What is the tone of the uterus in the third trimester

Pregnancy is a wonderful period in the life of every woman, and nothing can overshadow him: neither morning nausea, nor constant fatigue, nor frequent change of mood. But not always everything is as smooth as we would like. There are cases when the uterus comes in tone, which is a danger to the expectant mother and fetus. About what it is and how it is treated, let's talk further.

uterine tone in the third trimester

What is the tone during pregnancy, and what to do?

Each medical publication that covers issues related to pregnancy and motherhood, to some extent raises the question of what the uterus means in tone, and how to deal with it. Probably, even those who do not expect a baby know what it is. And all because the consequences of uterine tone can be miscarriage, miscarriage, miscarriage, late or, conversely, early childbirth. In general, everything that women, their relatives and doctors who monitor the course of pregnancy are so afraid of.

How can I determine if the uterus is in good shape?

As a rule, a woman feels it herself. This condition is especially felt if the tone of the uterus is in the third trimester. He has such manifestations as pulling pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, just like before the onset of menstruation. In this case, the pain may be cramping or the uterus becomes hard, like a stone.

what is the tone during pregnancy

During the examination of the abdomen and vaginal examination, the tone of the uterus in the third trimester is determined very simply. Ultrasound also determines reduced muscle fibers. There is also a special apparatus that helps measure the strength of the myometrial contraction during pregnancy, although it is not very popular: the symptoms of the condition are already noticeable.

What to do if there is a tone of the uterus in the third trimester?

If similar symptoms manifested themselves during pregnancy, then you can take an antispasmodic, for example, no-shpu. If the signs of this condition still recur, then you should definitely see a doctor. The doctor will prescribe treatment, and if necessary, put it on preservation.

If there is uterine hypertonicity in the third trimester, it is very important to establish a normal mode of work and rest, sleep well, spend a lot of time in the fresh air, and also move. If outpatient treatment does not help, the woman will be admitted to the hospital for conservation. There, under the constant supervision of a doctor, the causes of hypertonus will be deeply studied, and then eliminated. If the level of progesterone is very

what does the uterus in tone

low, then it is taken in tablets. If there are many androgens, then antagonists are introduced. In this case, a woman is absolutely important every day, which prolongs pregnancy.

A child who has reached 28 weeks of age is considered to be formed. After this period, survival is most often, but this does not mean that such a baby will be completely healthy. Growing up to a certain point and weight is best for him in the mother's body, and not in an incubator.

Prevention of uterine tone

If we talk about the prevention of this condition, then here you can list all the measures that involve rest, rest and a healthy lifestyle, as well as the timely detection of hormonal disorders, inflammatory diseases of the genital area and various infections. In order to prevent the appearance of uterine tone, it is very important to adhere to all the doctor’s recommendations when pregnancy has already begun, including medication, diet and regimen.

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