Blood in a cat’s urine: treatment and prevention

Many of us keep cats as our favorite pets. We always worry when they start to hurt. Often we just don’t know how to behave in various situations. One of the most common phenomena is blood in a cat’s urine.

blood in a cat’s urine

Possible reasons

To begin with, it is important to note that urine is considered normal, which does not have a pungent smell, color, and transparent. If something is wrong, then this indicates a cat 's disease. Blood in the urine may be due to urolithiasis or cystitis. Both of these diseases must be treated immediately. However, first of all, you should go for a consultation with a doctor. He will make the necessary tests and make a diagnosis. Next, treatment with immunostimulants, diuretics and antibiotics will be prescribed.


blood in urine treatment

This pathology is considered one of the most common. It should be noted that sand and stones are not formed in the kidneys, but in the bladder. Moreover, in cats such a disease is much more common than in cats. Usually, animals aged 2-6 years begin to get sick.

Here you can trace the formation of stones of two types: struvites and oxalates. Features of urolithiasis in cats are slightly different, unlike dogs or humans. The cause of struvite can be called improper feeding. Feed should not have much phosphorus and magnesium. Also, the acidity of urine changes during this disease. Many people mistakenly believe that cats should be fed fish. And such food contributes to the development of urolithiasis, after which the cat goes to the toilet with blood.

Obesity is also a serious risk factor. Some are sure that dry food contributes to this disease. However, it is not. Many feeds were created specifically for the preventive purpose of such a pathology and contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The main thing is to provide the animal with the right amount of water. As a result of the use of poor-quality food, its components can become acidic in the urine, and in older cats, oxalates precipitate. Fortunately, this phenomenon is not considered too common.

cat disease blood in urine

Clinical signs of the disease

Blood in the urine of a cat is not the only symptom of such a pathology. The animal often begins to go to the toilet and at the same time experiences obvious discomfort. Such a disease is extremely dangerous, because grains of sand are converted into a cork, which prevents urine from freely leaving the bladder. In order to make sure how full the bladder is, you can just feel it. Normally, it should not exceed the size of a walnut.

If it is larger, then you should immediately go to the veterinary clinic. This condition is very dangerous for the life of the animal. It begins to feel very bad. Due to the fact that the bladder is too distended, its blood vessels begin to burst, urine is in the blood, resulting in severe intoxication of the body. The cat stops drinking and eating, almost does not move, and after it begins to feel sick, the muscles cramp, and trembling appears. That is why, as soon as blood is detected in the urine, treatment should be started immediately. So you can have time to completely cure the animal from an evil ailment. And if you do nothing for a long time, then the pet will die very soon.

the cat goes to the toilet with blood

Blood from a pregnant or pregnant cat

Particular care should be taken with a pregnant animal. If there is blood in the urine of a cat that is expecting offspring, this should seriously alert its owners. Until her birth, she should not have any such secretions. If something similar happened at any stage of pregnancy, the animal should be immediately shown to the veterinarian. The specialist should first of all examine the patient and make him an ultrasound. This examination will help determine the condition of the fruits.

In order to stop the bleeding, the doctor must inject a hemostatic drug. It can be a means of "Vikasol" or "Dicinon." It should be noted that cats are quite unusual creatures. Even if after 1.5 months of pregnancy they lose one kitten, they are able to bear and give birth to those who remain absolutely healthy. Therefore, having found blood in the urine of a cat, one should not immediately panic. You just need to show the animal to a specialist. After birth, the uterus bleeds for about two weeks. This phenomenon is considered absolutely normal. The main thing is to change the litter of the woman in labor on time and to prevent secretions that have an unpleasant smell.

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