How to collect mercury? Act immediately!

Everyone knows that mercury is a metal, and it’s very harmful. Evaporating, it acts poisonfully on our body, therefore, if the thermometer suddenly slipped out of our hands, or a mercury lamp accidentally crashed, we must act decisively.

Mercury from a crashed thermometer is a silver-white balls that "scatter" on the floor, table or other surface, it is quite difficult to collect them. But it is very important, because their toxic fumes cause irreparable harm to our body.

How to remove mercury? The first thing to do is to remove the broken glass. The remains of a thermometer or mercury lamp must be folded into a glass jar or other closed container so that there is no further evaporation. And in the room it is necessary to carry out demercurization. Such a complex word refers to the usual process for preventing the evaporation of mercury, which can be carried out mechanically or chemically. In the first case, mercury is removed using improvised means. In the chemical method of conducting demercurization, chemicals are used.

But how to collect mercury quickly, with what is at hand? Firstly, it is necessary to protect the place where the thermometer fell and crashed, to prevent anyone, especially children. After all, this “living” metal adheres perfectly to the soles, it can be spread throughout the room. Having secured others, protect yourself. A bandage, a mask, a scarf dipped in water, rubber gloves that every housewife has, if not 100 percent, then at least a little protect you.

Suggest how to collect mercury from a broken thermometer in simple and affordable ways? You can collect mercury balls with a medical syringe or a rubber bulb. Or, using a brush, sweep them, for example, directly into an envelope or onto paper. It is advised to use pieces of clean galvanized sheet to which they stick, as if to a magnet. But the easiest way to use ordinary tape or adhesive tape.

In general, it does not matter how to collect the mercury, by what methods and means. The only thing that everyone should remember is that it is strictly forbidden to take this liquid metal with unprotected hands. You can not use a wet rag or vacuum cleaner for this purpose, because this will only increase its evaporation. Experts advise temporarily placing the collected mercury in a tightly closed jar of cold water, and place it away from heating appliances and direct sunlight.

After you find the last bead of mercury, it is necessary to wash the “affected” surface with a strong solution of potassium permanganate or hot soapy soda solution.

Those who have already encountered such a problem, and know how to collect mercury, argue that it is very good to use sulfur, which is sold in stores. It can be scattered on the surface.

All objects that come into contact with this harmful substance must be treated with concentrated nitric acid, experts advise. But it will be calmer and more reliable a jar of mercury and all objects in contact with it should be returned to a specialized demercurization center.

When deciding how to collect mercury, we must remember that neither a thermometer nor mercury should be thrown into the street or washed into the sewers. And aerating the room in the future, drafts should not be allowed in it.

Prevention will not hurt you either. After you have collected this poisonous metal, drink a glass of warm water with the addition of two to three egg whites. After half an hour, you need to take activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight), and after another half an hour - any laxative. And drink more hot tea to remove toxins from the body faster.

In general, if such a nuisance happened at home, then we must act quickly and decisively. Act yourself. And you can call for help and specialists.

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