Infectious rhinotracheitis of cats: symptoms, causes and treatment features

We are used to the fact that domestic cats not only delight us every day, but also treat them if necessary, applying their soft tummy to our sore spots. This is not always the case. Antennae are also susceptible to disease. And only human care and proper treatment can help them.

Cats Infectious Rhinotracheitis

Infectious rhinotracheitis in domestic cats

Many people think that the cats are treated themselves, and that they are sick, there is nothing to worry about, and they do not pay attention to the alarming symptoms of the spreading infection. She slowly becomes chronic, leaving behind a bunch of complications. Such a serious disease in cats is rhinotracheitis of an infectious viral nature.

Treatment of rhinotracheitis in cats at home

Origin of the disease

Such a nuisance happens in feline, regardless of gender, quality of care, breed and age. Most of all, little fluffies are susceptible to infection at the age of two months to a year, but adult cats are not immune from it.

Infectious rhinotracheitis in cats is caused by the feline herpes virus. The virus is terrified by the fact that it penetrates into healthy cells, penetrates into their DNA and can live there for more than one year, manifesting itself at the moment when the organism of the antennae is weakened and can not resist infection:

  • after recently suffered other diseases;
  • after surgery, including castration and sterilization;
  • after pregnancy;
  • after stress.

For the first two months, babies are well protected by the antibodies they get from their mother’s milk, so they have nothing to fear.

The feline herpes virus is very dangerous and viable, it is not immediately killed even with disinfectant solutions, it will take about half an hour. Infection feels good even in the external environment, only direct sunlight can destroy it, and even then after two days. In this case, feline mortality is at most about 20% of the total number of cases.

Infectious rhinotracheitis of cats (RTI) is, fortunately, a disease of a specific type and does not apply to other representatives of the animal world and humans.

Infection spread

IRT is very insidious, and the virus that causes it is extremely volatile. An infected animal can spread the virus:

  • with urine;
  • with sperm;
  • with squirrels;
  • with saliva;
  • with feces.

The infection remains even on the coat.

Infectious rhinotracheitis of cats is widespread, right up to the epidemic, in spring, winter and in the fall months, when the temperature, cold and dampness are comfortable for virus propagation. Infection occurs lightning fast in places with a large concentration of pussies. It can be cat shelters, all kinds of exhibitions and nurseries. What can we say about the homeless whiskers that mate uncontrollably, spend the night in the basements and are not at all protected from the raging infections. The nutrition of the cat is important. If it is balanced, sufficient, with the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals, the risk of getting sick in such an animal is reduced, because its immune system is most likely in order.

A herpetic virus that causes an RTI in cats is transmitted by:

  • use of a common berth;
  • direct contact of the sick and healthy animals;
  • visiting the shared toilet;
  • use of some hygiene items;
  • through food;
  • when mating;
  • through a person, if he had previously communicated with an infected cat;
  • through street shoes.

rhinotracheitis in cats is viral infectious

Targets of infection

Infectious rhinotracheitis in cats primarily affects the respiratory tract, the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes. The complicated course of the disease is accompanied by severe cough, shortness of breath, the release of mucus and pus from the nose and mouth, severe swelling of the nasal mucosa, death of the epithelium, the formation of necrotic areas, inflammation and clouding of the cornea of ​​the eyes. And pneumonia, as a consequence of an advanced disease, is often the cause of death.

The consequences of infectious rhinotracheitis in pregnant cats

Pregnant cats are at high risk for infectious rhinotracheitis. If an infection has occurred, the virus freely enters the bloodstream of the animal, affects the uterus, and through the placenta enters the bloodstream of the fetus, affecting the brain, disrupting normal development processes, which leads to the death of unborn kittens and premature birth, that is, to an abortion. If the little whiskers are born in a cat infected with a herpes infection, they are either not viable or have a number of congenital malformations and cannot fully exist.

The same thing happens when a cat becomes infected with an RTI during lactation. Through breast milk, the antigen passes freely into the body of kittens, they become infected.

medical history Infectious rhinotracheitis in a cat

Symptoms and course of the disease

Rhinotracheitis in cats, the symptoms and treatment of which will be discussed below, proceeds in three main forms:

  1. Sharp.
  2. Subacute.
  3. Chronic

In acute symptoms, the following:

  • the temperature jumps sharply;
  • dry and hot nose;
  • eyes are watery;
  • photophobia;
  • lethargy and apathy;
  • partial or absolute refusal of food;
  • first transparent, then purulent nasal squirrel;
  • coughing;
  • dyspnea;
  • the nature of the gait changes due to aches in the limbs;
  • labored breathing;
  • sores in the oral cavity;
  • necrotic (dying) patches appear on the nose;
  • vomiting of mucus from the respiratory tract;
  • the cornea of ​​the eyes becomes cloudy;
  • conjunctivitis develops.

