.
  3. At the little one, salivation increases significantly, he will try to scratch his gums or chew something.
  4. Diarrhea may begin. The appearance of milk teeth is usually accompanied not only by a decrease in appetite, regurgitation and vomiting, but also by diarrhea. The latter is due to intense salivation. The baby swallows saliva, which leads to a thinning of the stool. The result is an increase in the frequency of bowel movements. Despite the fact that the color of the chair is practically unchanged, its consistency becomes quite liquid. After the teeth erupted, the inflammatory processes cease, the appetite is restored.
  5. Teething usually goes upside down with a weakened immune system. The result may be a runny nose or cough. Symptoms that are so characteristic of a cold appear due to the large amount of saliva flowing into the nasopharynx. The neck of the kids is irritated, they feel tickle. If the children have a rare cough, accompanied by a discharge of viscous sputum or saliva, this is the norm. Usually it begins when the baby lies on its back. Discharge from the nose, as a rule, is completely transparent, liquid. When the mucus leaves, the little one starts to squish with his nose when he eats or sleeps.
  6. He can become too excited, will often cry, for no reason, sleep badly, be naughty, sometimes even refuse to eat. Burning in the gums, tension plus increased salivation - this is enough to make the little one worry. During this period, many crumbs become too sensitive to various stimuli, sharply react to loud sounds or light.
    Teething Scheme

According to these symptoms, parents will understand that the time has come "X" and it is necessary to spend much more time with the baby. So the baby will be calmer.

During the period when the child’s teeth are being cut, the symptoms described above will help parents cope with this situation.

What is the teething order?

Probably everyone knows that the first teeth in babies begin to appear in a certain order.

First, the first lower incisors appear. These occur when the peanuts are six to nine months old.

After them, the first upper incisors are cut - at the age of seven to ten months.

The kid scratches the gum with a silicone toy

Next, the side teeth “come out”. These will be the second incisors - upper and lower. The baby is between the ages of nine and twelve months of age.

When a child reaches a year or a year and a half, his upper and lower first molars erupt.

The upper fangs “crawl out” (this will happen in the period of 16–20 months), and after two months the lower ones.

The lower second molars (from 20-33 months) and the upper second molars (in 2 - 3 years) will be the last to be born.

So what time are the teeth cut in children? From this description, it becomes clear that the teeth are completely formed in babies closer to three years. And yet, parents need to understand that these data are averaged, so almost any exception to them can be considered the norm.

What teeth can be cut most painfully in babies?

Even pediatricians will not be able to accurately answer this question, the teething of which teeth will cause the most discomfort to the peanut. And in this case, everything is strictly individual. And there are only two reasonable options:

  • fangs - such teeth are very sharp, they seem to cut the baby’s gums. In addition, the upper fangs (they are also called “eye teeth”) are quite close to the facial nerve;
  • molars - these teeth have the largest surface, due to which their teething can cause pain to the baby.

Now it’s clear how children’s teeth are cut. A photo devoted to this topic, as a rule, displays a scheme according to which the teething of milk teeth occurs.

Teething walks and vaccinations

Many mothers worry whether it is possible to walk with the baby and to vaccinate him at this time.

Even at the time when milk teeth erupt, it is recommended to go for a walk with the baby, because activity and fresh air will have undeniable benefits. True, you should avoid those places where a large crowd of people, so as not to catch the infection.

Also, pediatricians do not consider a period when vaccinating teeth in children to be a contraindication for vaccination. A doctor can provide a challenge to vaccinations only if some other disease that is not associated with this is revealed.

Deviations from the norm

Teeth can appear in babies even at the age of two to three months, which is a consequence of a future mother taking mineral and multivitamin complexes that are rich in calcium during gestation. Influence of fermented dairy products.

Children whose teeth appeared too early should be shown to the dentist more often, because such teeth are more likely than others to develop caries.

