Preterm birth at 33 weeks of gestation. Harbingers of childbirth at 33 weeks. The consequences of preterm birth

The birth of a child is an important, responsible and happy moment in the life of every woman. Most of these manipulations occur on the line 37-42 weeks. During this period, the baby is already quite developed and ready to enter a new life. At the birth of a child, neonatologists necessarily evaluate his condition. For this, a specific scale is provided - Apgar. It involves a summary analysis of five criteria, each of which is rated in points from zero to two inclusive. Normally, healthy children have 8 to 10 points. The last figure sounds much less. However, not always everything happens as it would be desirable.

There are cases when a woman begins giving birth at the 32-33th week. It is about this condition that will be discussed later. The article will tell you what are the precursors of childbirth at 33 weeks of gestation. You will learn what to do in a particular case. Also find out what the consequence of the appearance of crumbs at this time.

delivery at 33 weeks of gestation

Childbirth at 33 weeks of gestation

The appearance of a child at 7-8 months is considered premature. Delivery at 33 weeks of gestation can be threatening or initiating. In the first situation, doctors make every effort to maintain pregnancy. For these purposes, the expectant mother is prescribed bed rest, as well as the use of certain medications. Among them, there are surely sedatives (sedatives), drugs aimed at relaxing the muscles of the uterus. In addition, doctors can prescribe additional formulations that improve blood circulation and facilitate the flow of oxygen to the fetus.

If delivery at 33 weeks of pregnancy cannot be stopped, then they are considered to have begun. In such cases, doctors choose the most convenient and safe delivery tactics. This can be a natural process or a cesarean section. It all depends on the condition of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother.

Causes of Preterm Birth

Delivery at 33 weeks of gestation can begin due to the influence of external factors, as well as due to internal pathological processes. Often the social status and lifestyle of the expectant mother lead to the described situation. The reasons for premature birth at the 33rd week of pregnancy are the following situations:

  • the use of alcohol and drugs, the use of certain drugs in the early and late stages;
  • excessive physical activity, sex;
  • hormonal abnormalities, diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • congenital defects of the uterus and its neck;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency or premature opening of the birth canal;
  • infections of the pelvic and urethra, chronic heart and kidney diseases;
  • improper location of the placenta and its detachment;
  • getting injured and the presence of tumors in the uterus.

In fact, there can be many reasons for this unexpected process. In each case, its own factors appear. It is worth noting that if a birth occurred at a period of 33 weeks, then it is necessary to find out their cause. This will help to choose further tactics of behavior with the new mother and her baby. Also, the elimination of the detected factors will guarantee that the situation does not happen again in the future.

preterm birth at 33 weeks gestation

How does it start?

Preterm birth at 33 weeks of gestation rarely begins suddenly. Usually they have their harbingers. In such a situation, they talk about threatening preterm birth. However, if a woman does not seek medical help on time, then the process is gaining momentum and we are already talking about the birth that has begun. The harbingers of this condition may be the same symptoms as with a full-term pregnancy. Let's consider them in detail.

Amniotic fluid discharge

Childbirth at 33 weeks of gestation may begin with the outflow of amniotic fluid. It is worth noting that often this factor is considered not very favorable. After all, finding a baby in a mother’s womb without water for more than six hours leads to unpleasant consequences. That is why often with a premature outflow of water, doctors choose a caesarean section tactic.

The discharge of amniotic fluid usually occurs abruptly. A woman just feels a warm water flowing down her legs. It is worth noting that sometimes this is preceded by physical activity. Also, premature rupture of the membranes can occur due to their infection. Particular attention should be paid to the color of the amniotic fluid. A greenish tint indicates the suffering of the fetus. This only exacerbates the situation. If the waters are clear and clean, then the chances of a favorable outcome of events increase.

delivery at 33 34 weeks of gestation

Painful sensations

What are the signs of premature birth at week 33? First of all, a woman feels pain. It can have different localization. Most often, unpleasant sensations spread in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. However, there are exceptions. When the pain is periodic and cramping, then it can be productive and unproductive contractions. In the first case, the woman is likely to give birth on her own. With unproductive contractions, the pain only exhausts the expectant mother, without bringing any result. In such situations, doctors can use medications to stimulate the opening of the cervical canal.

When painful sensations seize the entire abdomen, and a woman feels weak, we can talk about detachment of the placenta. This is an extremely unpleasant situation that often accompanies childbirth at 33 weeks of gestation. According to doctors, in this case, any delay can cost the life of the mother and her baby. That is why the staff of the maternity ward performs an emergency cesarean section.

Abdominal prolapse and cork discharge

Harbingers that the birth will begin at 32-33 weeks of pregnancy, may be the separation of the mucous plugs, which is often accompanied by prolapse of the abdomen. Usually this process occurs two weeks before the start of labor. Therefore, if you notice the signs described in yourself, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. There is a high probability that your pregnancy can be saved for several more weeks.

