The most convenient way to work with data arrays is to present them in a table. For example, the same work shift schedule used as the intersection of a column with a row is nothing more than a database written in the form of a table, and MS Excel is the most convenient program for working with such types of information.
Since its first appearance, Excel’s capabilities have expanded significantly and this “accounting” product has become practically indispensable in any field of activity. It allows you to create accounting documents, waybills, work with large lists and much more.
Work with rows and columns
The capabilities of the rows in Excel go far beyond the usual tables. We write the number 2 in cell A1, 3 in A2, and start the beginning of cell A3 with an equal sign (=), add A1 + A2 and get the mathematical formula. Such calculations can be carried out in an unlimited direction, and it becomes very comfortable to work with lists ending with the line “total”.
If you want to insert a new row or column between existing ones, then just right-click next to the desired field and select "insert" in the menu that appears.
Consider, for example, a table with a list of names, surnames, addresses, and other data of 10 columns and several thousand rows. It will be extremely difficult to move the mouse wheel around it, especially if you need to find a specific last name or a specific address.
Excel features support for basic Windows hotkey combinations.
So, for example, “Ctrl + cursors” move along their axes to the end of the nearest cell of the same type. In other words, the active cell will jump onto several filled neighboring cells and stop in front of the nearest empty cell and vice versa.
The same algorithm works for "Ctrl + Shift + cursors", however, this combination selects the range through which it moves. Shift + Cursors does the same thing, with only one cell increment.
In case the cell is known, you can use the combination Ctrl + G. Enter the desired cell and go to it. And the combination of Ctrl while holding the mouse wheel changes the scale of the table, which is displayed as a slider in the lower right of the program window.
Search and Replace
As an example, let's take the same table with a list of people and try to find “Ivanovs” in it. A simple keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F opens the search mode window.
There are auxiliary operators for searching: asterisk (*) and question mark (?).
Condition Yves * in - will find all words in which two initial and one final letter coincide without taking into account what is between them.
Condition Yves ??? in - will find all words starting with "Yves", followed by any three characters and ending with "in".
For example, when searching for the mentioned Ivanovs, using these parameters in turn, you can easily find all namesakes and check the words for spelling errors.
We switch to the replacement (Ctrl + H), put a checkmark on the register, drive into the search for "will ??? in" and replace with - will ??? in.
The features of Excel Excel sorting have many variations. Here, not only traditional sortings by alphabet, but also by cell color and text color in it. If this is not enough, a filter will come to the rescue, which will leave only suitable data, the rest will be hidden on demand.
So, for example, each column can be sorted in the right direction, while re-sorting the data in neighboring cells.
Drop-down list
There are only two options for how to make a drop-down list in Excel.
In the first case, press Alt + T next to or below the list. You can right-click and find the item: "Select from the drop-down list." The method works only for neighboring cells and existing data.
In the second method, on the “Formulas” tab, find “Name Manager” and create a new list in it, select the necessary cells, assign a convenient name, for example, “List 1”, and save.
Then we go to the “Data” tab, find “Data Validation” and go to the “Parameters” tab, select “List” in the “Data Type” block, and in the “Source” field that appears, specify the previously created list - “= List 1”.
Interest in Excel
There are also two ways to calculate the percentage in Excel, as well as with the lists. Fully manual and automated
As an example, in columns A1 – A9 we enter numbers from 1 to 9, in B1 – B9 - from 9 to 1, in C1 we write the formula: “= A1 / B1”, we find the percent icon on the panel, select C1, click on percent and stretch down to C9. This is an automated calculation.
In D1 we write the formula “= A1 * 100 / B1”, in E1 we write “= A1 * 0.01 / B1” and we stretch it similarly to column C - this is a manual way of counting in both directions. We hope that the Excel features described above have helped you.