Children's toothpaste and first brush

If the teeth of the babies erupt before they turn two months old, this may be evidence that the baby has a disturbed mineral metabolism or hormonal imbalance. In this case, a thorough medical examination is necessary.

So when do children have their teeth cut? Despite the fact that the timing of the appearance of the first teeth in a baby is ambiguous, if at the age of one he has not yet acquired at least one tooth, this is a very real reason for concern. The peanut must be shown to the pediatrician and dentist in order to exclude serious diseases and malformations.

The causes of delayed teething include:

  • prematurity of the baby;
  • adentia (when there are no rudiments of teeth, this is due to a congenital malformation);
  • poor nutrition and improper feeding (later than necessary);
  • rickets and other disorders in mineral metabolism;
  • diseases of bone and cartilage, which are inherited;
  • the presence of endocrine pathology;
  • gastrointestinal diseases, the result of which is a violation of absorption and digestion.

Teething temperature

When a child’s teeth are cut, the temperature in some children rises.

A certain category of mothers is able to write off all the troubles before the age of two - two and a half years "to the teeth." Fever, coughing, sneezing, constipation are considered symptoms of the appearance of deciduous teeth. In this they are wrong. Their misconception can cost a peanut of health. Similar symptoms are in flu, stomatitis, intestinal infections, tonsillitis, herpetic infection, SARS. That is, for everything that can occur in parallel with teething.

The baby’s gums hurt

During this process, babies should not have a fever. If we turn to indicators that are considered to be the norm, then they indicate that when teething baby teeth, temperatures do not exceed 37.5 degrees.

So, the child’s teeth are being cut. The temperature rises slightly - this suggests that there is local inflammation of the gums. If her indicators exceed the mark of 38.5 ° C, and the increase is rapid, and it does not decrease, most likely the child has a disease that is not related to teeth.

Help baby

In such a difficult period when teeth are being cut, how to help a child becomes an urgent issue for parents. Adults need to understand how to relieve pain.

How can you massage your gums when teething the first teeth

The methods are simple, and they have long been known:

  • A teether toy that the baby will gnaw will come in handy. In the pharmacy or children's store there is a large selection of rubber, gel and silicone accessories.
  • The pain syndrome can be removed with a regular gum massage: mom needs to wash her hands well and gently massage the gums of the pean with one finger. Movements must be very careful to avoid injuries.
  • The cold will help relieve pain and itching: in cool water, moisten a soft cotton cloth, place it in the freezer for a few minutes and let the baby chew. You can occasionally cool pacifiers or gel teethers.

Modern "helpers"

Parents often wonder - when a child’s teeth are being cut, what should be anesthetized? Proven methods over the years are complemented by pharmaceuticals. In the pharmacy, you can choose a special gel that lubricates the baby’s gums during pain. The smallest patients are suitable: "Denthol-baby", "Dentinoks", "Baby doctor", "Kamistad" and some others.

It should be noted that such gels do not affect the process of teething. They can only relieve pain due to the menthol and lidocaine that are part of them. During the use of such funds, it is necessary to observe how the baby reacts, because gels can cause allergies. They operate for about a third of an hour. You can apply them a maximum of five times a day and no more than three days.

If the crumbs have severe pain, it is allowed to resort to an anesthetic. But before giving the baby a medicine, you should consult a doctor.

Waiting for the first tooth

To the attention of parents. Due to excessive salivation during teething, the delicate skin of the chin is irritated. You should constantly wipe the saliva and gently lubricate this place with baby cream. It is necessary to take away fragile and small objects: the toddler pulls everything in its mouth that it can reach, because of which it can inhale or swallow the object. The remaining toys must be disinfected.

Of course, the appearance of the first milk teeth is a rather difficult period in the life of each baby and its parents. The main task of mom and dad at this time will be to help the little one so that he survives all the difficulties as calmly and painlessly as possible. All symptoms and signs of teething should be carefully monitored, and as soon as they appear, doubly surround the crumb with care and love.

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