The passage of the mucous plug may be one-time or gradual. So, the total volume of mucus is approximately two tablespoons. Abdominal prolapse can be seen in your appearance. Also, the expectant mother will definitely pay attention to the fact that she has become easier to breathe. The gynecologist will find that the height of the bottom of the uterus has become less.

giving birth at 33 weeks gestation reviews

Secretions with blood

Preterm birth at week 33 is often accompanied by bloody discharge. It is worth noting that they can be plentiful or meager. In the first case, we are talking about pathology. Often this can be a uterine rupture, detachment of a child's place or other unpleasant situations.

With scanty spotting, we are most likely talking about damage to the uterine mucosa. This is not as scary as the situations described above. However, medical assistance to the woman in childbirth is also necessary.

Childbirth at week 33: consequences for mom

How dangerous is the current situation for a woman? At this time, the body of the future mother has not yet prepared for the appearance of the baby. The birth of a child for a mother and all her organs comes as a surprise. In this case, the cervix can behave differently.

If the cervical canal opens as it should, then for a woman the birth will be the same as it would happen on time. In the case when the cervix is ​​not yet ready (as often happens during the first birth), doctors are forced to carry out stimulation. However, this manipulation does not always produce an effect. Sometimes doctors are forced to undergo surgery. This leads to the fact that the newly mummy has a scar on the uterus and abdomen, and the recovery process takes a lot of time.

Often have childbirth complications at 33 weeks of gestation. Reviews of doctors report situations when there is a weakness in labor or, on the contrary, a rapid process.

Signs of preterm birth at 33 weeks

Twins at 33 weeks

Often a multiple pregnancy ends earlier than usual. Almost never the expectant mother is unable to inform their children up to 40 weeks. Doctors say an excellent result when the children appear at 36 weeks. A good outcome is also expected with a delivery of 34 weeks.

With multiple pregnancy, a woman after 30 weeks is given certain drugs that contribute to the rapid development of the lungs in babies. That is why childbirth at 33-34 weeks of pregnancy leads to the fact that the children can already breathe on their own. Nevertheless, their body is still very vulnerable and requires certain conditions.

Consequences for the baby during preterm birth

What can result in childbirth at 33-34 weeks of gestation for the baby? At this stage of development, every day or even an hour spent in the womb is important for the baby. That is why doctors are trying so hard to maintain a woman’s pregnancy even for several days.

If the expectant mother will contact the maternity ward in time, then the specialists will have time to administer certain drugs to her before delivery. They will be aimed at supporting the independent work of the organs of the child. The appearance of the baby at 6 months, as well as the birth at 33 weeks, the reviews are quite favorable. Approximately 90 percent of the babies that appeared at this stage of development, not only survive, they can breathe on their own. Some children still require intensive care. Many of them feed for some time through the probe.

Thermoregulation of premature babies has not yet been established. Any subcooling or overheating can lead to unpleasant consequences. That is why it is so important to help the baby in time. Doctors put babies in special couves. There, for children, all conditions are provided: the right temperature is maintained, it is possible to receive food and necessary medicines. In the absence of congenital pathologies, the children may already be next to their mother in 2-4 weeks.

Often premature babies are deprived of natural nutrition. At that time, while the babies are under the supervision of physicians, breast-milk simply disappears from the woman in labor. To prevent this from happening, you must consult a breastfeeding consultant immediately after childbirth. The specialist will tell you when and how to express the milk correctly, so that subsequently it is possible to feed the baby yourself. After all, it is this food that will allow crumbs to quickly adapt to the environment.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the premature birth of boys. If your son was born at a period of 33 weeks, then his testicles, most likely, have not yet descended into the scrotum. There is nothing terrifying about this. Do not panic. Usually a month or two after proper care, the reproductive organs of the baby take their usual position. However, there are exceptions. Be sure to consult a surgeon so that the doctor takes your situation under his own control. If necessary, surgery may be necessary after some time.

birth twins at 33 weeks

Home birth: the opinions of doctors

Many women have recently preferred giving birth at home. Such representatives of the weaker sex believe that native walls facilitate this process. Future mothers order individual midwives or do everything on their own.

Most experts are ardent opponents of such a scheme. They argue that the delivery process should take place exclusively in specialized institutions. If we talk about premature birth, then doctors here do call such an act infanticide. After all, not all kids at this stage of development can survive on their own. Many children need urgent medical attention. Otherwise, the baby may simply die. Yes, and mom needs an examination by a qualified doctor.

33 weeks delivery

Conclusion of the article

You learned about how the birth takes place at 33 weeks of gestation. If you have the precursors and signs described above in the last trimester, then you should get to the doctor as soon as possible. Perhaps there is still a chance to extend your condition and not separate your mother from your baby. Doctors will certainly do everything possible to keep the baby in the womb for at least a few days.

If you are faced with the fact that preterm birth has already begun, do not despair. Be sure to follow all the doctor's recommendations. Be patient, you will need it. You may not receive the baby right away. When the baby is under medical supervision, it is even better. Think about the pleasant and try to maintain lactation for your baby. Health to you and the newborn!

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