After the virus enters the cat's body, from the appearance of the first symptoms, it takes from three days to a week. If treatment of infectious rhinotracheitis of cats is not immediately started, severe pneumonia develops against the background of such an acute infection, the digestive organs are affected, and the cornea of ​​the eyes is destroyed in kittens, which can lead to complete loss of vision.

The subacute form is mild, provided that the pet receives a daily balanced diet, is very active and has strong immunity. In this case, fluffy produces small amounts of discharge from the eyes and nose, it sneezes and becomes lethargic. If you immediately take measures, the cat will recover in about a week without consequences.

The chronic form of infection is more dangerous than it actually seems. The owner may not pay attention to the fact that his pet sometimes sneezes, coughs, transparent squirts appear from the nose, and conjunctivitis disturbs the eyes. All this passes over time, and then returns again. As a result, a neglected disease can lead to feline blood cancer and viral immunodeficiency. These diseases are very likely to lead to death.

infectious rhinotracheitis cat treatment regimen


Having carefully examined the animal, having studied the necessary tests and having restored the full clinical picture, the veterinarian prescribes a treatment regimen for cats with infectious rhinotracheitis.

  1. Antiviral drugs of a wide spectrum of action are primarily prescribed. For example, Famciclovir. It is administered to the animal orally. It should be borne in mind that the pet can spit out the medicine - they do not like the bitter taste. Therefore, it is best to use a small 2 ml syringe without a needle.
  2. If necessary, prescribe cardiac, mucolytic and antiemetic drugs.
  3. The nasal cavity must be treated with antiseptic drugs, such as a solution of "Furacilin" or "Iodinol."
  4. For inflammation of the conjunctiva of the membrane of the cornea of ​​the eye (keratitis), drops of Zidofovir, Trifluridine or Decta-2 are used in the eyes.
  5. If the pet refuses food completely, you can enter the drug Ringer-Locke intramuscularly or intravenously.
  6. Mandatory introduction of Gamavit vitamins intramuscularly.
  7. With a disease complicated by bacterial infections, antibiotics are prescribed intramuscularly. The most suitable of them is prescribed only by a veterinarian.
  8. After a course of antibiotics, probiotic therapy, such as Linex, is indicated.

rhinotracheitis in cats Symptoms and treatment

Immunomodulators for herpetic infection in cats

Immunomodulators, or rather immunostimulants, are used in the treatment of rhinotracheitis in cats of a viral infectious nature. These are specific immunoglobulins that are administered intramuscularly to stimulate the animal’s immune system to produce antibodies and help fight viruses. Such drugs include Vitafel, Maksidin, Cycloferon, Immunofan.

The course of therapy lasts about a week and is repeated if necessary. In general, the prognosis of the outcome of the disease is favorable. Unfortunately, the high mortality rate for cats with rhinotracheitis complicated by severe pneumonia or stomatitis with ulcers.


When treating rhinotracheitis in cats at home, pets are shown a diet. This is a balanced, easily digestible food. For the duration of the disease, all vegetable and cereal dishes are excluded: they are difficult to digest. Food should be as fluid as possible. These are meat and fish broths, eggs, semolina, dairy products, meat and fish in crushed form. If before this, the mustache used only ready-made food, it means that canned food is heated and crushed, and dry granules are softened in water.

Sick Pet Care

It should be remembered that the treatment of rhinotracheitis in cats at home involves care and good care. What is needed for this?

  • Avoid drafts.
  • Isolate from other whiskers.
  • Feed strictly on a diet.
  • Provide a warm cozy corner for the animal.

Rhinotracheitis in cats: causes of the disease


In order to prevent, in order to exclude the causes of rhinotracheitis in cats, the following measures are shown:

  1. Disinfection of all surfaces and household items with 2% formalin solution.
  2. Exclude pet contacts with stray animals.
  3. Do not expose the animal to stress and hypothermia.
  4. Timely vaccinate with "Multifel". As soon as the kitten is 2 months old, do 3 vaccinations with an interval of three weeks. After a year, revaccination is carried out annually. They do this only to healthy pets, after having previously performed helminthization with Polyvercan or Febtal.

A cat's history of infectious rhinotracheitis suggests that it is a dangerous viral disease, but it can be cured if measures are taken in time and the disease is not triggered. It should be remembered that immunity is produced in an animal for no more than three months, and the pet carrier is at least 10 weeks old when recovering.

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