The issue of information storage has changed with the advent of databases, with the advent of cloud ideas it has changed, but ultimately the developer has at his disposal a fully functional database and stores information as it seems to him right, or as required by the project.
MySQL has a well-deserved reputation. This is a simple, effective and reliable information management system using the traditional SQL language. In the right hands, MySQL is a relational idea of storing and processing information in the widest possible range of services that have historically developed. They reflect practicality and represent the functionality of a modern database.
MySQL ranking and place
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MySQL - , MySQL - .
, , MySQL. .
-, MySQL , () .
PHP/MySQL. - .
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«localhost» «sci_exchange_base» «sci_iN_WMiX» «POi17DO». « » scCreateTables().
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PHP/MySQL - . - . MySQL - , .
, , MySQL query.
. , MySQL query, PHP .
(1) - , (2) - . , MySQL manual, .
MySQL query , .
iLineSel() - . , , , , .
MySQL - :
, «» query MySQL .
iLineSel(), iLineIns(), iLineDel(), iLineUpd() , , . . query .
. , , PHP MySQL, .
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, , . , , . , , .
. - , PHP/MySQL, , . , , , .
In the simplest case, a modern table is a row or a row system, the length does not matter here, it can be emulated at the database table level. But the use of objects allows you to emulate the necessary properties of the data and abstract from the rigid structure, relational ideas, tables and the usual strict syntax for working with data.