How to find out the gender of the unborn child

The most important goal of any family is the birth of a new life. Many do not care who they will be born to, and some necessarily want to know in advance the sex of the unborn child. There are, of course, a lot of ways, and it is precisely about them that will be discussed in this article.

You can plan ahead who you want using a well-known Chinese table. This requires only a month of conception and the age of the mother at that time. Of course, one cannot say one hundred percent that the calculations will be correct, however, in most cases, the table did not fail.

Another way to calculate a child’s gender is ovulation. This is the time period when conception occurs and the egg matures. Everyone else from school should be aware that the sex of the child depends in many ways not on the mother, but on the future father and the dominant type of sperm. If this is type X, then you should expect a girl, and in the case of Y, wait for the heir. How to find out the sex of the future baby by ovulation? Very simple. It is necessary to approximately determine the day of conception and the period of ovulation in the future mother. According to scientists, Y-sperm cells are much more active and more mobile than X-sperm cells, but they live less than the second ones, which can last up to 2-3 days. And in this case, if sexual intercourse was 2-3 days before ovulation, wait for the girl.

The next way to determine the sex of the future child is the blood of parents. You should know that human blood is updated on average every 3-4 years. And, according to statistics, a child is born of the same sex as the parent, who has younger blood.

If you are already pregnant and just want to know the gender of the unborn baby, then there are several more ways. The most popular of these is ultrasound. But in this case, you need to be at least the fourth month of pregnancy. By the way, and there were cases when the technique was wrong. Before the very birth, the women were told that they would have a girl, and a boy was born.

The chorionic biopsy method is the most accurate. But it is quite painful and at the same time completely unsafe for the child. You should resort to it in the most extreme case, for example, if, in addition to sex, you also need to find out if the baby suffers from any hereditary diseases - deafness, blindness, hemophilia, muscle dystrophy , etc.

A dopplerographic study will also help determine whether the fetus has pathologies, and at the same time help parents accurately know the sex of the unborn child.

Using completely new technologies related to the DNA of the mother’s blood, scientists can calculate whether to wait for a girl or boy already at 7 weeks of gestation. It is completely safe for both mom and baby. The method is quite expensive financially, so not everyone can resort to it.

There are folk signs of how to find out the gender of the unborn child. For example, everyone knows the recognition of a girl or a boy by the shape of her mother’s belly. If it is round, but at the same time wide, wait for the girl. And if the islet and bulging - a boy. Those mothers who have a baby, usually drawn to meat and salty, and mothers of future babies prefer sweets and fruits.

It should be noted that in any situation, in any examination or calculations, no one will ever be able to find out the sex of the unborn child one hundred percent. Therefore, if this is your first baby, then it is worth buying clothes not pink or blue, but yellow, purple, red, orange or white.

In any case, when the baby is born, then he or she will be given a lot of things in pinkish or blue tones. In addition, maybe the next child you will have a different gender and will not be able to wear the same clothes that the older ones wore. Children grow up so fast that their outfits hardly wear out, it is a pity to throw them away or give them to someone.

It does not matter what gender the unborn child will be, because after his birth, after a few days, you will not even be able to imagine that someone else could have been born in his place.

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